Hey amerifats

Hey amerifats

My sister has just been in Murca, and she bought a pack of pop tarts for me.
On the pack it said: Caution: When heated it can cause burns, if you heat it for too long, the microwave can catch fire, and finally it said I should remember to clean my microwave, because it's unhealthy to eat a dirty pop tart.

My question is: Why are you so retarded, that you allow this stupidity?

Because in the USA civil litigation is a major industry in and of itself.
Like filing a lawsuit against McDonald's because your hot coffee was..., well..., hot.
And actually winning big $$$ for you, your lawyers and your bank as a result.
(Actually happened -- Google it.)

Everybody has to cover their asses legally to try and fend off the lawsuits.

what i hate is how theres so much stupid litigation real ones get lumped in with them. The "coffee was too hot" one gets cited a lot but that one was actually legit. The coffee was near boiling temperature wise and should not have been. The woman got messed up really bad because she got 2nd degree burns all over her upper legs/groin. Normal "hot" coffee will not do that.

And where doyou live?

Go to a fucking MCDonalds in your shitty country, get a coffee, see what's written on the cup. It's the same 'CAUTION ITS TOO HOT DURR DURR'. Guess citizens of Shitsville are just as dumb as amerifats. Or maybe it's just all of us.

It is true. This wonderful land is full of retards. I hate it. All warning labels should be removed so nature can take its course.

Also everyone wants to sue everyone so you have to put that shit on there so said retards can not sue you.

Enjoy your box of preservatives. Hope they are Wild Berry or your sister is also a tard and brought the wrong kind back.

Your state side Amerifag

OP here. That case is not a good example, because Stella Liebeck actually had severe burns due to the coffee. She was hospitalized for 8 days, which was followed by 2 years of medical treatment. In the 8 days in the hospital, she had underwent skin drafting, and yeah you can search for the details.

>because it's unhealthy to eat a dirty pop tart.
>My question is: Why are you so retarded, that you allow this stupidity?

You don't have humor where you live?


Ya I don't that lady made any money either I'm pretty sure it fucked her in the end.

You're right that there are a lot of frivolous lawsuits, but the McDonald's case was actually a legit one. The lady who filed suit burned her vagina so bad she had to have reconstructive surgery. She didn't want to sue but because our health industry is so corrupt and overpriced she had no choice but to sue just to cover her medical bills. The case has been used, incorrectly, time and time again to write laws that absolve corporations from any wrongdoing, no matter how egregious.
(actually happened -- google it)

It's a waste of ink bruh

So what kind of poptarts where they?

ah ha Dubs

>dirty pop tart.

they made a documentary about it too called Hot Coffee

S'mores. I think it's chocolate and marshmallow. You Muricans have good taste in candy.

type of poptarts please I gots them dubs

Oh ya our candy is tits for sure. But WildBerry is the Best, Sorry.

Clean pop tarts.

Dude they're better toasted in a toaster.

You kids today will nuke anything.

we talked about that case in my business law class
Someone in that back yelled
>Who the hell holds coffee in their lap?!?!
The whole class and even the professor had a laugh

Also I saw a burger king add once of a breakfast pancake, that had egg, bacon and fucking donuts in it. You never see something like that in Denmark. Maybe that's why you're so fat. No offence, you just are statistically more fat than other first world countries.

No way.

Ya don't put them in a microwave.

No its true and it offends me so don't apologize. You ever see a fat shaming thread? Have you ever seen anyone who is not American?

Duly noted

Yes way. What do you like Cherry? Lame.

This. Only a moron like op would use a microwave for poptarts.

Now that you mention it, and my sister said she'd seen sooo many fat people over there. But we are evolutionarily predisposed to long for sugar and fat soo..

I just don't see berries beating chocolate and marshmallow. Sometimes I wonder why I'm not fat.


lost it

frivolous lawsuits

people like Donald Trump (he's filed about 10,000 frivolous lawsuits) file lawsuits all the time, in America. just to 'get lucky', and get a dollar for free.

hance the warnings. not fuck off back to britbongland, you're stifling my Freedoms.

It says 'caution: hot', it doesn't fucking explain every insane scenario that could happen.

Yeah exactly. Trump is an obvious opponent of freedom of speech. He tried to sue Bill Maher for calling him the descendant of a fucking Orangutan.

it's not the lawsuits, it's the judges who are this dumb that they allow cases like that to reach the court ("coffee from mucdonultz is hot, I am a dumb cunt and I have burned myself, trying to drink almost boiling liquid, therefore I'll sue you bitches"); if judges would say, like: "bitch, u dumb as fuck, you should drink bleach and rinse it with boiling water right from the kettle, case dismissed", nobody would fill dumb-ass shit like this

This. It's ass-covering for lawsuits.

I had an ex-girlfriend who worked at a grocery store, she got a call from a woman saying a chicken she bought there made her very sick.

"Did you cook the chicken before eating it?"
"Well, no...and it doesn't say on the..."
"Nice try. *click*"

Her boss listened to it back and laughed for like 20 seconds straight.

I'm in Japan right now and they have warning labels on everything. Even more so than the US. Light fixtures, fans, railings...