What the fuck am I doing wrong here Sup Forums

What the fuck am I doing wrong here Sup Forums

what do you mean?

Asking Sup Forums for advice

yeah i understand that. but besides missing hydrogens on every carbon of the cyclohexane and that the 4-methyl ist the wrong orientation, it is mostly correct.

thanks mate, thats all i needed

have you tried to decarboxylite it?


rolling for dubs

what the hell are you talking about?

you're a beautiful person user

Chemdraw master race

what exactly is the question? if no stereochem is indicated then do not draw dashes or wedges, it must say either cis, trans, or (1,2,4) RS indicators

i mean...you know...its chemestry.

i study chemistry, it's the least i should be able to do xD

>decarboxylating a hydrocarbon


its my minor user, what's your favorite subject in organic. mines got to be palladium/organometallic catalysis

whatever. just tried to help an user.

decarboxylation is the elimination of carbon dioxide from a molecule. do you even see any oxygens in there? no? so no carboxylation. ever.

i am doing my bachelor thesis within the topic of iron-iron catalysts (for proton reduction). so this would be my pick!

Okay, so it's still telling me I'm incorrect even though this has to be 100% correct. I hate chemistry so much

As an O-chem 2 student, I did not expect this thread.

Also, why would an user need to know this info, and then not know about the hydrogen on the aromatic ring?

you forgot one hydrogen at the C1-carbon.

4 bonds per carbon bro.

Find the carbon that only has 3 (hint, its near the top)

but it's a cyclic alkane, not an aromatic!

The top bond is HC-CH3

Thank you, I've been pulling my hair out.
I do physics and math so I dont understand why I just cant do chemistry

also, if not necessary, don't t draw the stereochemistry (the orientation of the methyl groups). it's pretty irrelevant to begin with

Look on the bright side op. You got dubs.

What is an 6 membered ring normally called?

Update: I ran out of tries before I could put the last hydrogen in. Chemiscry

there you go