Hello faggots

Hello faggots
I am stronger, taller, and more sexually attractive than you. Tell me how you could beat me in a fight. Amuse me.

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shoot you



That settles it

I would make fun of your abnormally Small penis you roided out douche.


You stupid fuck. I am also a sharp shooter. Are you compensating for something small man?


Stupido muscle faggot

Dude you look like a tic tac shut up

Just because you're big doesn't mean you can fight. Go to an MMA gym and get your shit rocked, OP.

your face looks gay as hell and you're just an average joe on roids

It's seems unfair, maybe with only my left-hand...
Hahaha i sit on your head.

I don't fight and you get charged for assault
>I win

I guess you didn't know I was a world judo champion? Get big, toothpick. Weight classes exist for a reason.


Can't win if you're dead


Arg it's so ugly.

Why would I die?

Cry some more, bitch.

Guess i still dont give a fuck.

Youre faggot.

Next think is, your head is like your penis. Too small for your body

Mfg !! You look like as if David Hasselof had turned completely gay .

Well I was gonna say kick/punch you in the natches but it seems the steriods have taken away your weakness, leaving me to caress your Ken doll lack of genitals in vain.

I'd kill you for being too much of a punk bitch for not defending yourself.

> sharpshooter
> accusing user of insecurity
Wew lad. Not enough towels in the world to soak up the sweating I'm doing to rey and understand you



Sounds legit

Captain little Cock is in da house

Threaten to scratch your face. Pretty sure you'd run the fuck away from that possibility.

no proofs no proof


I'm immune to bullets lol

I'd pop one of those big ass veins of yours and you'd die

Do you do shampoo adverts in your spare time?

got me xD

I bet you don't even understand basic meta geometrics or the classified Fielding's warp equation

Hell, do you even gnosis?

I dont thibk you have any previous comvat experience and are probably just a lifter, meaning that you'd be too tired before you even got a shot of on me.

>use to street fight for money/fun before it got shut down for drugs

Hyrkltr Otgholt

On the pic your dick seems to be very small.

Those abs o.o

>Strong Snax

I would let you fuck me :3


Me likey

This 1000%

this is mike o'hearn jesus christ guys lol

straight up

I pull bitches too faggots. I'm more charming, successful, and intelligent than you too. Prove me wrong you useless scumbags.

Needless to say that bitch on the left is somehow Alien made isn't she ?

shoot your hands then your lungs


Do you do gay porn? Take it boy?

They're disgusting, don't be proud.

I was martial arts and would not cost anything kick your ass

This any trained fighter could kick this dudes ass rather easy. Source: experiencr


Street fighting experience won't help you. I've trained with the best in the world.

easy bitch

How jealous are you, little boy?

Dayum 10/10 would pat your chest like a bongo

Same here, I dont even know if you can fight yet you just look like a lofter and most of them are actually not very good fighters.

you're not very inteligent for going onto the worst website on the internet and challenging everyone to a fight. We have psychopaths here, and you just challenged them.

In order to beat this she hulk you must follow these steps.

STEP ONE step into ring
STEP TWO raise them dukes
STEP THREE aggressively bob and weave dodgeing every tranny punch not thrown, yet still evading the possibility of threat
STEP FOUR get on hands and knees at the base of cumgargler
STEP FIVE start advancing rapidly towards that ambush/trap while twisting both hands rapidly, alternating between clockwise and counterclockwise.


STEP SIX begin slurping that last piece of air fruit from your air cup of Jamba juice like it's the only thing that will save you from the meat mountain looking at you all confused like
STEP SEVEN blow it like it's the only thing saving your skull
STEP EIGHT after finishing off the living steroid, jump ten feet in the air straight Up, spin three times vertically and on the third spin remove pants and being furiously masturbating
STEP NIEN shove your tic tak down its throat while stabbing the neck of thor with your ingrown toe nails
STEP TEN drink the blood of this fallen beast
Get on the floor
And read every letter of after each period. CC

About as jealous as you will be when you find out that my 5 year old cousin's dick is bigger than yours, roid fag

Underated post

Trained in mma, could easily pop you into a guillotine.


Basement dwelling bait, you can smell it for miles around.

your calves are smaller than my dick

We know newfags. Thanks for trying to prove a point fuckwits.

>wear bulletproof vest
>get in Islamic truck of peace
>get shotgun
>get explosive T-TAP suicide vest
> truck bomb so I can wipe out entire neighborhood after I run you over with truck of tolerance

Man you're sad, even if you are the chad bromington that you say you are, what the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums you depressing cuck


With my M&P shield I'm 9mm with Hornady defense rounds.... 1 shot is all I need put I'll give you 3 or 4 for good measure

you look very ridiculous and gay

Hahaha, whatever you say. Meet my squad, they'll love to hear about you scrawnlords.

Goddammit XD


Woah check out this faggot spewing gibberish out of his mouth.

Look at me! I know cool words because I watch Star Wars! I know how to calculate for transwarp geometric flux capacity resonance modulation singularity instability equation. Blah blah blah!

>pic, first sentence

Lost hard it's too late

I would stab you to death. You couldn't hack that. I would stab you and watch the life slowly fade as your body is slowly deprived of oxagon. You would try to struggle, but it would be pointless, and i would laugh. Their really is nothing like stabbing someone, 75% of the time they look down and just don't processes what their seeing, and one they do all they can do is look at you in shock and utter terror. At that point, you are truly in control. No amount of muscle can stop it.

Mostly not everyone. You seems to be thinking your everybody, and i maybe afraid you're not dear user.

Seems you have no muscle protecting your heads. Would be a shame if a bullet were to go straight through it

I'd inject your boyfriend with hiv and let nature take its course.

Roided up or not, you lack flexibility. Too muscles. Makes it easy to choke you out.

Your squad? you roll with these cucks?

I hope you purposely spelled like a fucking clown, silly user.


Apparently has a website

I'm asserting my dominance over the inferior beta males

OP is a faggot, time to find IP, FB, and else.

so your roided out then?

A kick in your small balls caused by all that juice will do!

Nope, natty

Mike O'Hearn

unlikely... also there are natural steroids too, so you're roided out.

Why do you go around a korean rice cooking website pretending to be mike o hearn and challenge other people into a fight. You must have a very miserable life, sir.

What you gonna do dodge the bullet faggot?

Replace all your steroids with estrogen.... Then wait

Can you take me under your wing and make me as manly as you?

Found the FB: mikeohearnofficialpage