Tramadol HCL 50mg and Clonazepam 0.5mg

Tramadol HCL 50mg and Clonazepam 0.5mg.

Hey Sup Forums what is this for, how many can I take to have fun and will I die if I over dose?

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Take 6 tramadol and throw the clonazepam away

take it all nigger

what this nigga said

Will I die?..

if u take less than 400mcg or 8 pills u shouldn't die

No I used to take 600mg of tramadol at once (my tolerance had built up) so taking 300mg will be fine. You'll just feel very chill. Btw dont drive or go to work for about 6 hours

You probably won't die from 300mg tramadol.

as for the clonazepam, crush it and take 5mg

What is it for anyways?

I took that many the other day, took a while to kick in but I felt great. The other one okay but I don't really get much out of it, my friend likes those though

Tramadol is for pain. Other one is for anxiety I believe

tramadol is for pain. do you not know how to use google?

Hey OP, can you take my life? Not kill me, just have my life instead. I feel like I'm about to pass out and I'll end up in some place I'll never be able to get myself out of, and I know I already did.

Tramadol doesn't do shit. All it did was give me a headache

I have Tramadol. It is a very very strong painkiller. Common side effects are becoming loopy, and dizzy. I have only taken two at once because they are very strong. I do not recommend doing this because tramadol can become very addicting. If you take too many, such as three or four pills at once, you will overdose. If this is your first time taking tramadol only take one. Do not consume any alcohol while taking it and **DO NOT** take any Tylenol for at least 3-4 hours. These painkillers can take anywhere between 30 minutes to 3 hours to kick in so do not take more than two. Also, if you take tramadol do not take anything else. Warning, once it wares off, you will get a headache and may become very exhausted.

nah man down the whole thing it will just get you more fucked up.

Fuck you nigger

Ok sure man


choose life.


Don't fuck with tram recreationally, trust me. A friend had cancer but didn't like her pills and gave them to me and the next 6 months of my life consisted of hell

Lmao I work at a front desk of a hotel in a small town

> tramadol
take 400mg max or enjoy your seizure.

Lmao I'm unemployed for life.

Trash gtfo

Fuck off Sup Forums nigger

Sure, off to another shot a thread. Maybe my neighbors will post some.

... oh and it's not worth it btw. quite nice if you take it with a shitload of weed, but horrendously addictive and generally severely unhealthy if used recreationally (i.e frequently)

>will I die if I over dose
Congratulations, you earned your shade

As a ProfessionalPalmist: AllOfThem

Here's a picture of my ass. Keep this thread up while I try to get a hold of that shit.


What does that even mean?

The Tramadol is an opiod. The Clonazepam is a benzodiazepam.
They do have a synergic effect (they get stronger) if you take them at the same time, slowing down your breating, numbing up etc.
Take them together and you probably gonna end up with brain damage in hospital thanks to hypoxia. Dont fucking do it. Everyone reacts differently to them. Also pretty good possibility that youre gonna vomit thanks to the tramadol

To sum up -- dont fuck with either of these substances recreationally. Just smoke weed like every other lose out there to calm yourself down.

You don't have enough to die. You probably need a few hundred tabs

> (OP)y throw away?


Can I come back from the shota thread nao? I didn't find any....

tramadol is shit, and you're gonna give yourself ssri syndrome. get some real drugs faggot.

just popped 60mg hydro, ask me anything.

whats it like being a useless junkie?

Oh look:

ThereR some RealProfessionalS.

not a junkie, got hit by a car. Broke my jaw, my collarbone, a vertebrae in my back, 5 ribs, punctured a hole in my lung, tore my spleen into 5 pieces and ended with a brain contusion.

Does the beep bop? Or frizzle the fizzle wizzle while you hold wuzzle to the drooper.


Lmao suck to be you

Does taking drugs really help with your mentality?

the beep no longer bops, since I returned the beeper.

currently, yes. Although I can feel addiction setting in, I certainly cant stop at the present moment.


Milligrams not micrograms my nigga.

>gonna vomit thanks to the tramadol
My god, the vomit. this the truth.

Tramadol is awesome. You should get some nice itchy feelinga and a lil bit of nodding on just 3-400mg. If you go over 500mg the risk of getting cramps is way higher. Could be just in your legs or some other place. And if you take up to 1000mg the risk of seizures is higher. Clonazepam actually acts as a muscle relaxer so if you take just one 0.5mg clonazepam it will lower the risk of cramps and seizures. Clonazepam is actually a medication for seizures.

if you do plan to take atleast over 500mg tram don't take more than 2 clonaze. I've lost several friends that way. And almost my brother. He took 1800mg tram and 4, 2mg clonaze. He had a major seizure that lasted for like 5min. Doctor said that he was lucky he took clonaze aswell otherwise he could have died.
He did die a year later of mixing heroine and benzo.

so do it if you wanna get some sweet chill high with itchingness and nodding away to the dreamland. But don't take more than neccessary.

I crashed a car once. The same thing happened to me, that was my fault tho.
Broke my collarbone, a vertebrae in my back, cracked two ribs, shattered my pelvis into 2 (maybe 3) pieces and ended with a brain contusion. And stuff.

what the fuck is wrong with you, tramadol is one of the shittiest drugs out there. Not too mention taking doses like that is the perfect way to give yourself ssri syndrome dumbshit.

damn, small world. Did you have trouble with stopping painkillers in the end? I'm slightly worried since Ive been on them for 4 months now.

Answering myself here. When i did tramadol a lot i needed like 700mg to get those real nice itches and the nodding. But later i took 1100mg. Yes over a gram. Didn't get any cramps at all. Even drank like 5 beers. But it is dangerous at that high dosage.

No, I wish I had more morphine though.

lol, i take 6 in the morning and 6 at night, along with 1 diclofenac and 4 methocarbamol's

it'll be over user
everything will be fine

Dafuq you talking about dude. Tramadol isn't an SSRI. SSRI is medication for depression. One typical example is prozac. Which can give you SSRI syndrome if you overdose it. But why would you? You don't get high off them. Go read up a bit dude. You clearly do not know what you are talking about.

no such thing, fag.

Sure. I remember the last time you visited.

good on the tram part but kpins are fucking amazing
what is wrong with you people

you're the one who needs to do reading dumbshit

"First, tramadol, as well as all of the SSRI antidepressant medications (fluoxetine, paroxetine, citalopram, etc), increase the concentration of serotonin in the synaptic cleft of two connecting serotonergic neurons found in the midline raphe nuclei within the brainstem. "

yeah me too bro
just keep it calm

it works similar to ssri pills

No problem. I'm right here.

Lol. Diazepam is a pill which the active ingrediense is benzodiazepine. So you were almost right. Hard not to mix up all the benzo pills and substances

Im on 2x100mg SR Tramadol for pain relief. (Had my leg crushed). Go easy on it to start until you get used to it. I would go higher than 200mg to start then increase it from there if you handled the 200 ok.

Don't fuck with opioids OP, it's bad news.

That is horseshit right there. Tramadol does not affect the seretonine receptors at all since the only substance in tramadol is tramadolhydrochloride. Which only acts as a pain reliever. Same as morfin. Tram is almost like morfin in every way. So is morfin an SSRI too then?

This. These faggots can give us their benzos if they hate them so much.

>Lol. Diazepam is a pill which the active ingrediense is benzodiazepine.
yeah i know, i took the things for 17 years.

anyone else have experience with them? benzos are said to be one of the most addictive substances known to man. more addictive than heroin.
utter nonsense. i've been addicted to both. i've been addicted to fucking every common recreational drug. benzo addiction is a fucking myth. i can stop for a week, a month, in 2014 i stopped for the entire year. not a single withdrawal symptom aside from mildly increased anxiety and insomnia. try fucking coming off heroin, codeine or fuck me running try methadone.

Warning. Tramadol will fuck you up.
Take 2 every half hour until your fucks are as upwardly inclined as you want them to be.

If you want an example of Tramadol fucking a person up, read the blog of lepht anonym. Shit is fucked.