

Other urls found in this thread:






I should fuck off, I've got parts being delivered soon ~desu
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Catch you later!


wake up
feed dogs
feed self
inevitably find myself here again

Someone might get brave



Hello, there!

Hey Wyla dude, how's it going?














happy i didnt have to work yesterday
so instead of using this sunday to recover, i can actually start it not feeling like crap



Any comics?




but now my (sisters) dogs are bothering me for a walk....


No officer hops?

Heading off, it's time to sleep.
Nighty night, denizens of S/fur!





Later, Sylas.











i'm back

i made scotch eggs








bbl need to buy food or ill starve and die








Right meow.



yeah, i need to walk these damn dogs
one has his head in my crotch
and the other wont stop licking my leg
so, laters


someone report this to the geneva convention




tamamitsune pls







better colours on this one












