What's the most interesting thing you know about space, Sup Forums?

What's the most interesting thing you know about space, Sup Forums?

Even in space, op is still a fag

It's the final frontier I think

It's really, really freakin' close. That one XKCD blew my mind with just how thin our atmosphere is and how close "space is to the surface of our planet.


in space nobody can hers op´s faggotry

There are several parent stars wothin "reach" of the earth population that have planets orbiting in the goldilocks zone that could theoretically support human life. With that being said, the van allen radiation belt will be next to impossible for us 5o pass in transit to said planets.

There was a neutron star on the other side of the galaxy that had a star quake, and it affected the weather here on Earth back in the 70's.

Now, if a neutron star can do that from 100,000 light years away, imagine what one could do 15,000 light years away.

Space, although empty, still has properties and can be manipulated in such ways as twisting and warping.

>Even in space, op is still a fag

In space no one can hear OP sucking cock.

Your mom takes up a lot of it.

In space the sun is white. Seems simple but ask anybody they'll say yellow

Super massive blackholes change the game.

U take up too much of it OP

Sick burn dude!

Theres another thread similar to this. They are arguing about time dilation. Sup Forums is fucking retarded. heres an ACTUAL interesting thing
google the "kasimir effect" its living proof, that something can come from nothing and that some infinities are larger than others.

Voyager 1 is the furthest man-made object from Earth at the moment. It was launched in 1977 and is also the first object we've made that has left the heliosphere and is currently in interstellar space. It contains a golden record on it which contains greetings in 50 languages as well as a selection of music selected by a committee headed by Carl Sagan. Johnny B. Goode is one of the tracks on it. The plaque affixed to the outside of the spacecraft describes its origins and is etched 0.1cm thick. Because of the poorly understood process of interstellar erosion (which is much slower than normal erosion) the plaque will be legible for another 800 Million - 1 Billion years.

It's a myth that humans would only last seconds with out a space suit, depending on location you can lost up to two minutes.

Wrong asshole

Google 'the great attractor' whatever it is it's far more massive than any super massive black hole

I appreciate that you used the correct pic to start this thread.

And pictures of a bunch of kids eating ice cream


>you can lost up to two minutes.

That's as long as I can last in OP's mom's butt.

At this very moment Mars is inhabited solely by robots.

Get the cock out of your asshole first buddy

At first I thought you were an asshole than I realized you're right

The thing that blows my mind is that if the big crunch theory is right, then there technically could of been infinite universe before ours, each lasting billions or trillions of years, and by sheer numbers that means the matter that makes me now is technically the same matter that made alien pussy some time in the past.


In space, untreated metal bonds together without an oxidization layer

Haha that's true, there are also 150 images encoded onto the records depicting human life. Most of them are really weird.

Got a citation for that?

space 1 - OP 0

Never Forget.

space is big


How big is it?

This video is not being played backwards.

Fucking love that game


*joke about Uranus being huge*