Name my band Sup Forums

Name my band Sup Forums

Serbian Abortion

No. Fuck you cunt.


All fags

shetland shitters

five stems of herbs

Mate don't know who the fuck you think yer talking to but it's clearly no me

The bologna dogs

metal death snakes that make noise

Faggot Five

Pussy Wagon.

The Fingerers

Musik the Rock of Slav

A bunch of numpties

Iron Curtain

Hittin' bottom

Metallica 2

$3 haircuts

REM Fagwagon

Meet tall ika

council housing also vermin

top kek

Children of Chernobyl

Arrow Smirnoff

тупые гей мальчиков


Tiny Pecker and the Cock Garglers


Judivsky Svyashchennik

5 Kneeling Slavs

The jizz catchers

Bratislava Cigarette-traders

Should mention they are scottish

Double Dubs have decided.