Real Chinese dude here with a question

>inb4 go back
I will. Once I finish my degree.

I want to ask about European history. When people say how most of Europe was irrelevant for its history people talk about the Roman's/Greeks. Which I thought was fine but then I read about how they just conquered most Europe and thought of their brother's as barbarians.

Why do people say 'the west' had been in power for thousands of years, as the one's who are most in power now (America, Russia,) weren't the same one in power back then (Greece, Italy)

Isn't this like African-Americans talking about Egypt when they all lived in west Africa?

What's your degree in? fampai

Yeah but the difference is that whatever country is dominating Europe at that time, its always European, and always dominating everyone else aswell

by west, they mean Europe or West Eurasia more broadly since there's a certain line of descent and nexus of interactions in the area since Sumer first arose (and even before). but you're right, those are ultimately ideological constructs and people will prefer and argue for some over others

>Isn't this like African-Americans talking about Egypt when they all lived in west Africa?

Europeans had more interaction with North Africa and the Middle East than the ancestors of African-Americans did in general and they're more closely related to each other in all sorts of ways. but again, your boundaries are ultimately informed by your ideological inclinations

Modern education of European history is designed to dismiss and downplay the role of its original inhabitants; Caucasians. But on the heels of Roman collapse, each area of Europe quickly made gains.


That's really dumb imo.

>dominating everyone else
The Greeks/Roman's invaded Asia but they didn't stay there.

Dominating them economically/technologically is what i meant
They don't actually have to go to war

I see. Is that why Caucasian Middle easterners are not seen as eutopean? Because of Islam?

for example, if North Africa and the Middle East hadn't become Islamic, it's likely we'd be seeing a different ideological boundary in west eurasia. all of them are informed by some basic facts but they're still ultimately set up at someone's discretion

No. They're not seen as European because they don't live in Europe

You don't have to be European to be Caucasian

To a certain extent yes, but the comparison with dindus and "we wuz" isn't valid, since Ancient Egyptians were a totally different population, whereas countries like France, Spain, Portugal, Germany, etc. aren't THAT different from Greece/Italy.

Yes. And also the fact they look different even from southern Euros.

Also simply the fact that they live on the other side of the mediterranean

It's exactly the same. Somebody has to be in control of Europe, if people live there. I think it's Americans mainly who propagate this meme. No self-respecting Aussie considers himself a shred European if he was born here.

What are you doing senpai...

I'm willing to bet the genetic difference from modern day African-Americans to ancient Egyptians is the same or less than the genetic difference from white-Americans to ancient Romans.

not "European" per se but to an extent yes, see . I think it answers your question even though I wrote it before I saw your q

Europe itself is partly an ideological construct informed by some basic geographical facts, like the Med sea or the Urals and the Caucasus but you see that its geographical boundaries at some places are a bit iffy. you need more than that

and there's a reason half of Europe freaks out about being considered "Eastern" rather than "Southern" or "Northern".

and so on, and so on

>tfw chinese
>can't speak chinese

FUCK my shit up




but you'd lose that bet. sub-Saharan Africans and Northern Africans are genetically much, much more distant than even Finns and Bedouins are, let alone white Americans and ancient Rome

>because they don't live in Europe
but what is european has always be changing. slavic europeans were thought to be out of europe for most of their history. now theyre considered the most powerful country in europesn history.

I can't tell the diffrenc between a white Lebanese A Persian and a German.

what do you thinknofnw yourself? a lot of white people here in my uni are from international students and I haven't talked to any real ones

Sort of. You forget the period between the times of ancient Rome and the beginning of WW1. You know, the exploration of the world, great works of architecture, strong monastic orders, scientific discoveries, etc.

Learn Mandarin.

>I can't tell the diffrenc between a white Lebanese A Persian and a German.

on a global scale, these populations are very close to each other. a bit more distant than Northeast Asians are, I'd guess, so what you're saying makes perfect sense

it's easier to see the difference when you're within than outside and of course cultural differences, nationalism etc. are important

Isn't the eastern just the balkans

Thanks for answering. I think I get it.

But why is pan-Europeanism so strong compared to other areas? Mongols are like our roman's and they attacked us and then ruled over us for a long time but nobody here in my old country is being proud from that.

>studying in looland

think about IQ of local white people

Seems you're right, although east African isn't on this chart, genetic diversity in Africa is larger than across Europe. Still it is ridiculous for people living in the new world to claim their related to Romans simply because they're white. Taking lineage back that far is pointless anyway,

>what do you thinknofnw yourself?
As Australian. 1 of my grandparents was born in Germany, the rest were born here, my mother's side in particular goes way back as Australians. We have our own customs, slang and ideals that can be very different from Europeans. The closest link we share now is to England through shared history and language, but to the rest of Europe the links are very tenuous.

see, I'm not sure what eastern Europe is exactly. even the "Balkans" is a contested definition at the northern boundaries (and Aegean Greeks don't like being called "Balkan" either). that's the whole point

>But why is pan-Europeanism so strong compared to other areas

historical contingencies I guess. no one wanted a repeat of the world wars. the more liberal and cosmopolitan Europeans (and on average, Europe and its offshoots, even in Latin America, is probably more like that than any other place when it comes to those values) already find it easy to identify with each other, if not the whole of humanity to an extent

>genetic diversity in Africa is larger than across Europe

makes sense since it's our origin. I also assume you mean sub-Saharan Africa since if you add North Africa, you'll see even larger genetic distances. East Africa, too, since it's about half Eurasian genetically

>claim their related to Romans simply because they're white

the whole 'white' business is a relatively recent construct. Europeans and their offshoots always felt connected to Rome because of the empire and the ideology (and other things) stemming from it, both via Classical Rome and via Byzantium, not due to 'whiteness'. I agree that some connection based on 'whiteness' would be pretty silly

relevant, maybe?

China used to be fractured into many states and kingdoms and conquered by foreign powers as well.

I don't understand what you are confused about.

yeah, why not, it's a good showcase of "Caucasoid" types. you can even see where this sort of grouping starts to break down in East Africa, South Asia and very northeast Europe/Central Asia which contain some 'non-mainstream' components at relatively high rates

though there's no need to pay much attention to typology for contemporary populations anymore since we have population genetics. we even have ancient DNA today

You are a shame of Chiney race. In certain future, mainland will call every able bodied Chiney proxy for the .. ops, almost slipped it out. Learn chiney and you'll get the message. Fuck off foreigner.

because muh heritage

Also how are you liking Aus? I studied in china, was very fun. I didn't make any lasting chinese friends though, have you made any good aussie friends?

>I don't understand what you are confused about

The europeans that lived in europe at the time were all celts. Then the germanic tribes and slavs and whatnot rolled in and then rome fell. Then europe was full of germanics mixed with the inhabitants of the now dead roman empire.

See: Lombards, Franks, Visigoths, etc

I like Australia a lot thanks for asking. People are are very kind and the beaches are beautiful. Thevonly negative I can think of is how it is haha.

I haven't made any aussie-aussie friends here yet. Only a couple of Germans But they're nice.

Yeah the heat atm is fucked. What chinese city are you from and what city are you in now? Also will you keep shitposting on Sup Forums once you go back to choina?

Also do you like the CCP or do you spy for them?

* hot

Yeah the heat atm is fucked. What chinese city are you from
Hong Kong

and what city are you in now?
Sydney Central

Also will you keep shitposting on Sup Forums once you go back to choina?

If I can. This migjt be blocked there.
>Also do you like the CCP

>or do you spy for
Of course (^

Well enjoy m80. Idk if it's blocked in hong kong but posting was blocked in the mainland because of spammers, but the whole site might be blocked now.

They can view and read. I don't think they're banned, they just can't post since they have no captcha as they don't have google anymore