Getting married today, what are you bros doing rn

Getting married today, what are you bros doing rn

trying to think of a premise for a book to write

No one cares

is wife hot

Congrats OP

Drawing character concepts for a game i'm working on

what genre

Chubby as fuck tbh but she has money so lol

OP asked what i was doing and i said what i was doing. Fuck you.

my wife wants a divorce, so I am reading the fine print on the marriage "contract" I signed that day.

my life is fucked, it is not too late for you

post a pic breh

sucks to be you bro, didnt sign a prenup? you fucked yourself

She has a job and I dont ok

congratulations op all the best :)

fiction adventure satire


Mostly I'm thanking God that, unlike you, I won't look like Paul Bearer in about ten years.

Other than that, eating orange slice candy, and fucking about the internet.

Marriage is for fuckin cucks

Go away that's not my,wife

not judging man, she's a solid 2.

i did NOT need to see that, my eyes


you should try that shit with salt its cash

I dont use that thing called my wife for sex or even love. I use her money to buy soda and,video games while I sit on my ass all day living the life of a free man


does she want children, if so please dont let them get fat, spare them


I have bad news for you if you think a prenup will do shit for you. Judges tear them up as if they were toilet paper, they mean next to nothing unless you are rich as fuck.

It is not that if you are rich a prenup protects you from getting raped, but at least you can decide before hand what dildo she gets to use. Things like the dog is mine, and this house is yours and this one is mine are ok in a rich fucks prenup. She is still going to walk out with half his shit

Sir, you can't marry the buffet. Please leave.

Im a virgin and will remain to be to make my new wife suffer