Don't give it away to see how retarded Sup Forums is

Don't give it away to see how retarded Sup Forums is

The way the text is written makes me think that there's nothing to see and the joke is to make people stare at a low quality image of a brick wall for a while.

a cigar in a wall that it?

holy fuck...

I spotted it within 15 seconds.

It's a cigar stuck in between a brick wall with minimal mortar.

Your thread is bad and you should feel bad.

I do this all the time but on the posts on my porch. I have a cigar graveyard on my porch

it's not a wall, it's a road

Big Boss smoking


>that pic


Was the cigar supposed to be hidden or something? I saw it instantly in the thumbnail

Underrated post.

Took me about 45 seconds.

The weather we've endured, the grout they've taken...... won't stop hurting.

We're going to get it all back Boss.

did i get it right?

>>You found me

There is a smiley face on the middle brick on the right.

he used to decorate cakes yknow

is it the face on the right?

Confirmation bias

>cant unsee it