Name our band, Sup Forums Our sound is leftist rock, and we'll be performing live at the DNC convention

Name our band, Sup Forums Our sound is leftist rock, and we'll be performing live at the DNC convention.

Fuckity Fat and the Barrel Asses.

Rub a Dub

Beef Wellington.

Real Sisters

Butter Rolls

Tub of Lard

I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.

Hungry hungry hippos!


Fat and chubs! both will suck ur dick for Taco Bell!

Wash My Cunt

White trash in a tub


We ate the baby

Or Fatu

When ham planets collide


Buttered Soup

>leftist rock

Is that like... the opposite of country music?

Heifer Nuns

Wendy's and Arby`s

tubbies in da tub.

Black cock welcome!

Slime Sixty-Nine and the Unwashed Rimjobs

Leftist rock? I'd that like PowerViolence, but without any appeal?

Ball washers

Fat liberal lefty trash.

Wide load

Mother should have swallowed

Porch monkeys
