

Other urls found in this thread:







if a /fur/ was made it'd be full of autist's that run around their town howling. although that may provide some amusement about how they got the shit kicked out of them...
Basically it'll be a second /r9k/
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Ew, she needs to drink more water. Dehydrated piss is gross.




so what makes /mlp/ different from /fur/?

and almost every furry I've ever met any one outside the internet who is a furry, they don't do anything of the sort, they are very normal actually



I'm just saying, there's usually one fur thread at any given time. Alternates between s/g with about 3 name fags in each. So it might be less dead than other boards but... idk mang.

well, /mlp/ is a blue board.





That's a myth.
it's more a rule of thumb when actually doing things.
I was stationary for around 2 years with depression hardly leaveing my room and ended up in hospital with severe dehydration and pissing clear.
They pumped 2ltrs into me and the next few days my face felt like it was smashed with a hammer (yes so dehydrated part of my brain had shit down)
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i wanna be her toilet












A bunch of .gifs















holy shit. A female furry fucking on video.



I think their was more, I didn't bother to save for fucks knows why.




that's one of my favorite pictures. Fox wants that exact dress, but we can't find one that looks like it.

You have inspired me to dump all of my webms and gifs


That's actually a smart way to hide your face, I just realized.













>wen ur knot is as beeg as yer braim


most anthros don't evolve to think, they evolve to fuck.















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Reminds me how animated that was.
You're that oldfag right?






Identify confirmed.
Always admired your reaction set.
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two fuckin' drinks and she's drunk.
