I fucking hate my dad

I fucking hate my dad.

Today, my family and I went out to Longhorns for my 21st birthday. I hate Longhorns, steak isn't that great, the chicken tenders they have there are okay though. Really though i just hate going anywhere with my dad, he ruins everything. He always tries to fight with me over everything and he constantly puts down my mom and sister, he's just a piece of shit.

So we get to Longhorns and right off he starts up with being an ass. He keeps telling me to order a beer or a whisky drink, both of which I fucking hate, the taste of alcohol is just awful anyways. When the server gets to me to take our meal orders, I really wanted the chicken tenders with extra honey mustard, but when i told the server that my dad freaked the fuck out and started yelling at me, telling me he wasn't going to play for garbage and told me I had to get a steak. Meanwhile my mom and sister are sitting there really embarrassed, my mom tried to tell my dad to calm down but he just started screaming at her, just to shut him up and give my mom a break i ordered a steak, well done with ketchup on the side, and he gets all pissed off about it telling me I'm ruining it and that I was wasting his money. All of this is pretty typical when ever my dad goes out with us. I just fucking hate him, I wish it could just be my mom, my sister and me, he literally ruins everything. I fucking hate him. Then after the meal is done and the bill comes, he makes a big scene about not tipping the server. My whole birthday was fucking awful because of him.

Other urls found in this thread:


greentext or not reading

>did stuff
>his dad was a cunt
>other stuff happened

the end


>OP goes out to dinner
>dad won't let him get chicken tendies
>dad yells at op and mom
>op upsetti spaghetti about ruined birthday

Stop fucking whining and eat your steak.

>be me
>find out all that my dad did to my mom
>call him a stupid cuck over the phone
>tell him i hope he hangs himself
>inb4 oo edgy teen angst
>tell him he's never to come to my home again or i will call the police and tell them my dads going crazy and im scared for my life.

your sitch ain't special. been about half a year since i told off that old fuck.

Get him back by putting his dick in your mouth

I'd say you're too old for chicken tenders, but you went out with your family for your twenty-first instead of your friends. Nerd.

Have fun. I did some of that shit to my dad and didn't answer a bunch of his calls and he died a couple months later

>dad is still around
>Dad pays for food
>"I hate my dad"

Here's a simple fix:
>Get steak
>AND extra honey mustard

Problem solved bitch

Sure would solve my problems

I use to be like you OP. I still get angry at my dad sometimes. As I got older though I started to be less entitled, after facing more real world challenges than most who are at the age in a first world country face. I started to realize they are a lot of people worse and more unstable than my short-tempered father. Finally I also realized that he's had his own fucking life full of troubles, regrets, and things that have molded him to be like this. I still don't even know what all that was, he doesn't like to talk about it and I respect him enough to not push for a reason from him. I can only accept who he is and try to understand that he has a heavy heart and has worked hard to provide for the family I am in, basically never misses work.

So try to be understanding if you can, yeah it sucks. If worse comes to worse you can man up and try your shot at the real world, see how that goes for you. Maybe even find a group of people who enjoy being around with more.

Happy birthday as well.

I love longhorn. I go there at least twice a week and get a medium cooked sirloin.

Fuck you for getting fried chicken at a steak house. That shit is for kids.

You sound like a little faggot. You are probably overweight too seeing as how you like fried garbage with sugar sauce.

I see why your dad thinks you are a stupid little fucker. You are a 21 year old turd.

You know what I was doing at 21? I was in the Marine Corps fucking Japs and flips.

You were crying about chicken nuggets.

What are you OP? 21 or 12? Be a fucking man. That's all your dad wants. Or at least find common ground. Your dad wanted to raise a man not a child.

You don't like beer? OP is a faggot.

You are faggot pussy little girls if you think you need beer and steak to show you are a man.

First world problems. Check your privilege.

I get it man. My dad was pretty similar to that. He always had something to say about everything. He always had stupid anecdotes or life lessons in every fucking thing he said. I saw through his bullshit in my teenage years, and somewhere then, decided that I was better than him.

Here's the truth. He cares about you. A lot more than you think. He doesn't think you're a failure. That's the vibe you're getting, but that's not what he thinks inside. Inside, he wants to inspire you, make you mad, stir you enough so that you become greater. We grew up in different times. He's worried that the things that made him harder as a person isn't in your life. It's probably true.

You take a lot of risks, but it seems to be against your dad. It's a safe risk. It's like trying to fight physically against your mom. You'd win, she wouldn't fight you, etc. It's fucking stupid.

All I can say is that in a few years, either you'll man up introspectively, or stay the failure you are. You're more likely to become a man, so don't worry too much about that.

Good luck OP.

why don't you move out OP? Or are you too far gone as a NEET

This is bait.

>tendies meme
>well done steak +ketchup meme
>whiskey/beer tasting bad meme


sounds like your birthday was ruined because you're a fucking idiot. glad your dad isn't taking any of your stupid shit you little whiny bitchboi. not your dad's fault you're a fucking disappointment.

>You are faggot pussy little girls if you think you need beer and steak to show you are a man.

The man part comes in when you are adult enough to realize the expectations of those around you via the social contract that you agreed to when you went to a steak house for your 21st birthday.

See, you don't understand it and that's why you chose not to drink and to buy chicken nuggets.

Imagine did you made this mistake at a business dinner. You would be ostracized socially by your professional colleagues and they would know that you were incapable of navigating even the most simple of implicit arrangements.

Just kick his ass dude

It's your fault for hanging out with him.

Me, I live a good distance away and just fly my other family members out to see me when they want.

muh sirloins muh time in the military i killed gooks.

I'm so sorry to hear that...

>well done with ketchup

if this isnt a b8 post i'd honestly disown you

>pussy little girls
Pics or it didn't happen.

you forgot not tipping.

OP- how would you describe your relationship with your sister?

My dad killed my mom when I was 13

Sounds like your dad's a dick but also you should learn to like steak and whiskey and beer its 2016

also i like longhorn, what do u anons think of longhorm

I'm sure your dad is an ass but holy shit all I can picture is user crying over chicken tendies kek

This shitty copypasta again? Kys OP

You're 21 now. Man up, and get a place for you, your sister, and your mom. Tell him if he ever insults any of the three of you again, you'll gladly plan his funeral. Tell him I said he can go eat a dick taco for ruining your birthday. But seriously, if there's any way to get the 3 of you away from this asshole "dad" of yours, that'd be the best plan. I don't really condone violence unless he lays hands on any of you. If he touches any of you, send him to the hospital. Kick him in the nuts, punch his windpipe, and break his arm.

He fucked gooks, ya idiot.

Almost took the bait. Well-done steak, oh man you're good

>it's current year
I'm 39 and I don't like whiskey and steak is overrated. Still, an actually good steak and something with rum sounds great about now.


Well, you did fuck up the steak.. But your dad is a fucking prick, no doubt about that.

All. The. Fucking. Newfags.

I don't come here much anymore because of all the cancer. Maybe if Sup Forums wasn't such shit, I'd be current on all the copypasta.

grow the fuck up
if youre 21 and your parents are taking you to dinner not as a gift but because youre a broke fat nigger, you deserve everything he said and did to you. grow up and move the fuck out and hell start respecting your fat neckbeard bitch ass

The tone of op just oozes neckbeard bitch

Don't you have any friends to take you out, I'm not gonna spend my 21st birthday with my family im gonna get fucked up

Give me a break. You cannot taste alcohol in beer; it's like 4% alcohol. Seriously, your senses are not sensitive enough to taste it. Give me a fucking break you fucking faggot of a son and drink your goddamned beer.

When I was 21 I preferred gin and tonic though. If you are white you could try getting away with that.



Stop being a bitch order a rare outlaw ribeye and a tall beer on tap. If I had a son like you who is 21 didn't want a beer with his old man and ate like a fucking child. Chicken strips like wtf your at a steak house u retard order a steak. No wonder your dad is pissed at his family kids are retarded and wife produces the retard offspring who are 21 and probably still live at home.

I haven't seen my dad in a decade. I'm 21 and not black.

G8 B8 M8

at least you picked the steak right done
and kid - your dad know you are gay so he tries to make you a man, I don't deny that there exists tastiest things than steak.

Let me guess. OP is a manchild picky eater who eats kiddie food like chicken tendies. Even when ordering the steak, which every normal person (even fucking vegans secretly) like, he fucks it up and gets it well done with ketchup. Did you order a glass of milk to wash it down you fucking baby? You're a goddamned adult. Start acting like one.

>Believing steaks contain blood
O I m laffin

I bet you believe in fan death, too.

This OP. I am in the same boat with my mom but I tell you what I used to always complain how my grandparents got on my nerves(never hated them or my mom, just hated the way they'd act sometimes, but still) and now that they were gone I would literally give up anything to get one more day with them. Life is really fucking short. I see it consistently being in emergency services. I know it's really hard to tolerate your dad, but just know he's not doing it because he hates you guys probably. It's more likely he has had a rough round his whole life and he just takes it out on everyone around him that he is miserable with his own life. He has a mental sickness from his life experiences and he needs more than anything to be loved. Firm boundaries about how you will be treated, but try not to hate him. You'll miss the old grumpy fuck one day


stop being selfish and eat a proper steak with blood in it you sissy disappointment

That being said though since it kind of made me sound like a feels sissy, I am all for telling someone who needs to fuck off, to fuck the fuck off. If he physically assaults you guys he needs his ass beat. But I gotta tell you if you were my son and tried to order chicken fingers and mountain dew on your 21st birthday at a high dollar steakhouse, I'd probably wonder where I went wrong teaching you how to be a man. It was more of a social invite from your dad to share a historical father son moment than it was to eat the shit. It's kind of like when a bitch invites you to the only time she'll swe her favorite band in concert because it's their last tour. You fucking hate the band but ya know what? Going along with it to make a good memory for her will reap you greater bond and reward than being a fucking bitch will. Man up and learn the world isnt just about what makes you happy ya fucking millenial

This is probably pasta, but fuck you OP. I just signed my dad into a fucking rehab yesterday. My goddamned hero is now tweaking his ass off in a tiny bed, surrounded by nurses that don't give a shit.

>welldone with a side of ketchup
>asking for chicken tendies
>ordering water instead
>not tipping
/ck/ sends their regards, ur a fucking autist

Ur a disappointment

Op you sound like a pussy

I'd hate to have you as a son too.

this. OP needs to stop sucking dick and enjoy steak without ketchup, the way it's meant to be enjoyed.

If this restaurant can't cook steak for shit, you may as well eat shit. Fuck off

>be me
>21st birthday
>dad takes me out to fancy din-dinn
>he wants me to get adult juice
>on 21st bday mommy gave me 210 gb points
> enough for fancy tendies
>father tells me to settle down and get a big boy meal
>mommy looks sad
>order big boy food with katchups
>order beefyplank burnt
>father looks at me in disappointment
>eat beefyplank
>leave no tip
>my GB points
>father is mean
>I didn't get my tendies

Horry shit!! Spot on, user. OP, print this out & read it every day. Don't let ur aspie side show in this situation again.

i know the feeling user. my dad is a lazy piece of shit who just sits on the couch all day and watches television. hes selfish, self centered, and he acts like a toddler, whining and pissing vinegar until he gets what he wants. i wish he was dead.
he has a lot of real estate and will leave it to my mom and sister and me and then we can sell it and stop being so fucking poor.

bye stupid cunt

OP I think you are being a Beta Fag and you father realize that you are being a pussy. You need to man up bro at your 21th birthday have a drink with a man symbolize you are equal man. Who doesnt love steak you dam white meat lover. You probably vegan.

You need to stop being a beta and be a Alpha like your dad. I don't see nothing wrong with him. I think you are just a shy whiny 21 year with no balls.

for my 21th birthday I have steak, whiskey drink and a cigar and a blow job at the restaurant.


Please kill ur father and upload pictures on here. Just for keks. That'll teach him to fuck with u.


Beer is literal cancer, and ruins your life. It also starts stealing your money.

Stop being a pussy ass bitch with your fucking tendies.

This is why i wear condoms

God I wish it were that easy to kill people.

Your dad is great!
I mean what son of a bitch beta retard fagot son don't want to have whisky on his birthday, or a few beers with his dad.

Also white night piece of shit, your dad know how to threat your bitch whorish mommy and sister, I bet he fuck them both and hit them showing who is the boss.

Then who the fuck ask for chicken tenders when there is a steak in the menu and finally, you fucking disgrace, WELL DONE!!?? motherfucker nancy boy, the stick is always rare or medium rare, piece of shit, your father was good with you I would beat you up right there in the spot then force you to suck my nasty big beating hard dick until I force myself inside into your little nancy throat and shoot all my thick sperm directly into your esophagus making you choke in tears and I am not even gay.

Nah, but why you mad tho? Did your son call you a loser after his mom left you, or did you just not get any tendies either?

>be me, beautiful baby boy
>I'm 21 now, I don't need to have pee pee pants on
>family and I go out for tendies
>why did mean old daddy have to come
>wish mummy didn't love the cummies
>I tell waiter what I want
>tendies! Tendies!
>"fuck sake, son. Get a steak!"
>mummy gets told off
>I eat horrible big boy food
>we head home
>mummy is getting cummies in the next room
>birthday ruined

And the blowjob in the restaurant? Nice

Psh... Going out with friends instead of getting frisky with a lady, fucking dweeb.

Calm down bum boy we all know ops a faggot

Holy shit, you must be tough as nails.

No, you're just a faggot.

OP, I'm sorry your dad is a dick, but Happy birthday from user, I love you man!

>getting frisky with a lady
Please be bait

In guessing you're dad needed to use 5 gallons of mouthwash after that huh? It's great to see father and son bonding at the tip


He's talking about when he WAS fifteen, stupid cunts.

true. thanks fam

>chicken tenders
missed out user. shoulda called em tendies

Was the purpose of this thread to get me to think that your dad sounds cool as fuck and you sound like a faggot? Because that was my takeaway.

>doesn't like beer
>21 years old ordering shit off the childrens menu (chicken tenders)

I'd be pissed off all the time too if I had a fucking queer for a son.

The dad's an idiot.

Anybody who cares about a person's dietary choices is an insecure fruit. If he wants chicken tenders, let him eat chicken tenders. Sticking to steak doesn't make you tougher, you overcompensating manchildren.

pasta but that steak looks good

Meh, maybe, maybe not. You'll never know as i was to drunk to remember.

>its been half a year
>half a year since I did it
Half a year since he was fifteen

You're a fucking cuck OP. I wish I had a dad to force whiskey and steak upon me. Don't eat chicken tenders when you go out. Makes you look more like a bitch than you alreadg are. You can get better ones at Arbys anyeay. Why the fuck are you even out with your parents on your 21st? Go get a bitch or something.

happy birthday OP.