That's the sound of 4 niggers breaking into your home. And they are about to rape and kill your family. The last weapon you used in a video game is your only defense.
>How fucked are you?



Last weapon I used... like the literal last weapon? Well I played Insurgency last time I used a weapon. I used an M249 Saw with Armor Piercing rounds so... yeah

>dvas mech

im pretty safe i think fam

Broken bottle on gta5


ayy lmao dual barretas


Bf4 famas

was playing just cause 3 so theyre pretty much fucked


weapon you weeb fuck

It wasn't a weapon, it was a basketball. Ill put on a suit, grab a clipboard, and hand them the ball. Everything will be fine

Steel chair on WWE. Hmmm dont know about this

Saiga .308 w/Armor Piercing tracers. Come at me jungle dwellers

I think im gonna do fine...

Bad juju in Destiny. I won't even have to reload.

A revolver.
It's fine

I was playing SSX3, I'm fucked.

Mk.3 Chieftan medium battle tank ........... what niggers?


god yes

Xonotic. I don't know the weapon anymore but, they'll be fragged and splattered on a wall in no time.

And fuck the messy cleanup.


The day is saved.


Well i guess weilding a 2012 Dodge Viper isnt so bad it should kill them and my family as well all my problems solved

Parasite Eve. Handgun with two shot fire rate; 3 second cooldown between attacks.

Basketball. Maybe I can light it on fire and throw it at them, idk

Tekken, does Bryan Fury's body count as a weapon? If so I'm perfectly fine.

I might die in the process, but I'll at least have some fun

Wolf knights greatsword. Not too bad

cago. ak47. cheyah

It should work pretty well if they don't steal it first

Wolfknight great sword; I just gotta start swinging like a lunatic, and hope I don't get shot.



Warship artillery in World of Warships.

The Niggers, me, my housee, my family and my whole neighborhood would be fucked.

im good

Witchers silver sword from witcher 2. I think I'm aight

Not sure if I could use it but an Alien PSI Amplifier. Would be nice if it worked.


>only play Luigi
Nair and Fair until everyone's dead

> implying animals can't be weaponised
Michael Vick, the original pokemon trainer would kindly disagree

Survivalist Rifle with hand loaded ammo. Niggers are fucked

AR-55 from Saints Row 3

im allrite

>Justice rains from above!

We good.

>tfw house burns

niggers gonna have a bad time

as am i

Beautiful game tho

With a full auto, crowd control and perfect balance roll. I'll be alright.

Played postal.

Shotgum with a cat as a suppressor

Nova 3. Im fine...those niggers are about to be vaporized and blown with plasma granades

as long as youre not an imperial stormtrooper, otherwise you aint hitting shit

mah nigga

French Lebel with Rosalie bayonet. I'm good.

duel wielding fists of the deity from wow. dem nig nogs dun fukd up, son.

Could be worse..

raven shotgun from payday 2, not bad

Where the high noon fam at

Witcher steel sword and axi sign.... mind fucked into killing each other.....

Aok brotato chip.

just the world we live in mein


Im good

tanuki suit

Hydes flamethrower on evolve
I'll burn my house down but atleast I'll rid the world of 4 niggers

If i remember correctly it was a g36 with a drum magazine. If not, it was a minigun. All 4 of them are fucked the second they step in.

I will 4 shot quad shot those niggers

I'm good.

It was Crysis 2, I had a kinda Magnum with sights and some giant GPMG, so it would suck to be a negro thief in a situation like that.

feng mao's polearm, yep i think im good to slice some fuckers

its a fine world indeed

I think i'm safe.

gonna lose, but still cool. points for whipping black people.

My sentry will do the work

yes because only japanese people play pokemon. it's 1995.

I feel pretty good about the ship-to-ship flamethrower, provided I mounted it somewhere decent.

>tfw Battlefleet Gothic
>tfw entire planet purged for negro infestation

For the emperor!

Well, this'll be interesting.

Bubble Bobble... Those pesky niggers wont stand a chance against my bubble attack!

sooooo no more orc bois?


>Pulse from Rainbow Six Siege
>With M1040

Come at me.

MP-7 with Brutal, Deadly and Swift

Uhhh L8R

>played gothic 2. had uriziel

come niggers. we are going to have fun... mmm... daydreaming.......

k98 mauser.. i might be fucked since its bolt but i assume after the first shot theyd probs all run

Assault rifle with extra radiation damage. Pretty safe as I can shoot them entering the stairs to upper floor.

M1014 shotgun. Payday 2.
2 easy.


I was playing Hearts of the Iron 3.. I'm good

Overwatch Junkrats Explosive testicle gun

BFG, for all your needs


>taking a fallout gun and expecting it to work in real life
The guns work on magic and would be nothing more than a prop in your hands with a useless trigger. You'd be fucked guy

Somebody post the analyzation of Fallout 3's shotgun

virginnewfag detected
>awp for CQB hurdur cringeretardicon

Last weapon I used was a black hole generator from Ratchet 3 so... Are they inmune or what?

A KV-85 russian tank lol


y'all niggas gettn specd out

This is about to get real weird

That would be the Hollowslayer Greratsword from DS3.

I'm OK.