Why can't people just accept that she's the next president?

Why can't people just accept that she's the next president?
Why do people pretend that some stupid emails matter?
Why do people still pretend that Benghazi was her fault when multiple republican led investagations found that it wasn't?

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Because some people are loud babies.




Trump will win in a landslide.


hurr durr enforcing immigration laws is racist!

hurr durr we should let muslims in, because that shit's working for Europe so well, in fact that there are muslim ghettos which police are SCARED to enter.



Because she's a corrupt cunt with history of massive failure. Sadly, Trump is worse and USA's election system is so stupidly done that only a bloody revolution after the land becomes a wastelend where people eat other people and piss on their corpses will help.

Yeah, he will "win" under a landslide.

Why do people like Trump?

What's so likeable about him?

Also, are there actually any black or latino people on Sup Forums who actually support Trump?

Can you explain with some actual logic as to why you think Trump should be president?

Whats the point of being Queen Clinton when your got the Overlord Trump!!!!!

People like Trump because they think "he's one of them." aka a retard, which he is

Any GOOD answers?


I can't take this faggot anymore.

I hate him. I simply hate him.

The government should have a program that prevents people like him from entering a presidential race. Like a basic IQ test and a basic understand of departments and international law.

The last thing we need is another Clinton as president


We did best under Clinton in the past quarter century.

We were the most prosperous.

Benghazi ... she blamed the attack on a fucking youtube video for christ sake

He never said anything about racism. Just like a Trump dick rider to put words in someone's mouth

because facts don't make sense to conservicucks



Mahmoud and his sandniggers did get mad over a video dumbass. they went apeshit over it


I agree


I simply don't understand this.

How can conservatists minds be so fucked up?

Why do you dumb assholes think it'll make any difference which candidate gets picked?

Besides Bush Jr. who fucked us over in Iraq, presidents won't change much for your faily routines. Meanwhile, you completely ignore that congress fucks you all over much, much more but you bitch about presidents because it's easier for you idiots to squabble over.

You fucking retard.



Grow a fucking brain you goddamned knuckledragging imbecile!


I read up on some of the Benghazi attack.

How in the fuck is it Hillary's fault that some assholes go and bomb and embassy?

Like, how is that Hillary Clinton's fault?

tldr; She's a typical career politician and no one trusts her.

She has no actual stances or beliefs, she parrots whatever buzzwords are popular in the moment and has switched sides back and forth on many issues throughout her career.

> Durr hurr then how did she rise this far / become this successful

Because her lack of morals makes her a choice figurehead for any number of very powerful people and organizations. Follow the money. Who is lobbying and why? Who is shilling and given constant media exposure?

Bush isn't a Jr.
the candidate matters very much. all of congress is controlled majority by republicans. at least a Democrat for president can veto all the stupid shit they think are good laws

She is a liar, just like her husband was before her. I'd rather have a racist, truthful president than a lying one.

rabble rabble Captain Hindsight.


not voting for that douche either

Trump is an even bigger liar though.

oh, my bad. still doesn't change the fact that you're a cuck, cuck

Hillary will just make America burn faster, im all for the psycho cunt winning


>I'd rather have a racist president than a lying one

Because she makes Republican subhuman retards cry and go poopie in their pants.

Number of embassies attacked under Bush: 60
Number of fatalities at attacked embassies under Bush: 32

Fucks given by trash in GOP: 0

(Pic slightly related)

>Why can't people just accept that she's the next president?
She won't.
>Why do people pretend that some stupid emails matter?
FBI director James Comey said "grossly negligent" with her security practices. That is the exact category of what is necessary for a federal indictment on mishandling classified info. So, she leaked classified information and then lied directly on camera. FBI did not "recommend" pressing charges, because she is protected by those who benefit from her being around. The excuse was. "lack of intent." which has never been a valid defense in any court of law.
The point about the e-mails is that she ran those private servers with over 60,000 e-mails (she deleted 30,000 before the investigation) was the Clinton Foundation. She and Bill charge speaking fees in the six figures, and there is almost certainly corruption. Her private servers could not be subject to Freedom of Information requests, which is the purpose. She is literally the most corrupt person in politics.
>Why do people still pretend that Benghazi was her fault when multiple republican led investagations found that it wasn't?
Why don't you ask the people who were the "heroes" of Benghazi, those who lived and fought off hundreds of attackers? Two support Trump, and all agree that Clinton and the administration denied support on three separate occasions. She also denied multiple earlier requests to increase the security on the embassy.

Did you know that with huge fortune also comes huge debt? These things both grow for rich people.

look at the retard, everyone

because she is not what we need right now...

bankruptcies don't usually come with well run companies...

Republican here, Bush is trash, never voted for him. I'm voting for Trump in the coming election because I prefer honest hubris and real problem solving to a corrupt mess. If Clinton wins, her foreign policy is basically Bush 2.0, and you get the benefits of a shit-liberal president like Obama and the neocon foreign policy. What a double-whammy.

Yeah let's believe a meme. I want works cited before you come at me with that weak shit.

Great argument mate! If you can't manage to counter his points with your own arguments, then you are the real retard.

I appreciate Trump but don't support him. I like that he's not politically correct and very obviously not out to get everyone to like him - that alone earns more trust than you would give a politician.

His policies are pretty dumb, though. The whole wall thing? I thought "the wall" was a metaphor for changing policies and laws so that our programs can't be abused by those who aren't citizens.

But no, he literally means a wall, like a pile of bricks. Good jawwwwb good jawb Americlaps.


>4 out of 114 businesses used bankruptcy laws to their advantage
>he has never declared personal bankruptcy and is quite wealthy, no debt

You do know that the average startup has a 50% success rate, right? He's incredibly good at business.

We've had corrupt presidents before, but I don't think there's ever been a candidate where we know beforehand that they are corrupt, and people still vote for them anyway. I understand that for most people, politics is just a team sport and every 4 years you get to cheer on your team, but this is pretty fucking serious right now.

Obama was a good president, that's why I'm voting for Hillary

I'm particularly in favor of Trump, but he is pragmatic as hell. He's one of the few people I actually believe when it comes to enforcing their plans.
Some are retarded like the wall and registering every muslim, he can't ever get those through Congress and he only does it to gather votes.
Others are actually really good, like working WITH Russia in Syria to put a quick end to an unnecessary war that's already taking 2 years too long.

Trump is not the president the USA needs imo, but I'm certain he will do more good than Hilary. If only so he can say he was a good president on his resume.

Very logical counter point, not OP but I'm sure they won't waste their time.

>implying every single business venture in any location has to work, and if it doesn't, blame the owner.

your logic is horseshit, you know that? also, typically hillary supporter defense! over 600 companies, 6 bankruptcies, still a billionaire.

you're pissing in the wind.

>Also, are there actually any black or latino people on Sup Forums who actually support Trump?

Can you explain with some actual logic as to why you think Trump should be president?

asking these questions alone shows the lack of intelligence.

average startups also don't have daddy giving them a million bucks
are you this stupid?


trump never said he wants saudi arabia to have nukes. lol.

What has he done before citing government statistics? I want third party sources because he's just been writing down what feels right and looks right.

>What is a loan?
also, when a man takes a million and makes billions, that's past the point of "daddy's money"

How do you know he is a billionaire?

you don't know jack shit about history



And do you really need something on the Charlie Hebdo shooting? It's the exact same fucking thing. COME ON. A goddamned toddler can put the pieces of the puzzle together from this point.

Is Tumblr down? Cry me a river, he took that and multiplied it.

> "phony"
> fbi director says himself "extremely careless", says she broke the law
>"no reasonable prosecutor will bring a case"

But he said himself she broke the law, and that they had the evidence... hmmm...... how are people so blind not to see the corruption?

>Trumps wife
Her thick accent shows you that he just found her as an exotic woman. She can't even write her own speeches. She's just some young bimbo he found. She married him because he has money. It's so blatantly obvious.

>Building a wall
It's plain and simple. He's fucking racist. He employed illegal Mexicans at his casino to save money, and the fucking business still went bankrupt. Which brings me to my next point.

>He bankrupted everything he has come in contact with.
Aside form the fact that his university is a scam. The money he has was given to him by his dad. He talked about a "small million dollar loan by his dad." Who the fuck gets a SMALL 1 MILLION DOLLAR LOAN? And as Elizabeth Warren said on twitter. Trump could have put the money into a trust and ended up with more money than he has now.

I'd post more, but I hate wasting my time on buffoons.

fresh off the presses

also this is a shill thread, obviously

>uneducated hillary supporter nigger

before long I think Sup Forums will be talking like this

Cuck hey cuck guys cuck how cuck are cuck you cuck?

2016 Sup Forums learns about the word cuck
2016.5 the word cuck loses all meaning through overuse

Oh no one is gonna think the emails matter or that Benghazi was even important in the end.
But accepting that she'll be president.....? Pffft. What a fucking joke.

No one likes her. People like her husband; she's the uncharismatic little shitshow girlfriend who the friend you liked in college was obliged to bring with him everywhere. If it's between her and Trump, Trump wins. Both are pieces of shit but at least Trump has the charisma to make people vote for him.

You think a president who accumulated nearly half of the national debt was a good president? 10 trillion fucking dollars?

You're going to cite a news agency that starts off the report with Uh-oh? I hear Huffington Post and Totally sorority move are pretty credible as well.

don't waste your time trying to educate an uneducated hillary supporter. not worth your time.

>multiplied it
that's why he won't release his taxes



Despite all the fucking bullshit at level 11 for 7.5 years straight that the sky is falling because of Obama, we're doing fine. He cleaned up Bush's mess. He fixed a lot of policy shit (hidden fees in credit cards, HMO's right to sentence people to death). He SLASHED the deficit and restored overseas faith in the US. He was a GOOD president and what did Republicunts do?

Declare pizza a vegetable, vote to symbolically repeal a SCOTUS-verified constitutional law over 50 times on the taxpayers' dime. Obstruct Congress completely. Cause a petty government shutdown that cost us 40 billion dollars for NOTHING and lost us our AAA credit rating.

Obama's approval: 48%
House GOP's approval: 9% (three TIMES lower than the previous record low!)


Hillary WILL be our next president because ZERO republicans can be trusted with jobs that don't involve french fries.

Fortunately everything is about money.

Also, the banks have done more to increase you guys' debt than Obama.

Leave the thread you fucking faggot.

implying trump's wife means anything in any equation as him as a candidate for potus.

racist because he wants ILLEGALS out of the country? Why should illegals, who commit a crime to enter our country, be given government aid, and drivers licenses? while we have millions of homeless people, and people in poverty? WTF IS THIS? Taking care of others before our own?!

So, hes a horrible person for taking a loan? And being knowledgable enough to turn it into billions?

Typical hillary supporter only HELPING trump by trying to bash on his successes! haha.

why are people so retarded to all the corruption scandals around her and her husband...It's like the AL Capone famliy all over again...and you dumb fucks are to stupid to see

not to mention she does 180's every day of the week and acts like it as her stance all along

She been on the wrong and right side of EVERY topic, two faced , corrupt, profiteer that belong in prison for the rest of her life


You want to talk about taxes? Where is Hilary's?

The biggest question is would we believe it?

i hate both sides equally

both a Hilary and Trump presidency will end the same way

>the fucking over of other countries and war
>the use of fear to control the population

i'm surprised that trump has so many supporters here though because Sup Forums would probably be seized within a year of a trump presidency

Lol health care reform, costs me an additional 150 outta every check.....yeah nigger did alot for me

>people actually think Obama was a good President
I do want to see the GOP establishment get destroyed though tbqh.

Bush was a Democrat in all but name. All of his policy decisions and social programs were inherently leftist.

he's an amazing president. the financial crises was in 2008. after 8 years of Bush and his idiocies

sure, but where was the effort to lower it? IMO, it starts with the government and its agencies, and how its ran. Too much room for potential corruption and theft (Which is happening)

he had 8 years for christ sake, and I don't remember one speech from him indicating its a concern.

trump may be ignorant of some points of the constitution, but he wont shit on the constitution, even if he says so, but now, since hes the nominee, he will have his advisers assisting.

But come on, continuing the politically correct horseshit in the white house is time to end. Trump is the outsider that is needed to clean up America.

Last I heard, he said our biggest concern was global warming. That was a couple days before a terrorist attack if I recall correctly.

kill yourself

You know that before Obamacare half a million people died EVERY year because they couldn't get healthcare?
Fucking Americans are always about money money money, a little compassion goes a long way man.

Nigga, it's called climate change cuz global warming doesn't exist......or so they say

Oh, lets blame the president before, and jack off for 8 years without even attempting to lower the debt, while flying air force one to hawaii dozens a time a year, and using air force one, and tax payer money, to campaign for hillary.

typical uneducatd twat.

I don't think, fucker. I KNOW he was. Mainly because our biggest traitors (the GOP) hated him so much. Apart from that:

1. PPACA ("Obamacare" to the braindead) is already insuring millions of desitute children and getting them inoculations. It is also projected by top economists to strengthen the economic recovery by easing the burden on SS and Medicare.

2. Libyan intervention, which was a cost-effective effort that saved tens of thousands of innocent lives.

3. He re-established ties with the UN and re-opened negotiations with hostile territories that Bush had foolishly closed, which was causing a lot of overseas tension (bonus fact: this is why he was awarded the Nobel Prize, for those of you who think he got it for no reason)

4. He ended the shameful DADT.

5. He re-enabled stem-cell research and ended religion-based policies the previous administration had illegally implemented.

6. He orchestrated the killing of Bin Laden and expertly handled the politics of it sensitively.

7. He has slashed the deficit by 65% what it was under Bush.

8. He forced credit card companies to stop hiding their fees.

9. He cut the to-patient cost of prescription drugs for seniors by 50%.

10. He did more to expand availability of health care for veterans than any other recent president.

11. He is an aggressive advocate of insourcing and policies designed to penalize large corporations that violate humanitarian rights.

12. He stopped the GOP from dissolving the EPA and CAA multiple times, because I enjoy being able to breathe and drink clean water.

13. He restored the US auto industry to competitive standards and emission qualities it hasn't had in two decades.

14. He has restored the economy to a factor of 85% of its former health under the Bush Recession, using the lowest and highest points as barometers. The DOW has also closed higher CONSISTENTLY since he took office.Both of these values are RECORD TURNAROUND.

"I know he was"

you live in your own little world. You can "KNOW" you have 500 trillion dollars, but as hillary would say, what difference does it make?