I've been bored for weeks and have no games to play. what should i play ?

I've been bored for weeks and have no games to play. what should i play ?

dodge on the highway


what kind of games do you like?

witcher 3?

Read a book faggot.

real life

>no games to play.
>what should i play?

if you have no fuking games why you ask?

Go outside

im gonna kys. bye

VVVVVV nigger

I second this

Undertale is a solid game.

Go to GameStop and buy 20$ in shitty 2$ games and play them

challenge: Clean your room in 10 min
no more, no less

How retarded are you?

Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne

Hearts of Iron 4, if you have alot of time to kill i highly recomend it.


Dragon Quest 1, 2, and 3 for Super Famicom with English translations.

Yeah. I just finished Blood and Wine and DaS3.
Any suggestions ?

If you have a 3DS, i'd reccomend Fantasy Life, its pretty fun. It's a life(skill) based rpg done in the style of animal crossing or harvest moon. It's pretty fun and charismatic so far, though i'm not very far into the game. Lots of potential play hours though.

I'm on PS4 btw

Nothing, because you have no games.

The Witcher 3 without any doubt.

Neverwinter just got released on PS4 for free you fucking weaboo faglord! Why aren't you already downloading you shitfaced nigger lover!!!!


Well if you still don't have shit to play in a week I think Albion comes out on the first. Get some friends to play and slay ppl in the pvp zones you get to steal their gear.

Guacameelee is a bunch of fun with enough difficulty to keep it interesting.
Outlast is a must play in my opinion
Fallout 4 is okay, DLC is pretty good.
COD zombies is always easy to sink some hours into
The walking dead by telltale is pretty good too

Underrated post.

Neverwinter is still a thing?

>Implies PVP looting is at all out of the norm or worthy of mention.

learn to sail a boat

code some shit like a game

abzu is out in a week, hyper light drifter in like a week, rainbox six is solid and less hax than CS

Calm your tits faggot. I'm not a fat neckbeard fan of mmo

Thanks for the suggestions. But I think I'm gonna Waiting monday to buy Bloodborne

Go play on someone's lap.

(generic 9gag user)
My dick is a game, you can play with it
oh god i wish my parents loved me.
-Le dank fuckhead

Jerk all the day every day until your cock hurts too much to even touch/you get a carpal tunnel syndrome

>Play CS GO, if you already have then get 20000 hours on it and go pro.

Second this.