I didn't play WOW. Why would I want to see this?

I didn't play WOW. Why would I want to see this?

I'm not a virgin beta cuck who read comic books growing up while everybody else was having sex why would I want to see this?

Good story. Not super original but well interwoven and good character development. Not afraid to kill off main characters. Plus it looks like it was made with some love, which is getting rare these days. It'll be one of mayve 4 movies I see in theaters this year, in large part because of the amazing CGI.

I saw it today. If you don't know the WoW mythology (I didn't) you will be lost. This movie will not play to a general audience. I honestly think this will be the last nail in the vidya coffin.

What lost you?

You didn't see shit though.

The story is kind of all over the place. It takes a Game of Thrones approach and jumps between a lot of different characters, there really isn't a central protagonist. And that's fine for GoT because they have time to build the world, but this didn't do that. I think people that are familiar with WoW lore will love it. It honestly feels like a fan film (and not necessarily in a bad way) but it isn't very accessible.

That's an excellent question tbqh

I didn't live during Napoleonic era. Why would I want to see this?

Can you give an example or 2? just interested.

You wouldn't and you shouldn't.

Of two what?

>having sex while growing up

wher did they touch you user?

>he mad cuz his absolute garbage medium was insulted
Comics are trash, dude

You clearly have not seen the movie. What's your motivation in badmouthing a movie that you have no stake in? I'm genuinly curious

It's dota characters

kek. Okay, user. See we'll see what happens in June.

Sup Forumsirgin here

Why the fuck would you ever want to watch this piece of shit? It looks like a generic fantasy movie with shit writing and shit CGI.

the cgi is realer than real life


>Sup Forumsermin
Fuck off right back to your shit board, you waste of space

You provided the most vague description of literally nothing as "jumps between characters", you basically told nothing of importance.

What are we supposed to see in June again?

>I swear I saw it guys my dad works at nintendo and they had a screening

You capeshit fags are pathetic.

My dad actually works at nintendo and he just called and told me he fucked you're dad

>Why would I want to see this?

You don't. You shouldn't. Do not go see it.

>it's impossible to enjoy both films and video games
why don't you just kill yourself?

You should go see Captain America one more time instead.

Eat shit, you Sup Forumsedditor faggot and just go back to meme board already

but Sup Forums is the memeboard

My dad is Sup Forums and i can confirm Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the worst boards

Because WoW has absolutely nothing to do with this movie. It's about the first Warcraft RTS.
So for nostalgia I guess. That's my reason.

>It takes a Game of Thrones approach and jumps between a lot of different characters
I seriously doubt it is that bad. It doesn't have a hundred different factions all vying for screen time. It has the Humans and their eyes, and the Orcs. That's it.

>there really isn't a central protagonist
Proof positive that you didn't see it. There are two protagonists for each side, and many secondary protagonists. The Humans have Lothar, followed by Khadgar, Llane, and Llane's wife Taria. The Orcs have Durotan, Draka, and Orgrim. It's not that difficult.

>And that's fine for GoT because they have time to build the world, but this didn't do that.
Except that GoT kind of doesn't do that, either. It flings out a bunch of characters and terms that the viewer has no idea about, and doesn't really explain them fully. White Walkers, for instance: you see them at the beginning, no explanation of what they are, and who those guys in the black clothes are. Then we cut to a town that we know nothing about, and get info that the King is coming. We don't know anything about these people, or their history, or why Arryn dying is important. We are introduced to a bunch of weird shit, without being given information on it and leaving people scratching their heads for the first few episodes. Warcraft is much simpler: Orcs invade planet because Gul'dan killed theirs, Orcs and Humans make war on each other, and it turns out the entire thing was set up by a demonically possessed wizard to get some minions to that world to facilitate the summoning of his interstellar rape gang.

>Humans and their eyes
>not "allies"
I swear I must be on drugs.

Sup Forums used to be fun, now capeshit and this video game trash has filled it with bitter nerds who are angry all the time

in tthe first game i dont think humans and orcs team together to defeat a common enemy. seems more like wow

No reason really. It's a movie for bros.

Bros do shit for their bitches.

Sorority sluts ain't into orc vs human bullshit. They would rather see 50 Shades of Grey II.