Do you need psychedelic drugs to make psychedelic music?

Do you need psychedelic drugs to make psychedelic music?

Yes and that's why zappas trash

zappas not psychedelic though

How'd Zappa in particular get such a wide following though? His stuff's pretty out-there isn't it?

no, that's why zappa made great psych music
also drone artists made psychedelic better than rock artists

Music made by abusing opiates is better than psychedelic influenced music desu

What in Zappa's catalogue could be considered psych?

in it for the money, lumpy gravy

not psych, more jazz, concrete, avante garde perhaps

well psych is a loose therm anyway

you can definitely tell psychedelic rock when you hear it

there's just something about zappa that aint psychedelic

He appealed to art kids and actual musicians. That's why he has a ''cult'' status. He was an artist's artist if you know what I mean.

Not loose enough to cover music that definitely wasn't inspired by experience with psychedelics

>music that definitely wasn't inspired by experience with psychedelics
not what it means
not all psychedelic music is rock

I think you guys need to lay down the acid and actually listen to more music lol

Pleb detected

What does it indicate if not a direct tie to psychedelic drugs?

psychedelic music is literally a direct descendant of psychedelic drug usage

there's a specific reason why it emerged when LSD became big

what makes psychedelic music psychedelic anyway

like why didn't it exist before LSD and shit

not all of his stuff is out there.

Every normie in my country knows bobby brown.


Yes, but you still need talent and creativity.

Psychedelics are a unique experience and when the culture around these drugs exploded, it influenced peoples' music. It's only natural that life-changing experiences will influence one's music, and for many musicians in the 60's that's what it was. As far as I'm aware, psychedelic music simply means music seeking to replicate or inspired by experiences with these drugs.