I get anxiety a lot now, it's mainly social shit and uncontrollable existential thinking...

I get anxiety a lot now, it's mainly social shit and uncontrollable existential thinking. Buddy has a solid plug and sells bars often, is it a bad idea for me to get a few to split apart and take to help ease anxiety when it starts gripping me? I smoke weed a lot, but have determined that it's most likely not the issue.

Thanks m8ys.

Tl;dr - is occasional use of xanax to control anxiety a bad idea

you sound like me friend.

Unless you want to get addicted to benzos, it is indeed a bad idea. I can guarantee that if you stop using marijuana the anxiety you are feeling will disappear.

>uses drug known to cause paranoia, anxiety and existential crises
>determines that is not the cause of anxiety and existential crises
>wants to use a different drug to ease the effects of first drug
Good logic OP

xanax helps a ton with social anxiety. Just be careful with how often you take it. I went about 8 years of every day with it and it was a bitch to stop

My anxiety is from really stupid decisions ive made that ive kept secret from all my loved ones. I am starting to move forward but its hard to deal with at the moment, ive went without weed and the anxiety persisted.

That pokemon is probably a Rotom.

I wouldnt want to do that with xannies. I know they are dangerous and ive done them recreationally before and i just dont enjoy them that way. Its not for fun, just for attempted self help. I realize the addiction potential will always be there.

While were on the topic guys, whats everyones opinion on adderall?

Same I just stopped last month. It's alright without it. I would get really irate on them shop lifting acting like an ass etc

No drug can ever help you do anything, only make things worse. What you should do is seek proffessional help.

Thanks for the opionion m8y :o)

tread carefully bro...you dont want to get dependent then your m8 runs dry and your on the street like a fiend.

keep a few around...when you have bad anxiety see if you can wait a half hour. see how much you can take..it wont kill ya.
then if you absolutely half too take one
try not to do this more than once a week..
you need to learn to work through your anxiety take the pills when you dont have the time or setting to do that and you need to function

No problem :)

Actual good advice, thanks user


Taking benzos to treat anxiety long term is a pretty horrible idea. You end up needing increased doses just to maintain baseline.

Stimulants "can" help with anxiety, but typically only if it is caused by some from of ADD, otherwise they tend to magnify it.

Honestly, SSRI or tricyclic antidepressants have a pretty good track record with helping with anxiety, and they carry basically no abuse potential.

You don't need him, you need people like this in your life. Pic related.

nice comic sans. really helps drive the point home.

i have bad anxiety and i use benzos a couple times a week to control it. The doc prescribed them to me

That's bullshit OP try not smoking weed a month or so. For me at least when I smoked weed I noticed I was irritable without it an that not usually me. I had never thought so deeply about suicide than when I was smoking. That shit fucks you up but you'll convince yourself it isn't the issue cause while you're high it appears to fix a lot of things even if it doesn't really. It's just not for everyone is all. Good luck op

1. Go to psychiatrist
2. get prescribed an SSRI
3. ???
4. Profit