Does anyone else find this guy cringey

Does anyone else find this guy cringey

Worse than keem

I fucking hate his nose

His wife is nice though

fuck off, shitfag. keem is the shittiest part of youtube, and even though the guy with the sunglasses is shit tier, he keeps to himself pretty much. you're probably one of those liberal cucks who can't stand the thought that someone is constitutionally allowed to own guns

Holy shit more nudes?

Who is that? Cyrus from trailer park boys?

the fuck is that hairstyle

His content is just garbage.

His nose used to be crisp tho what happened

Nice right

idk hes not that bad of a creator... he knows his hustle and how to get paid...

smacked in the head with a frying pan, no kidding, i did it myself

he is cringy as just fuck and his mouth, jesus, he is the ugliest person on this fucking planet

tbh anyone can do what he does.

what does he even do besides vlogging?


but he makes money doing it... and you.........dont...

i knew he was a jewish piece of shit, thats why hes so damn ugly

hes a fucking jew, i fucking knew it deep down. HES BEEN A JEW ALL ALONG, KILL HIM

what. do. he. do?

looks like a jewish rat with the fattest fucking nose

i wonder why his grandparents wasnt gassed

his son is like 18+ and the guys in his thirties and has a baby right now

i dont know... i have the team researching into it now... results seem..........problematic...


He has a tech company. But I'd much rather be an anonymous Sup Forums poster making fun of successful, talented and happy people. Especially making fun of his looks because that requires intelligence. Also... At least we get to sleep in!!!!! Fuck him!!!!! He wakes up at like 4:30am to make his shitty successful videos!!! I don't even have pants on right now and I'm the same age as him! What a fucking loser he is.

yes i hate his face

I give him 0/10 for a ugly fuck with shitty content

at least my face doesnt portray a sad pug


Just because youre up bright and early doesnt mean you make decent videos or are even a decent person. So you come to Sup Forums to white knight?

Wow. Neistat hate threads... he really has become popular.

Ummm did you think I was sarcastic?? I really DO think he is a loser. I'm in this life to make as many people miserable as possible anonymously. Fuck him. He's rich and does what he loves every day. I am poor as shit and I hate every second of my life. I'm MUCH better off because I enjoy hating every second. For one: it's easier. Did I mention he's ugly?? I mean it really does matter because he's single and has no children. What a lazy ugly isolated fuck.

He has two children and a girlfriend with lots of friends

He was being sarcastic. I bet this is one of his friends haha

This haha.

how did he get famous he looked rich in his first videos. ppl so fucking bored they watch vlogs

fucking kek the first time i stumbled upon his videos, and he was talking and then turned the camera to his face i immediately thought to myself "wholly fuck this dudes ugly!"

His life is quite interesting and he has a sort of positive vibe, which liked. I watched his vids for a while but stopped because it was a bit repetitive.

I swear you are a hater,you make this thread every day

Found the jew.

Nope, ive never made a thread about him nor seen one. Maybe a lot of people just agree

Fucking hate this guy and his clickbait titles and thumbnails

He was literally the first to film 9/11 aftermath from the ground. Coincidence?

his tech company is a sinking ship trying to be snapchat and instagram in one, i downloaded bing its shit. if it wasn't for his cringe youtube videos of a jew skateboarding around new york he would be in trouble.

Im with you. Was interesting for about a week or two. Got repetitive and I "forgot" about it.