Hey b/

Hey b/

Legal advice request !

My friend was called by the French Police this afternoon. He purchased MDMA 2 weeks ago at a party using another friend lets call him X phone.

Dealer was busted, friend X receive letter to go to police station, tell on my friend and he got a call this afternoon, saying come quick. X is scared shitless because they threatened him with some weak shit and probably sayed everything so he can't deny he bought it.

At this point I am pretty sure they wanna close the case and get clients to pick him up in a line up and testify. They'll pretend that they do him a favour but he has to go to court.
IF he can't do the line up they'll threaten to charge him but drug is all gone, unlikely they would.

I advised him to say he was blasted and don't remember anything. Anyone with a better idea?

Pic unrelated

Are you French ?

I am

Just through that in here because I wanted to hint that it would be french law, he doesnt risk much for an alledged possession. But it might no be all that clear; its all happening in France with French people

Et ton pote aussi ?

Possession is 9/10ths of the law. If he says he doesn't know what the cops or dealer is talking about it is purely heresay and the cops don't have a case. To be honest in the US unless they had a warrant I wouldn't even go talk to the cops because they don't have shit on him as a case.

De toute façon il ne pourront pas prouver que c'est lui qui a fait la commande donc c'est tranquille

Whatever country it is, always speak to a lawyer. Its expensive and you might be paying them off for a couple of years, but at least you'll be free for those years to pay them back.

Lawyer up
Lawyer up
Lawyer up.

Oui oui on est tous francais, ca se passe à Paris

Bah notre autre pote à temoigné qu'il l'a vu le faire aux flics + apparament ils auraient des textos incriminants de + tot ce jour la

What I told him but he doesnt seem to wanna go there yet. He will if they don't buy the I don't remember shit and try to charge him with something. But imo it's all bluff they have nothing.

This too, but have him ask clearly what he is being charged with. If they don't have charges filed then he is good. Even if they try to charge him with something it would take the cops proving that he indeed bought drugs, which takes a lot more than just "we say so". Have to have physical evidence or else it doesn't mean shit in court.

Is that pic from a video? If so could you link it? It's for educational purposes...

This. Better call Saul!

>French Police

Have you gotten butt plugged by a sandnigger yet?

True that it's been very informal so far, because they probably don't have enough to do anything else. But if he doesnt go, they'll issue a letter to him eventually, I think not going is a legal offense.

They are also keeping X hostage, telling him that if friend doesnt man up and come, he'll be the one charged

If it is I did not saw it sorry.

For now no charges, they probably wanna pressure him into a line up

Nop, but I live in the Netherlands now ^^

Anecdotally the police "smelled" marijuana on my property.

Busted in with a warrant

Found a baggie of pot on the entertainment stand. They arrest me. The only word I keep saying to everything they ask or say regardless of what it was, was 'lawyer'.

"If lawyers get involved then they won't be able to work with me" blah blah blah.

My court appointed lawyer comes in and first thing he asks is "what did you tell them"
>"that i want my lawyer, nothing else"
>"oh thank god."
>"ok. You don't know whos it is, why its there, and you never got around to throwing it away"

>detectives come back in.
>"don't know whos it is"
>"dont know where it came from"
>"never thought to throw it away"

After thirty minutes they let me go after posting bail.

Thirty days later get check back and letter saying the charges were being dropped.

Anyone have moar or sauce on OP's picture

Do not EVER talk to police without a lawyer unless your country prohibits that.


Don't even say a single word to them without going through a lawyer. Not even anything as simple as agreeing to speak to them

And cops are trained to make him feel comfortable so that he slips up and confesses to a crime because hes to stupid to layer up

< Here, try this.

Get out of my country, you sack of shit.

kill yourself

Yeah, he was already telling me shit like I'll just tell them I lost half during the party... I am not sure he can withstand the pression tbh. Lawyer is definitely best option.

I am feeling quite good here atm, maybe in a few years