How do you faggots deal with your anxiety...

How do you faggots deal with your anxiety? I either self medicate with alcohol or I just psyche myself up and try to head outside to my destination as soon as possible. Also post the age you started experiencing anxiety and the age you are now. Medications you take.

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Had it my whole life, at first self medicated with alcochol, weed and shit. Now im diagnosed with some type of GAD and take Clonopin and tried Diazepam some time back.

I prayed to the Lord and asked him to take it away. Also I realized such feelings were ridiculous and that everyone else is feeling them as well. I simply let them go, it was like having an epiphany. Haven't had anxiety since. Nothing really bothers me anymore. I have reached some weird kind of zen.

I wish I could achieve this level. I've reached a sort of "jaded zen" after my previous two relationships failed. I feel like I don't care about much anymore but I cry at the drop of a hat. I feel fairly numb inside but still get anxious over things. My new GF puts up with me thankfully but I get irritated at her quite quickly. Anyway - that's my life at the moment. Strange days indeed....

Pretty sure the "Lord" loves the dichotomy in healing your minor anxiety while laughing at the HIV+ newborns dying of starvation in some African shithole country.

See I have done something similar. I literally erased my anxiety sophomore year of highschool but everything came crashing down at 20. Now I'm fuvked even more.

Senior year of undergrad Ivy school education, working on double major senior projects (physics/philosophy), when there was a death in the family.

Literally felt like throwing up each time I picked up a book.

Was put on lorazepam and some other shit. Put on suicide watch.

Took 4 years to get better.

anyone have trouble holding down a job?

I was on 4-5 mg of Xanax a day for a little over 4 years… My anxiety was managed a lot better but I'm off it now and my anxiety is awful and it destroyed my short term memory (plus those 4 years are pretty hazy). I have a really high tolerance to benzos now and if I take any I mostly just suffer memory loss and nothing else.
Feels bad man.
Dealing with the anxiety without benzos feels worse and I honestly would rather not remember shit and get back on them.

It started at 11 and creeped up on me in my 20s. Now i cant go do most of things i used to like go to movies, go out to eat, or talk to people i find attractive. All the meds i have tried dont work for shit since my tolerance is "astounding" according to my last therapist. So now i just shitpost, and occasionally talk to my few remaining friends. This thread stresses me right the fuck out, but im happy to give my 2 cents.

alcohol. lots of it. Im' being honest.

OP here, fucking yes man. Every job I've had I had to leave. I feel like even when I'm working my ass off that I'm not doing nothing and I feel like all of my coworkers think I'm weird. One day I'll man up and fight through it.

One day at a time.

same man! i get into a job and then i start stressing about the job if i did something wrong, am i going to get fired, do people like me at work, just stupid shit that shoudnt worry people because its just a job, i just left my job because of the reason, gets to the point where i make myself sick over it

Mostly i medicate with sativas, but since im moving back in with my dad i cant smoke anymore. So in not sure what im going to do now.

Literally started this year, right before I turned 24. I have to fight off the panic attacks every night, how do I make it stop? What can I do? Help me guys.

Man up. after my mom killed herself i went downhill. Couldnt talk to people , i basically stopped talking to my best friends and i was a huge asshole i did and said bad things to them . Then slowly in highschool i would get really nervous around people , couldnt watch people to the eyes or even talk to them witout sweating alot. It got worst after highschool. Couldnt take the bus without shaking and staring to everything , try to buy food was also a nightmare... i was annoyed all the time , i got fired twice because of my behaviour with the clients. As soon a client yell at me or say something stupid i would insult them or shake like an idiot... so niw with 24 years old with no job , no friends and no family member that give a shit about me.... im great.

I realize that many things that triggered my anxiety was all in my head...everyone have their awkward moments , everyone are stupid and sometimes act like retards in life , the strangers you see walking around with you on the street , all of them have they failures but they try to improve themself or not let their failures take control of their life and soul. So 1-2 years ago i started to force myself to think in positive ways no matter the situation and little by little you will notice that you are getting better with your anxiety.

I had panic attacks before sleep and upon a lot for awhile but it went away on its own. Anxiety is weird because some symptoms just won't be there but others will then all of a sudden those two symptoms flip flop. It's like fucking hell

I think I had it a little my whole life just from not being the cool kid in all of school and my mom doubting and questioning my abilities and decisions a lot. I'd say maybe it intensified a bit when I got fired from first career employment at 19 for social media because that was my dream and it took me a year to recover it after I ruined it. But even then I wasn't that bad. Then when I started my second career job and got told by the boss a few months in that I was gonna get paid less or leave because I wasn't being as aggressive as he wanted me to be in my newly acquired profession fast enough, that and the first dismissal kind of snowballed together as this fear of please everyone at work or you'll lose your job/dream. So then when I got the job I have now this huge please everyone at work and don't fuck up outside of work i.e. why I don't have Facebook, or you'll lose your dream job was birthed. Also had a very strict gotta know all your business mom, so I'd rather just sit at home and not live a social life versus have to justify to my mom everything I did. And yeah she probably saved me from doing some stupid shit with that ruling nature but also depraved me of a lot of opportunity to socially enjoy life. Not really a good move on my part to stay in that environment as long as I did already knowing I was socially disadvantaged, because now I just feel like I'm 100% socially inept where before it was only 50% my whole life. It's just a snowballing train wreck. Then after its people who actually do have an effect on your life, it escalates to neighbors, strangers, people in traffic, anyone you perceive a confrontation with or their anger with you basically. I get nervous if someone tailgates me or I tailgate someone or I look over at them at a light too long or they see me singing in my vehicle and

think I'm mouthing off to them. Everything becomes this unrealistic perceived threat that you will encounter a confrontation that you don't want if you displease anyone around you. It's everything. I get nervous about literally everything. All because I'm afraid anyone will be mad at or dislike me if I offended them or do something they don't consider normal. I just try to face the fears and do things that make me anxious and not care what people think of them while I do them. But it doesn't seem to work or if it is its a damn slow process. Sometimes I think it almost makes it worse because I'm purposely recreating anxiety. Like I said some days are better than others and there's really no pattern. It's like there's a chemical imbalance in my body that is just worse some days. That or its because I get tired of being mad at everyone all the time for judging me and then I just don't give a fuck for a day or two, be a dick and get it out enough to go back to my anxious self. It's been a slow gradual climb to this level.

relax , try to stop yourself when you are overthinking something , as soon you notice you are shaking , sweating or feeling your heartbeat like crazy , try to hold your breath a little and try to focus in something else ,something positive or just focus in saying "this is nothing , im not going to let this shit control my life , fuck you panic attacks!" I know is silly , but you have to take the control. Little actions like this at the long term can do wonder and you will notice.

I started experiencing severe a anxiety when I was 15. Was prescribed Prozac for a while and it helped a lot. Now I'm 18, and I'm no longer taking anxiety meds. Now I just smoke weed and use other psychedelic drugs.

I never had these problems, I've been depressed ever since i can remember but ever since this January I've been having this shit hitting me. I feel like everything i used to love, and I mean LOVE, doesn't mean shit to me anymore because it's almost like the familiar is killing me. I used to love playing video games but now when i sit at my computer i feel like I'm gonna lose my shit because i can feel the irrational thoughts start racing in the back of my mind and then my body starts reacting and it just compounds. I can't fucking stop it and I don't know what's causing it. Nothing in my life is that different compared to a year ago so I don't know what to do. I've already tried meds, lexapro to be exact, and they helped but I felt like they just put a lid on a boiling pot so i came off them and have been trying to fight it in a more proactive way like exercise and such.

Hell, I'm in college making good grades and i have more now than I ever have. I went through some fucked up times In my childhood and teen years but nothing has ever done this to me before. What the fuck.


I used to take citalopram. Then I decided I didn't want to be a pussy anymore and faced my anxiety head on. It was a hard few years, but I managed to deaden myself to anxiety by over-exposing myself to situations of it. Kind of chaotic, but it really worked.

I do try to do this, but it doesn't stop them man. It can help reduce how bad they are but they still rear their head.

A few things I've noticed About my thought process that seems to trigger this, bear with me here.

Days don't seem to be as long as they used to, I sleep till lunch sometimes but the sun doesn't go down until 9pm for me. Every day i find myself thinking "god it's going to be night time again already?" And then the anxiety starts, this isn't the only thing that seems to trigger it but it's the most recurring. On top of this I never used to think this way, hell i used to love night time because it meant there was no reason for me to go outside in the 110 degree weather, but now just thinking about night time only reminds me of the late night panic attacks and borderline suicidal thoughts that are completely irrational. By irrational I mean this, i have been SERIOUSLY depressed before, especially in my teen years. I'm talking linkin park listening, pillow hugging depressed. But i have NEVER been so irrational and freaked out that I felt like picking up a gun and blowing my head off just to end it all for reasons I can't explain. I'll tell you the same thing i told my doctor, I genuinely scare the shit out if myself when this happens. When I've felt borderline suicidal before i always had a reason, now it's like I'm just losing my shit and don't know what to do with myself.

I've had GAD for 6 years now. I always showed signs of anxiety as a kid. I would be uncomfortable being away from my parents, or I would act different when it came to homework in elementary school. For about two years I've had Depressurization-De-realization. It makes most things unbearable. I hold down a job at a gas station in my town that I've worked at since I was 17. (19 now) I have to leave sometimes because the unreal feeling are too much. Its hard to do anything. Believe me Sup Forumsros I'm here and were real.

Does anyone else get like, a static like high pitched noise in their ears? This is a new symptom for me and I'm curious if other anons experience it.

For me, lexapro (the generic version) and talking to a dr has helped.

Sounds like tinnitus to me.
Maybe i have this as well, who can diagnose something like this?

Yeah, used to hear it all of the time. Now I just hear it randomly.

I have horrible anxiety. I tell myself to not be a pussy, and proceed upon doing what I want.

anxiety = just being a pussy

the medication i take has basically gotten rid of my anxiety, i take 100mg of cm-sertaline 1 a day and it seems to be working well i sometimes get small panick atacks but nothing too serious anymore.

its easy, just fap :)

Makes it worse for me, my libido has gone into the trash already, I'd rather conserve what few boners i can get.

How'd you end up getting it to go away? I don't go to concerts or listen to loud music so idk why my ears are fucked up but it gives me a lot of anxiety

I understand why someone who doesn't have it would think that way, I kinda used to.
It's not that simple though, it feels like I've been poisoned.

benzos works like wonders just dont build up a tolerance as others in this thread or get addicted

so i can deal with anxiety with benzos
i wanna kill myself every day
how do i deal with that? i dont want to get on ssris

Try listening to some white noise for awhile at a moderate volume. About 15 minutes will probably do.

sounds like tinnitus, it's just something your going to have to deal with, if it bothers you while you sleep, i always sleep with a fan on even if its dick breakingly cold, its helps me sleep, or i listen to rain music, that really calming for me

Yeah I wanna get on some anxiety meds because I used to not be like this and now I'm all fucked up and it sucks

I should note that it's not the high pitched ringing sound I have in my right ear that is tinnitus it's a different sound

Lol I just ignored his bait but yeah I wasn't a pussy before my anxiety hit me like a brick but now I feel so weak

I went to a counselor who then recommended me to a psychiatrist. A physiologist or psychiatrist is your best bet, The only difference being a physiologist cant prescribe medication while a psychiatrist can. Be hopeful but don't expect things to change right away. I didn't even talk to him for the first 3 times and I really wanted to get better. I have been on more medications than i can probably count, but Risperidone has always helped me. Also I now take Guanfacine which seems to alleviate the Not real feeling. Hang in there user

>ah no he called me a pussy
>guess it just has to be bait :^)

I never said that

yea i had this problem too. Our problem is we live too much on your heads so we lose track of what is going outside and then feel guilty ,sad ,angry how you just wasted a day and you feel like there is never enough time. the way i fixed this i just focus my attention at what im doing at the moment , like washing dishes i try all my attention to washing the dishes i dont let myself to think something else. Is important to be active and keep yourself busy , i think people with anxiety our worst enemy is being alone but also being out there with people and shit. When is time to sleep we are more active ,cant sleep start overthinking about what you did in the day or how shitty everything is... as soon you think something negative , try to put your attention to something else and somethibg funny , positive or anything that help you to relax. Suicide thoughs are just that thoughts... but if you let this ideas control you , of course you are going to get worst and then really try to end it all... so thats why you have to fight , fight this emotions, bring positive energy to yourself and at the long term you are going to improve yourself and anxiety will stop taking your life.

Do you drink coffee? If so, stop, makes a world of difference to me.
Secondly, make sure you don't have anything in the back of your mind that could be dragging yous conscience down. This could be all from unfinished work task to dirty dishes or a messy room, or not having made the calls you told yourself to do. This will also worsen my anxieties a great deal, so tidy up!

>suffer from anxiety most of life, blame parents
>by time I graduated HS, pretty much rekt
>go to college, pretty much shit myself to death because fear of failing and looking like a tool
>drop out, get job, anxiety still bad
>boss looks at me one day, says you got some deep shit going on
>explain all of my problems to boss, he laughs
>not helping the situation out
>tells me if I need a place to crash, his doors always open
>stay over one night, find out girl I thought in HS was cute is his daughter
>spend more time over, hanging with her
>anxiety going away
>flairs up when at home with family
>bosses daughter, now my GF, wants to get place of her own, have plenty of money saved up
>help her move out and we move in together
>less time from family, less anxiety
>get married on a whim at her parents, boss man comes over and gives me a gift
>just a letter, read it carefully, gives me 20% ownership in his business
>realize boss man is more like a dad than my own
>finally close door on family, no more anxiety
>lifes been pretty good for the past 18 years

tl;dr find the source of your anxiety and cut it out of your life

This is pretty close, as close as anyone has gotten and it does describe me pretty well. I am very INTJ and it shows in the worst ways all the time. I do want to emphasize though that I don't want to actually kill myself, it's just like the hysteria from the anxiety attack that makes me feel that way and it's completely irrational and I know it even in the moment I just can't really stop it. Is almost like trying to not think of your grandma naked, sorry lol.
Afterwards it really worries me that my mind does that to me because I don't even have much of a reason to want to kill myself right now if I'm honest. Things aren't going too bad for me compared to what they used to be. I'm actually a little proud of myself for a few things now where I used to just hate myself for any reason. Maybe I should just focus on those thing in my life more, couldn't hurt at least.

I believe you user, I'm trying to do the same. I just don't know what's causing mine, I'm trying so hard to find out.

Dude i've heard this since I was just a child. I've learned to tune it out but whenever it's time to sleep I "hear" it loud and clear

Look hard man. I didn't want to believe it was my family. I blamed everybody including myself for a long time. It was when I wasn't around and I noticed I would get all antsy around ANYBODY I was related to I figured it was them.

I still call my mom and visit her when nobody is around. She still asks me if anything is wrong and that she's proud of me. Makes it go away being around her.

Good story! Dope shit

I pretty much don't deal with it anymore. Just try to live with it. Sometimes ignoring it works but it'll eventually come to the surface.
It's not always really intense though. I went about 7/8 months with it being not bad at all before this recent bout of it being severe(started at the end of march.) I think I'm getting over it again though, i can actually drink now and not feel horrible and miserable the day after.
Longest I've gone with it being very tolerable was about a year and a half.
Been dealing with this shit since march 2011. Was on antidepressants for the first year but dropped them because they stopped working and fuck upping the dosage or trying a million different pills. I have a couple bars of xanax just in case and if I need it I'll take like an eighth of one.
Been almost three weeks since I've needed one.

It almost seems like it's my bedroom, the place where I spend like 70% of my time. But this has always been my sanctuary for lack of better term. I don't know what else to do besides work and school if I can't play video games or play around on the computer, I used to love to do programming protects and such but i just can't make myself anymore.

I keep fish too but even that had lost its luster to me for some reason.

Appreciate it bro. Gotta keep the positive vibe at all times. Sure being a part owner is stressful but going home to a fucking great wife, a kid, my own home makes it worth it.

Honestly bro, you still live at home? If so, consider jumping ship and finding even some flop house looking joint to live in. If it's not feasible to move (i.e. money is tight, bills), consider finding something outside the house to spend more time with. Take up golf or hell, even fishing.

Wanna help you bro get out of this. Somebody did it for me and now I hope I can do it for you.

I should add I don't really have social anxiety or worry about my life.
It's more of a constant feeling of detachment and feeling like everything is unreal. For a while I was getting this really intense deja vu like feeling, it's fucking disturbing. Like my brain is trying to remember something but can't involuntarily. Also I'll feel either listless or really sad. Brain fog too.
Basically a plethora of shitty dissociative symptoms and racing thoughts/heart.

I do still live at home, in college and trying not to get into any debt.

I don't really have any problems here, the worst of it is just that my home town has like nothing to do in it at all. Parents and siblings are a non issue in my case as well. Maybe i do just need to get out more, I've been thinking this lately as well. Ive always been a hardcore introvert. Maybe i just can't live this way anymore, maybe I'm too old now to cope.

So some of you have social anxiety and you start to smoke weed? How does that work exactly?

Same had to leave because I was sweating excessively to the point customers were complaining about me and my anxiety.

I don't smonk weed, does weed make it worse?

no? weed puts me to sleep as is expected of a depressant

it's not fucking coke

Dude, pretty much described me minus the family. Live in a town of 5K. Biggest store is fucking Walmart. After 10 or so, not hardly even a single car on the road. Fuck, if I wanted something to eat right now, only thing open is a goddamn gas station and Walmart.

Find something in your town. It's there trust me. I didn't know it, but there's a board game club that meets every week here. Found it through a friend on FB. Bring a game if you want or play one of theirs. The wife and I rolled in with mother fucking Mouse Trap and even the most introverted was having a blast. Made a couple new friends and have them over for Cards Against Humanity every once in a while. Hooked up a dude that was straight introvert with girl who was even worse. It was awkward at first but being one myself, we introduced them and played some games to laugh.

Point is, there's something out there for you. I don't know what it is but its out there.

Maybe I should start then, I can't ever sleep until it's at least 4am. Probably causes alot of my problems.

Not op but Weeds a crutch just like any other. When I dont smoke I feel like shit anxious/depressed weed just lets me feel comfortably numb. Currently trying to feel better these days that ive gone dry.

Weed helps as long as you do't over use it. I light up every once in a while when I think the shits out of hand. Relaxes me enough to get the shit under control. By the time I come down, I've made plenty of notes explaining what needs to be done so non-high me knows what the fuck is going on.

That gives me hope bro. I wanna find a place I feel I belong. Feel like Im waiting to die and I have no excuse why but I know I want more in life. Its time I start feeling closer to normal

I don't want to ruin anything but I have no idea what it's like to have anxiety, at least in the form that everyone describes it as. I don't ever freak out about situations and always approach situations in a calm matter. My question is, what describes anxiety and what is it like in your experience?

I will probably start looking, I just hope I'm not too autistic to be around normal nerds from being on Sup Forums for like 7 years lol.

I noticed my library has some sort of raspberry PI programmIng group, maybe I'll check that out.

Had no anxiety my entire life until I was 22. Then I developed a whopping case of debilitating hypochondria. After a year of trying to seal with like all the stress I delt with my entire life, I finally gave in and started taking prozac. Until it was gone, I hadn't realized how much of my life it had taken up.

I'm a pretty level headed and collected guy. Anxiety is not freaking out. It's a chemical imbalance. Your body starts producing adrenaline for no good reason and basically telling you you are going to fucking die when not a thing is happening

That's all we want in life. Honestly, consider starting your own group through FB. Gen Xers and Millennials love that nostalgic shit. Hell, find a couple beat to fuck CRTs, hook up a SNES, and hold a oldschool video game night. Or ask people to donate that shit and hold a weekly meet up. People will flock and being there, in CONTROL, will build that mother fucking confidence you are in need of.

Gotta walk the walk. When in Rome do as the Romans. Mimic them and fit in. Then slowly release your inner Sup Forumsastard. Never know, they might be Sup Forumsros as well. And like the idea of libraries. Mine always has some something going on. I'm not a fan but they have been doing Pokemon meeetings weekly and some of those cats are some lonely neckbeards. But.....they have become tight and welcome anybody. Might wanna think about starting something like that up to meet new peeps.

But to describe the exact feeling. You ever walk down a flight of stairs and miss a step? It's that feeling pretty much, only constantly and accompanied by thoughts of doom.

Imagine you're walking home at night. Imagine the fear you get when you know something is watching you. Your heart rate increases, body temperature increases, you feel like you can't breathe. Having anxiety is like that, except it's happening all the time everywhere you go.

My relationship failed because of my crippling anxiety. I've had an amazing, beautiful girl next to me, but lost her because of this. I want it to end.

Has anyone else's anxiety eventually
Turned into rage like mine?

To clarify, I'm not dangerous or anything. I'm just a generally angry person nowadays.

I've been going to the gym for like 4 years. Depression/anxiety since 13. First medicated with alcohol etc. later realized they did more harm than good and was off everything for a while. Then i started Anabolic Steroids. Can suggest anyone with use for them to try if they help. Testosterone especially.

Just go to a psychiatrist or a doctor and have them put you on a low dose of Klonopin. My anxiety almost made me quit school and leave my job until I got medicated.


Noooooo he don't wanna be on Klonipin. Once you start taking it, you'll take the shit for the rest of your life.

This it literally the best answer.

Every cunt has anxiety.

Like if your in class and no ones talking to you, who cares cos they aren't talking to anyone else either.

Everyone has it, its just how you face it and view it from a realistic perspective.

Just remember there are fried junkies out there who literally feel nothing everyday and getting out of bed even when there clean for years is a battle.

i started getting anxious around 11. death, etc.
still catches me in the middle of the night.
but ive got goals
the only defense is goals. dust in the face of death and infinite nothingness

I'm middle aged and I take Xanax for anxiety caused by a brain injury that creates tension in the nervous system.

I can't imagine being young and so emotionally stunted that you have to take Xanax just for "life".

Fucking pussies.

killing yourself helps a lot I can tell by experience

Holy shit no. For 20~ years of my life I had no anxiety. I had worries and fears like everyone else. Your state of mind helps some, but you are talking out your ass.

I don't take any of my medicine. I just deal with it but it still sucks. I hang out with friends, talk to bitches, try to go outside but even when doing that I'm anxious as shit. So you're the real pussy

Smoke weed and go about your day. As simple of a solution and as easy-to-get of a medication I can think of.

>So you're the real pussy
cmon guys
all she does is kill shit
from the back to the front to the back
get it together

It's not so much anxiety, it's more bipolar disorder, but with the "I'm worthless" effect tacked on when I'm in my low period. How I deal with it... I kinda don't, I just live my life but with an extra people-don't-like-you feel to it.

Honestly amazed I haven't killed myself yet.

My god! such a bunch of little cunts. Oh no I have anxiety! Man up and get it done, some of us don't have a choice we have responsibilities.

>even when doing that I'm anxious as shit. So you're the real pussy

My illness happens to be in my body.
Not my imagination.

Stay sober and get lots of exercise.

no really.

I think i know what you mean

jesus christ why

Since 12. I'm 20 now.
I'm taking Gabapentin.

>I'm literally too weak to even handle being alive

I'm 20 and have a completely fucked spine. I can't even stand for more than 10 minutes without excruciating pain and doctors won't touch it because I'm "too young".

At least you had the chance to enjoy your youth you old fuck, just kill yourself.

Poor user, get better.