Hey fags my thread got killed for some reason, so I'm re-asking

Hey fags my thread got killed for some reason, so I'm re-asking

Tomorrow I'm doing coke with a girl who I have a crush on. Just wondering what to expect.

you will say shit that will embarrass you the next day

probably will sex

You won't be able to get it up, no matter what

if she agreed to get blown up with you - you're clearly like in fucking high school right now - then you're gonna get it in

Actually she's 21 I'm 18

If you plan on banging her, dont do blow. Also, if you have xanax, bring it, you'll need it when you run out of coke. Xanax takes away ALL the shitty side effects of coke and is a fucking godsend for cokeheads.

Source: used to do alot of blow

make sure you snort some lines off her sweet smooth butt cheeks. you wont "ragret" it.

What are the bad side affects. I've never fucked with pills

dont overdo things. if you like her, then just be blunt about it. but remember not to overdo it.

2342 3363 4584 1131

fuck her before you do any blasters but let her do as much as she wants, then snort some off her butt like a champ

Expect this

bad side effects?

1. you will not be able to stop doing the blow until it's gone
2. you will get wicked depressed when it's gone
3. you will not be able to sleep for like 24 hours even though you will be entirely exhausted and really really really want to sleep
4. you will be dehydrated
5. your dick won't work even though you really want it to


Expect your dick not to work.

Get a second bag and fill it with something else and say you split it in two. Then just let her get high and horny and your dick will actually get hard.

loose bowels
a lot of sweating
uncontrollable itching
These are what I have experienced/heard of so far. You wont get all but might get some

not true. good coke doesn't do that.

boi here a true fact!
dont do it to impress a girl!
This stupid fuckbitch doesnt care 4 u.
At least u have to pay it she will kick it in and tahts it, u are getting addicted to this shit very quick!

These whoes aint loyal°!

>dont overdo things
>dont overdo
user you got some nerve in a coke thread
gtfo never done blow in your life
telling someone to dont overdo it in a coke thread is like telling someone to not get wet when theyre swimming

This is actually how hospitals treat coke ODs

this right here

Benzos won't have too many side effects as long as you don't mix them with alcohol or opiates.

Alcohol turns you into a zombie and opiates make you a zombie that doesn't wake up the next day.

get 5 blue valiums for after. 2 for her and 3 for you

You are gonna freak out and end up strangling her to death and raping her in autistic rage when she turns you down.
Youll then spend the rest of your life in federal fuck me in the ass prison trading blowjobs for noodle cups off your celly bubba.

Dont ruin your life, user.

OP do an anhydrous acetone wash with your coke and that'll remove the cuts. Good cocaine doesn't make you jittery or anxious. Good coke doesn't burn, and it feels like you were just given a lot of money and gives you a bunch of confidence.

She does coke, you just pretend.
You will get sexed.

ITT: OP is still a beta loser. OP still needs to leave his basement every now and then. OP is still fat and hideous.

Op here. To everybody saying we're gonna fuck, she has a boyfriend so I highly doubt it, unless coke makes you crazy horny

how does one pretend to do coke? what are you gonna do cut up a caffeine pill and have two different sets of lines and shit? i dunno bro

DUDE why are you wasting coke on a chick she with a boyfriend?

Beta as fuck right there

wake up

Lmao I Actually live in an apartment with a friend, but yeah I am fat and hideous. So 2/3

She bought the coke and said she wants to try it with me. Honestly didn't think much of it.

boyfriend is technicality then

Coke turns girls into whores and makes men impotent. It's just further proof of the different brain chemistry of men and women.

He gets it

on the bright side you can expect to never reach an orgasm

on the dark side you'll just go limp

ya, there's no winning

adderall gives you a rager that may or may not allow you to finish, but it makes your dick smaller too

since it's your first time I doubt you'll even notice its effects. cocaine is a difficult drug to explain

well, you'll talk more and be more confident. I advise you choose a nostril and stick with it. Using both will clog it worse.

What else. Well, I did it with my ex-gf sometimes but just the two of us made it kinda awkward. I prefer doing it when there's more than one person around.

I know a lot of people will disapprove this message but for me coke without booze is a waste. It becomes cocaethylene in your liver.

"when you have no legs but bae is at home alone"

Oh yeah. If your nose bleeds on the next day it's kinda common, unfortunately. There's no need to freak out.

I chilled with dealers for a couple of years a developed a habit (3-4 grams a week). Coke's great when you're on it - you're the best thing ever and you want to share that fact, and your stories, with your friends (read:anyone near). As for dick, might get hard but either way you're not cumming.

Oh and if you want good drugs sex, MDMA