Is time travel possible? How could we go about doing it?

Is time travel possible? How could we go about doing it?

freeze yourself
travel into teh future

>Travel at the speed of light
>enter the future younger than you would have naturally been
You wouldn't be the same age you were when you started, and you wouldn't be able to go back in time. Also, making a device that can travel that fast is impossible with modern understanding of stem.

Time travel is not possible our atoms our bound to this fabric of time space.
However data can.

getting quads in a shit thread

sad frog is sad

Perhaps we can send data back and forth perhaps it's been occurring for a long time now

Perhaps this data transfer happen all the time and since the human have develop conscience.... Think of dreams and premonitions

I dont see the possibility of data, like data stored on a hard drive, as being able to go back in time. But, maybe "intangible" data, such as an idea, maybe could?

could we ever build a ship that travels even near the speed of light?

>Going back in time by travelling the speed of light

Perhaps we have been experimenting with data transfer synthetically and better organized... Have you came a cross a corrupt file before???

>protip: you just did.

Yes ideas converted on binary and and recreated as pulses... Gravitational pulses

we all are traveling through time right now. pilots and people orbiting the earth a little slower than us stuck here on the surface

Easy just fly a space ship into a black hole then use gravity and love to travel through time space.

Explain, how would that process exactly transpire?


The day when we can harness the power of the graviton we will be able to call time traveler if you are been carry by a rising tide that does not make you a sailor..

>implying Interstellar isn't just a movie sent from the future to warn us

What if we are all Murphy and its just some inception bullshit

I'd travel back in time to the date and place that inspired pic there see what really when down

It will start on a quantum level of physics
First we need to study the gravity particle (yet to be discover) the elusive graviton.. Then we need to detriment if this events happen naturally


And yes they do happen naturally but our human senses are not able to detect them. And happen all the time all over the universe this events are all one all the same.... Imagine a rock falling into the deeps of the ocea... The ocean does not split it just assimilate such a event

Leonardo davinci was a time traveler. look into it folks.

Because our stuff is made of matter, it's rather impossible to harness the power of the graviton... However we can extrapolate were will such event might occur. Because this event happen all the time but we can not detect them such event can be happening right now in front of you but your eyes have not evolve to see it...

>we need to detriment

English, nigger. Do you speak it?

Perhaps such event distorts are brain electromagnetic pulses on the very core of our neurons.. Dejavu...dreams are a by product of such an events

At least you are reading... It a way I left it like poison inside biscuit what ever it takes to deliver this data into another receptacle... Carry on
People claim that ufo are beings from another planet I prefer to call them time travelers they rarely interact but they do observe

Sometime ideas are planted for the right person to received a seed growing inside the brain waiting to grow and yields fruits....

The ominichornos....
The Mathew 7 7 device
Time Revel

They have been given many names a long the eons humans have walk and roam this planet its are nature to wonder the flow of time to worship it to a degree

Time is a man-made concept. We all just is, not are.

The clues and data have been here all along but yet we can not seem to comprehend how it works

Time is indeed an illusion but it get s more bizzare once we step into the pinacle of the unknown

why did i laugh so

Maybe if we created a bomb so powerful, it destroyed the fabric of existence in our entire part of the galaxy, we would find ourselves back in another time. But doesn't time travel remove the old future as well?
Maybe to travel forward, we just need to seal some part of this world up so tight, nothing can reach it. But isn't that the very essence of prophesy?

this is only partly the truth.
the whole picture is as follows:
while we surely all are as one, i.e. "we"/"I" am, I separates into individuals when inner movement is considered. the inner movement follows principles and the question is if we, as individuals, can use the principles in such a way that a certain, chosen individual can witness a state of motion that is prior to the one where the travel started. and the answer is yes... you would need an imaginary mass, or negative mass squared, i.e. you would need tachyonic devices afaik

I like to think of my universe as being randomly generated and that everything and anything that happens just does. And that all things before me are just part of some huge lore or some shit that the universe is trying to place upon me.
Basically, nothing is really real, there is no free will, and everything/anything is predetermined to happen except I don't know what said thInga are so everything is random