I want to talk with a SJW

> I want to talk with a SJW
Let's start in an easy way:
If race is a social costruct, how come you talk about white privilege?

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SJW here
answer to your question: "White people" is also a social construct, but one a lot of white people still believe in

Yeah, plenty of niggers think they are real people too.

Boring. If you're trying to shock or offend me, you'll have to try harder. Just posting "nigger" and saying a racist thing? That ain't shit. I can hear that from my senile grandma or read it on Stormfront.

But I'm guessing that's all you've got. Racists aren't exactly known for their cleverness or creative thinking.

OP here
Is melanin a social construct?
also, but we are getting deep here:
Why is a social costruct bad? Any kind of animal lives following social its natural social biases and patterns. Why should we fight against ours?

Race is an evolutionary construct.

The whole scientific world accepted the concept of race, although the races are very blend in todays world and we can only find "pure" spots. We, as humans, embetter our genetic profile cross-breeding, but...
Cross-breeding is a russian roulette, you can pop out a baby genius or an idiot. As a russian roulette, the possibilities are against you.

I'm bored at the moment and you seem like you actually want to have a discussion, so I'll indulge you.

No, melanin is not a social construct. But it also doesn't mean much, beyond "you're from a hotter and sunnier part of the world." Pretending it means more than that is a lie, one that's used to control people. I'm opposed to being controlled by other people's lies, and I imagine any decent human being would be.

The ideas and attitudes some have have aabout people with large amounts of melanin are irrational and biased. Irrational and biased opinions are bad for our long-term survival. Human beings survive by being able to work together. Racism makes it harder for us to work together. Ergo, racism is a social construct that is negative for humanity's long-term survival. That makes it a social construct that's bad. Bad social constructs are a threat to my survival and yours. So, why would you be OK with that? It's in everyone's best interests to fight against that.

There's a lot of complex stuff in the mix, but that's the basics.

Get your reasoning straight, man. Something that is a social construct can still privilege you. Money is a social construct e.g., and still, having lots of it privileges you. "Social construct" doesn't mean "not existing".
Look up the words you use next time. You're not edgy, you're just not particularly well educated...

Wow: well-argued, well-written, and correct. Is this still Sup Forums?

It's the Sup Forums we need.

sociology phd student here. i teach intro to soc discussion sections and we go over all of these concepts. let me try to answer your questions here.

social constructs are real in their coonsequences. people believe that different races behave differently, and people act on those beliefs in real life. this applies to any social construct. with the example you give, of race, during the colonial era christian explorers met non christians and debated whether non christians had souls and could be saved. out of this debate rose the idea that non christian peoples were actually biologically different from the 'human' species. herein lies the origin of the different racial categoories we have to live with today. over hundreds of years the superior power of european nations enabled the newly founded white race to act on these ideas and force what they saw as lesser humans / subhumans to slave away for whites material benefit. this process hasnt really stopped. white privilege as we know it today is todays culmination of this accumulation of power, access and advantage that has been divided along racial lines.

social constructs arent bad. language is a social construct. the meaning behind signs is always socially constructed.

social construct is a term that simply means that things are culturally defined.

when we say race is a social construct, we mean that the categories of black race, white race, asian race emerged as identifiers at a specific point in history. this point is usually defined as the beginning of the colonial era but its roots in terms of biological race goes back to the british takeover of ireland, and the development of the field of phrenology, which tried to link behavior to a persons facial structure (and failed)

>The ideas and attitudes some have have aabout people with large amounts of melanin are irrational and biased.
Is the heredity of intelligence a social construct? The variance in racial testosterone levels?
Why do you think all areas with large black populations are shitholes?

Who says we're not clever?
It's just that the niggers set the bar so low, we don't really need to rise very far...

>race is just a social construct

>racism is a social construct that is negative for humanity's long-term survival
This is arguable for a couple of reasons.
Firstly, preferential behavior towards individuals in group A increases the chances of survival for group A when/if group A and group B are competing for food, water, living space, etc.

Secondly, lack of competition isn't exactly a good thing. Even basic economics recognizes that competition raises the stadards on all sides. Whether it is the simple and straightforward instance of competition being the impetus for technological advancement or the more indirect process of the gene pool being strengthened by hardships eliminating the less capable members of the group from the reproductive cycle. Either way, the surviving group is stronger a century later than it would have been if no competition occurred.

there is more genetic variation amongst a single racial group than there are between racial groups. wrap your head around that and then ask me again if you think your first two questions are still a worthwhile.

to answer your second question, european colonialism seriously fucked shit up. 10 million killed in the congo. masses of slaves stolen. the economic implications of having entire generations stolen from the most prosperous and settled segments of africa cannot be understated.

it has continued through imf restructuring, world bank policies, the chinese. foreign direct investment in general. payment of warlords to secure the lowest price of rare earth minerals for foreign companies. plantation economies. oil. the list goes on. no one outside of africa gives a shit about africa. they never have.

The heredity of intelligence is not genetic or racial, it mostly has the do with the privilege that centuries of history has afforded, or restricted, certain groups or areas. Which is the same reasons poverty stricken areas and peoples tend to continue as such.

>Why do you think all areas with large black populations are shitholes?
I'll take "Centuries of European Conquest And Taxation" for $1000, Alex.

If race is a social construct how you explain skin colors nigga

>implies melanin is the only differentiating factor between the races

Races are very different. The extent to which social constructs, i.e. culture, have an effect on the brain and biology of a person is unclear. The Nature vs Nurture debate already virtually contains all the points of my argument but I will clarify anyway.

The brain is plastic, as in its structure can and is altered by our experience of life. If we imagine that certain social constructs, i.e. diets, sexual practices, environmental selective pressures, exist for an extended period of time, then we can also expect the biological reflections of certain social constructs to be present also. These biological differences will be unique depending on your place on the world, and what culture you are born into.

People who use the (very real) differences between different races and ethnic groups as a vehicle to disguise their hatred are just fucking idiots. No-one has the right to exist more than the other, but this doesn't mean there aren't any differences at all. Differences are what make the world so awesome!

The answers to these questions are painfully obvious and accessible. You just have to let go of the bullshit you were either raised with, or brainwashed with later, and look at the data objectively. We are all Africans.

Breeding choices based on the local definition of what is attractive.

Who dictates what is a construct and what isn't?
A group of people decided everything they hate is a construct.

No. Firstly, as expressed above, not all social constructs are bad. The term social construct is neutral. Some have positive benefits, some have negative.

i think your points are valid, but there is no necessity to divide groups A and B by race. hoow about the mega rich and the rest of everybody else who is getting fucked up the ass by corrupt government and shitty jobs?

kek did you come out of the 1880's because you are seriosuly fucking retarded if you think skull shape has any meaningful predictor of intelligence, behavior, etc.

there is more genetic variation within racial groups than between racial groups. consider that for a second.

behavior and culture are learned, always. except for basic things that make us all human, like knowing what smiling is, and being able to recognize an angry tone of voice.

I think you have mistaken Race with Racism.
Fact is, that people of different races are different. Different bones and physiology, medicine works differently, and we are different culturally.
Saying things a wrong is bad, saying things are different is not.

Oh hey, look at you, dipping your toes into my field of scientific study! Luck you, you're about to get a quick education in why what you posted is wrong.

So, first point: Heredity of intelligence is still an ongoing thing. I'm not 100% sure what you're referring to, but I'm guessing that you are suggesting that some races inherit intelligence more often than others? This has not been proven, and in fact research is halted because of how ethically difficult that line of research would be. Here's a good article on the subject:


Second point: There is no major difference in testosterone levels between races. There are some differences in hormone levels across races, but not that one in particular. Here's a quick summary:


Third point: Areas with large black populations tend to be poorer because white people don't like black people and move away from them. That reduces economic opportunities, which reduces the overall standard of living and increases crime. This is a known thing, backed by decades of research -- they even gave it a name, "white flight." Similar patterns repeat themselves in major cities around the world: When a city starts getting more of a hated minority, the ethnic majority start moving out. That creates a domino effect that leads to poverty and high crime. Poverty and high crime in these areas makes outsiders associate the areas with the minority, which means they blame them for the situation - instead of seeing them as victims of the situation. This isn't my field so I have no links handy, but it's well-documented. So, to sum up: Areas with large black populations are (often, but not always) shitholes, because of people like you, poster #

I'm not talking ad hominem, but have you ever read a science book? Your claims enforce the division between races, and no, races aren't a social costruct.
If something's proven by science it exists, no matter if you believe it could be "bad", which is a pretty empty term, we don't have to deal with the post-1945 issues. I oversimplified the discussion () and English isn't my first language, but I said it was "easily debating".
I'm not a phrenologist, neither a Lombroso's newcomer, but do we really have to pay for our ancestors? Also, as I pointed out previously, biologic races exist and the differences are reality. We couldn't put them away because of "racism", have you ever saw a running kenyan, or a japanese dealing with Math? Those are just examples. The society builds those charateristics along with their genetics.
E.g, The sino-japanese numbering is far more "easy" to compute, this is solely due to a social construct but "hey, they do".
Society shapes us and we CAN consider different societies better than others, if we consider them thematically.
Turning back to you: "racism is a social construct that is negative for humanity's long-term survival" doesn't make sense at all. We aren't living an hunt against the blacks or latinos. This claim is as senseless as saying we live in a "rape culture".
> "No, melanin is not a social construct. But it also doesn't mean much, beyond "you're from a hotter and sunnier part of the world." Pretending it means more than that is a lie, one that's used to control people. I'm opposed to being controlled by other people's lies, and I imagine any decent human being would be."
I laughed at it. Really, do you believe in the NWO too?


>No-one has the right to exist more than the other
Who says?... what determines that right?

A social construct IS a social construct...how do you know its valid and something to measure another thing by with any accuracy?

user, SJW isn't a term that describes a specific set of views. It's an overused insult, you asking this question is about as representative as trying to uncover the views of an asshole.

so then skin color, and therefore race, is not a social construct

When someone says race is a social construct what they mean is that taxonomically speaking physical appearance is generally worthless for grouping people. My nephew is a super aryan kid who is half jewish. His DNA should resemble what Arabs have more than what a Swede who wasn't Jewish should have.

White privelidge is the benefits one gets from people choosing to accord benefits based on physical appearance.

It's not a hard concept to follow.

Privalge is mainly generational and has little to do with race. Of course it his highly correlated with black people, they used to be slaves.
Just like how white tenant farmers and indentured servants are still white trash today.
Identity politics marginalize the working class, that is why the SJWs are wrong, that is why the anti SJW reaction you are having is wrong.
Focus on the real issues and stop propagating this cancerous rhetoric.
The only social issue worth my time is environmentalism.

>there is more genetic variation amongst a single racial group than there are between racial groups
An often repeated truthism, but completely false.

And Asia and the Americas suffered under European colonialism for several centuries longer than Africa, but they're not as much of a shithole as Africa.

Moreover, you should ask yourself how it was possible for Europe to completely colonize an entire continent within the span of a couple of decades. Could it have been because we were several thousands of years more advanced than them?


>That reduces economic opportunities, which reduces the overall standard of living and increases crime
Why does whites moving away reduce economic opportunities? Why can't blacks increase economic opportunities in their stead?

There are no appreciable difference between different races' bones. The only difference I'm aware of is in average bone density -- people with large amounts of African ancestry have higher average density than others.

I'm not sure what you mean by "medicine works differently" -- different genetic backgrounds make people more susceptible to certain diseases, this is a known thing, but I've never heard of a person not being prescribed medication because of their race.

No clue what you mean by "we age different culturally." That's not even an idea, just four words you slapped together, near as I can tell.

Not SJW but /sci/ here.

Social construct just means that it is a social concept that is dealt with in the social sciences (in /sci/ we consider all social sciences to be pseudoscience). White privilege is also a concept of social science.

What has happened is that there have been a number of breakthoughs in genetics that have made it clear that traditional notions of race and old "racial science" (i.e. pre-genetics mumbo jumbo based a crappy classification system built on physical traits) are garbage.

As a result scientists developed the field of population genetics. In population genetics one looks at arbitrarily defined groups of people (called populations) and measures the genetic distance between them. In this sense one can consider different villages as populations, different tribes as populations, different regions as populations, different cities as populations, etc... It is a general concept that allows us to rigorously study genetics.

No, population genetics is not just SJW doublespeak for "racial science". There is no traditional notion of races in population genetics. When one makes an assertion about how two different populations compare they are talking about specific populations and not "all people who have white skin" or any such garbage.

Anyway, since the notion of race was discarded by the hard sciences the social sciences felt it necessary to salvage it because they feel it is important to their social theories. As such instead of having race no longer exist anymore we have race being salvaged as a social construct and studied in social science.

Now post sauce on the girl as a thank you for spoonfeeding you shit you should already know.

Replace "a social construct" with 2+2=4. Nonsensical question.

>do we really have to pay for our ancestors?
well, someone is paying.
the lines arent so clear anymore. they are harder to see and it is not as black and white as privileged and non privileged.

that being said, there is a certain degree of statistical advantage that comes with white skin. this is a product of the past.

this is a great example: housing. after ww2 the federal govt and private lending companies came together to give GIs decent housing. these were given to whites and racial housing districts were drawn. this was still during the time of segregation. good housing was given to whites. bad housing was given to blacks.

go further down the road, and the kids of those families in the good neighborhoods go to good schools because schools get their funding from taxes in their districts. blacks go to bad schools because bad neighborhoods = bad schools.
when you go to finance for a car, or go to finance for a loan, like a student loan, you can put your house as collateral. you cant do that if you rent in an apartment. fast forward, and whites have statistically had better access to school and credit than their black counterparts, yes even today, as a result of a racial segregation policy enacted over 50 years ago.

nobody in this generation earned it. they didnt fight in world war two, they didnt buy the house back then. but it started a chain of events that gave whites benefits that blacks didnt have access to. because of racism. that is why we call it a privilege. it is something that is not earned by the current generation, it is somethat that is handed to them from the past.

statistically. poor whites are a different story.

Forensic pathologists can easily identify racial identity from just a skeleton. No appreciable differences my ass.

>SJWs actively call themselves SJWs as a symbol of pride
>"SJW is an overused insult"

Except, during Europes dark ages, the Muslim world was lightyears ahead of us in society and science. And what about when the Romans, or the Persians conquered Europe? Sometimes things just work out the way they do. Europeans got lucky.

1. blacks are tall, asians are not (not always but it's the socially accepted norm.
2. maybe I watch too much tv, but shows like that usually check that sort of stuff.
3. er, ok then. go live with a family of a different race and tell us all how easily you adjust...

>in sci we consider all social sciences to be pseudoscience
And that is why you are retarded, all you retards do is talk about majors and your IQs.
>an actual publishing scientist.

>there is no necessity to divide groups A and B by race
This is true. I am in no way, shape, or form in favor of racism, but the cause for that stance stems from my belief in the rights of every individual not from the concept that racism is inherently harmful to the group. To say that the white "race" has not benefitted from european empires seizing large territories of Africa is simply historically inaccurate.

As for the rich/poor concept, that's a far more vague and abstract line with which to divide the populous. Also history has shown that class warfare doesn't really work out for the lower class. The higher-ups in the revolution just become the new aristocracy and not much changes for the proletariat (ask Russia).

And again, competition is not an inherently bad thing. While my situation is not equitable with the situation of one born into the 1%, my standard of living is where it is specifically because of the wars for territory and ideology that the 1% caused. My microwave is a byproduct of accelerated development of military radio technology. My computer is a byproduct of the race to build the atomic bomb. Regardless of whether you agree with Hitler's platform (which would be largely based on whether or not you fell into the right "race" category) you cannot deny that his actions led to the greatest period of technological advancement in human history.

Have you never heard of racism? Or do you somehow believe that black people are magic and can just wish jobs into existence?

I'm sure some black people in poor, depressed areas manage to find opportunities, but you believe that all of them are supposed to do that? When the white people who run the companies they worked at (and who generally dislike black people) have moved them away? And they can't always get capital to start their own businesses, because white folks who don't like black folks have most of it?

It's not a complex idea, man. I don't see how this is even a discussion you needed to have. How do you not see these things? If you're trolling, good job. If you aren't, then damn -- you've somehow managed to not learn how the real world works. Good job, I guess?

>different genetic backgrounds
No, that's just a social construct.

I know a forensic pathologist and she's never said this. Do you have some kind of proof?

>Except, during Europes dark ages, the Muslim world was lightyears ahead of us in society and science.
muh pop culture history
Read a book sometimes.
And what does the Muslim world have to do with Europes colonization of Africa, other than the fact that they colonized bits of it before we did?

>Or do you somehow believe that black people are magic and can just wish jobs into existence?
Juat as much as white people can.

the social sciences study race because the numbers dont lie. we see stable trends across the US that indicate that people are being treated differently because of race by society at large.

blacks are more likely to end up in prison. whites are more likely to graduate college. Why? those are the kinds of questions that the social sciences try to answer in relatioon to race. to think that these are not useful questions is to be a fucking retarded asshat.

Are you stupid or what? Breeding choices? If black/white doesn't exist, how could you choose?

Mega-rich aren't necessarily WHITE. Many of them are from Saudi Arabia. Blame who you have to blame, don't blame who they point out.

If real, this would kick the butt of the "no differences hypotesis"

Thank you Xena, I'm on your boat.

This isn't entirely true. The only REAL publication you posted is the second one. The others are opinions and a un-scientific shitty magazine (Nat-Geo).

Must we live as black? I can rap.

As historian and lover of the cutest biotech ever, I must say that science view is still dealing with 1800/1900 science. There are genetic patterns in people and if you follow them backwards you arrive to the 6 races pattern "de-scientificized" in 1944/5 because the world COULDN'T deal with science.
The notion of race was discarded. But as Lavoisier said: "nothing is created nothing is destroyed everything is transformed" and "We must trust to nothing but facts: These are presented to us by Nature, and cannot deceive. We ought, in every instance, to submit our reasoning to the test of experiment, and never to search for truth but by the natural road of experiment and observation". Stop lurking /sci/ and start going around Universities and labs. Race is still a thing, in science.

hahaha, holy shit -- you're using height and what you see on TV as a counter-argument. OK, I'm done speaking with you, as you clearly have no argument worth discussing.

And I did live with a family of a different race - I had a host family in Japan, and I stayed with ex-gf's relatives in Indonesia. It took some adjusting, but you know what? We got along fine. Same with my friend who adopted a child from Guatemala - the kid needed an adjustment period but after that, he's doing alright.

If you didn't think that could happen, or didn't know that it does fairly often, I don't know what to tell you. Sorry you don't get out much.

>Race: It can be determined by skull and face measurements, teeth and the relative lengths of the upper and lower limbs.

>MFW STEM fags don't understand the difference between "instrumental logic" and "objective logic."
>MFW STEM fags think their methodologies are beacons of objective processes of thought, because they haven't undertaken the labor to understand this critical distinction.
>MFW positivism and the rigidly institutionalized logic its ironically subjective reasoning has been one of the prime contributors to the emergence of increasingly totalitarian modes of thought.
>MFW STEM fags will never understand any of this, because they belligerently refuse to enact the labor to read even a single book of philosophy.

>blacks are more likely to end up in prison. whites are more likely to graduate college. Why?
Because blacks are more likely to commit crimes and whites have higher average IQ.

You just completely failed to grasp the point.
People in a given area tend to look similar because the SOCIAL CONSTRUCT of beauty affects their choice of a mate.
Really it's just a more subtle version of gang colors. People in our group wear white, people in their group wear black. You want to choose a mate that will buy the correct color of clothing for your child so that your child will be seen by others as part of the group.

Also I just have to say that
>skin color, and therefore race
was a profoundly ignorant thing to say.

Face it user. Social science fields are constantly full of controversy over people no one reproducing experiments, people fitting the evidence to their hypothesis, and in some cases going so far as to falsify studies/results altogether,

Any rational person has an obligation to be aware of how hard it is to be rigorous with social science and allow that to inform their level of skepticism of it. The last thing we need is social scientists giving a bad name to science as a whole due to their shoddy practices.

Still doesn't mean it's any more scientific than gathering statistics on what high school clique an individual identified as (jock, nerd, stoner, etc..)

I would love to know the real story behind that gif. Seen it a thousand times, but never heard for real what is going on.
Is he her husband, and doesn't want people on TV looking at his wife?
Is he just crazy and wants to be on TV?
Is his favorite divegrass team losing?
What's his deal? For real.

Fun fact: from around 800AD to about 1268AD, Baghdad was basically the center of the world. All science and advanced learning came out of the Muslim world, until about times of the Mongol conquests. Many Europeans were taken as slaves by the Muslims and were well-educated by them, and would bring back new learning to the Europeans. None of this ever gets mentioned in school history books, of courses. Can't admit that white folks weren't always the "superior race," can we?

Theres a book about this question, guns germs and steel. The gist of it is that europeans had a more "advanced" society due to various geographic features of africa as a continent as well as the americas. And china was ahead of europe in terms of technology and intellect for thousands of years, europe only overcame it in the 1400s, when china adopted a more isolationist policy and didnt participate as much in the world economy.

Do you believe everything you read on the Internet, or just the dumb stuff?
Read a book.

AP world student here, hes right, youre just retarded

God she is bretty. I want to touch her boobs.

>guns germs and steel
Based completely on conjecture, with no historical or scientific backing whatsoever.

A study showed that White europeans got used to drinking Milk over time and became resistant against lactose. Black and Yellow People apparently aren't as resistant as Whites, especially Asians don't seem to be able to handle lactose. Also White People have smaller lips because they addapted to living in cold areas so their lips wouldnt freeze as fast. These are Just some differences between the races, i am sure there are way more differences but people Just don't speak about it.

^ tl;dr


you are only scratching the surface and arriving at easy answers that fit into the racial stereotypes that have been handed too you from your forefathers :)

blacks use less marijuana than whites, yet are incarcerated for small possession of marijuana at a much higher rate than whites. why?

why do whites have a higher iq? could it be that the brain is a muscle that you have to train, and white neighborhoods have better schools because they have more money, on average, than black schools? you did know that neighborhoods have to fund their own schools, right?
oh, but there are plenty oof good jobs in the ghetto, that the municipality could tax to fund their schools right? ;)

He is right

>I'm not talking ad hominem, but have you ever read a science book?
>the literal definition of ad hominem

>"de-scientificized" in 1944/5 because the world COULDN'T deal with science.
This was much more recent. Also, all of the old "wisdom" about racial groups was BTFO with the discovery of convergent evolution.

In pic related the fish on the left are all distantly related (genetically) to the fish on the right and vice versa. However the fish on the left are all closely related and the fish on the right are closely related.

If you asked a 1950s racial scientist to figure out races for fish they would surely classify them as three different races and assume that their genetics follow from their physical features.

On the other hand what we actually have are the obvious (if you think about it), that different sets of genes/mutations produce similar physical features and that closely related things can express fairly different physical features.

As a fucking biologist here, you better stick to your field. the difference between a black man and a white man is enough to call them a different subspecies, Even seen different giraffe subspecies ? Well their are nine of them and you need to look at the their markings to tell the difference. Yet a total different skin color, a slight difference in bone structure, brain mass, brain structure, dna (blacks don't have Neanderthal dna) is not enough to call them a different subspecies? Why is it that political correctness is based on stupidity and morals rather than on facts?

Angelika B Met-Art


Thanks for the link. The person I know who works in the field disagrees, though. I texted her about what you said, and she said that at best, there are slight differences between skeletons of different races and pathologists infer the most likely race, based on those slight differences. Slight differences do not make a big difference, in my opinion (or in hers). She also sent me this article, which discusses the difficulties of this kind of thing: slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2011/01/alas_poor_yorick_or_is_it_othello.html

Always possible you're right, of course -- but I'll trust the opinion of someone actually working in the field, over a line fro the summary of textbook, any day.

You realize that "the Dark Ages" is a misnomer, and no serious historian uses that term anymore, right?
I'm not saying the Muslim world wasn't advanced, but there was sufficient transfer of knowledge between Europe and the Near East at the time that neither was significantly more advanced than the other. Muslims built on what the Romans left behind, and so did the Europeans.

Well they're not vegetables or minerals, that's for sure.
Humans are apes (all 7.5 billion of us).

It's a mess, but the scientific method can still be applied to social studies.

>A biologist.
Being a freshman biology student doesn't make you a biologist.

environmental determinism

the romans came and fucked up the pagans in europe. i blame the church for creating a european mindset of hating anything non-christian and getting in the habit of killit it with fire. it had to do so in order to continue to consolidate its power. this expanded too the rest of the world through the first spanish and portuguese explorations. fucking christ hell

No, people do speak about it, which is how we learn about these differences in the first place. The difference is, people don't use these minor differences between different genetic backgrounds to extrapolate ideas of "superiority" or "inferiority" across an entire population. Because that just isn't true, scientifically, and most educated people know it. I guess you didn't know that was the difference? Maybe now you do.

>blacks use less marijuana than whites, yet are incarcerated for small possession of marijuana at a much higher rate than whites. why?
Generally because of additional charges (illegal possession of a firearm, resisting arrrst etc.).

Also the brain is not a muscle, and IQ tests don't test knowledge. They test things like basic pattern recognition.

He said it like a dumbass but the gist of it is while europe suffered through feudalism, the muslim world flourished culturally and intellectually. But you are right about building on what romans had already done

so, you're saying you had to adjust? So that means it was noticeably different? I like how you missed my point entirely btw.
Being different is ok, Being a dick isn't.

You have to realize that your "pseudo sciences" have been in the game for too little time to be taken seriously

Oh snap! Just got told...

I didn't know there were different types of giraffes...

So you're now saying skin color doesn't define race. Therefore black people aren't real. Cool.

>a fucking biologist
And what do you study exactly?
all the biologist I know(myself included) can into genome sequencing and even using the old paradigm there is no scientific basis for human subspecies.

That has not been proven. In fact it is more probable that race (heredity) is a real causal factor in the lower IQ of blacks as compared to other races.

The Flynn effect, which is thought to explain the impact of nutrition, education, and similar "privileges" is not enough to explain the gap. The IQ (g) gap is huge. US whites outscore US blacks by 15 points, and African blacks by 30 points.

Perhaps related, sub-Saharan Africans have never in their history developed a complex and advanced civilization. Every other major race has. Africans have used slaves for thousands of years. All of this predates white involvement.

>who says we're not clever?
>claims that he's dumbed himself down, because he doesn't have to be smart to black people

why don't you try making sense to white people too, because the majority of them don't understand racism either

So why are other races taxed and conquered by Europeans doing pretty well for themselves?

you havent made it out of undergrad yet have you
just wait till you get into the professional world of hard sciences. haha. if you think that problem is in the social sciences alone, you are kidding yourself.

>Still doesn't mean it's any more scientific than gathering statistics on what high school clique an individual identified as (jock, nerd, stoner, etc..)
youre talking about demography here. like counting sheep. gtfo u dont know what youre talking about.

Obviously black people arent real
We all white on the inside

Race is most definitely a social construct, were all brown where it matters
Our anuses

There are very, very light-skinned black people in the world. If skin color really mattered, light-skinned white people would be considered white, would they not?