Post an artist and their alignment

Neutral Evil

alignments are worthless

Chaotic Neutral

I-it s fun though

Lawful Neutral

Chaotic Good

Chaotic Evil

Varg is lawful evil
Scaruffi is lawful evil
Fripp is lawful evil

Lawful evil = autistic elitism or corporatism

Chaotic Neutral

That's such a chaotic neutral thing to say

lawful good

Chaotic good

Where does Steven Wilson fall into?

Chaotic good

More like Stupid Retarded


Chaotic neutral


You, again.

Lawful Neutral

mike love = lawful evil

Lawful Good.

Chaotic Good

Chaotic Neutral?


neutral evil

Calvin from Beat Happening is neutral evil?

Neutral Milk Hotel

too easy.

during the BH days he was chaotic good
now he won't pay the artists signed to K so they're struggling for money. maybe cash calvin didn't pay phil elverum could have gone to treatment for his dead cancer wife.

>chaotic good
neutral good* fuck

chaotic neutral

Chaotic Good

>Burning a church down

Neutral Evil

neutral good

Chaotic good

Chaotic good

Neutral Evil

He's lawful and loyal to paganism and European nationalism. Lawful =\= Pacifist

Chaotic neutral

Chaotic Neutral

STGSTV = Neutral Good
Danse Manatee = Chaotic Evil
Hollinndaggin = Neutral Evil
Here Comes the Indian = Chaotic Neutral
Sung Tongs = Chaotic Good
Strawberry Jam = Lawful Neutral
MPP = Lawful Good
CHz = Chaotic Evil
Painting With = Lawful Evil

If you were white you'd realize Varg is NG

A president-elect for the United States cannot be chaotic or good.

lawful good

lawful good

forgot Feels is NG
hey Sup Forums, he's a traditionalist and delusional retard who feeds his followers new age nonsense about how it's ok to keep your wife in the kitchen because imaginary pagan deities and spirits of the norsefolk are around us

I genuinely, 100% believe Varg has some form of clinical autism.

Lol nope.

>le Sup Forums strawman
Or maybe he's just a voice for people who share his values. It truly is the age for people like that to speak for the marginalized voices.

Kanye hasn't become the president elect yet


textbook lawful neutral
he is the law

>marginalized voices

pUlling my leg there having a laff being cheeky like that matw

chaotic good

Chaotic Good

dubs confirms he will die christmas week

kanye is chaotic neutral

fucking kek

Fuck leftists

Chaotic neutral

A fucken Men

True Neutral

>murdering someone

Euronymous was going to tase and kill him. It was self defence.


chaotic neutral

never see him talked about on this board. GOAT bluesrock guitarist


whos chatoic evil


I'd say he's just chaotic neutral.

I think he meant well but couldn't control how much of an asshole he was.


>"Let's see the fuckers figure that one out."

Yeah, CN is most appropriate.

chaotic good

Chaotic Good

Chaotic Good

Chaotic Neutral

I might say neutral evil.

True Neutral

Chaotic Evil

Lawful Good

Chaotic Evil


He strikes me as more well rounded than his contemporaries. Is he more well known in Ireland/England and Europe?

Neutral Evil

kek literal twins

Nah he's chaotic good.

Chaotic Neutral

Lawful Evil

Chaotic Good?

true neutral

I had no idea you were there to testify on that case. What a horrible series of events you must have witnessed.


Lawful Good

Chaotic Good

that ass ain't lawful

Chaotic Good

more like neutral good

absolute madman

True good