Ask a diagnosed sociopath (High-functioning chronic ASPD anything)

Ask a diagnosed sociopath (High-functioning chronic ASPD anything)

>Inb4 edgelord

I actually am.

Why did you make this thread?

Fuck my ass please? ;)

What do you do for work?

how does it feel to be a faggot?


Why are you a faggot?

Do it be like they think it is or do it don't?

Thank you. I'm sorry that your post made me feel like a victim. And made me feel like in some way, you understood.

I'm drunk and bored. Figured why not. It seems to interest people I've told IRL, so I figure it'd be more interesting without the "I'm not that bad" filter.

I work in tech support, funnily enough. (Too young/not qualified enough to get a proper job.)

Did you feel your diagnosis was fair and accurate? When I was diagnosed I thought it was bullshit, still do.

What do you have exactly?

What? Did we ineteract in a previous thread by any chance?

I did. I self-diagnosed, and went to a specialist to confirm.

Maybe you're just an idiot who won't stop being a fag because of reasons

What's your favourite type of dinosaur?

Yes. I hear stuck here in the middle with you running through my head for the first time.

Antisocial Personality Disorder.
Triceratops. They're like rhinos, but three times better..

What gives you the most difficulties in life?

Who do you want to win the Presidency?

Get a grip

Why did you get tested? I have some red flags too, but I don't see what difference it would make to get myself tested.

Do you ever get anxious?

Okay but what do you feel?

The terms sociopath and psychopath have recently been discarded. We now know it's directly related to the levels of conscience an individual has. This has shown us that the common stereotypes of these labels aren't exactly accurate. Some are quiet instead of outgoing, take H.H Holmes for example. The condition is rather glamorized in media but it's not all that alluring when you know what it is.

It's the little things. I'll be having a smoke with a friend out the front of work, and they'll suddenly tell me about a problem they have. It's hard to fake empathy on the fly, and tell when a joke is or isn't appropriate.
Not American, so Trump. If he wins, the US dollar will inevitably plummet, resulting in cheaper games on steam.
Curiosity. I figured I was, wanted to confirm, with all the benefits of patient confidentiality.
I feel I can answer both of these with one post. I do feel the full spectrum of emotions (with less intensity that the average person), I just don't feel empathy (unless I want to)

Do you have problems empathizing with all people or just most?

I ask because I'm diagnosed yet I have no problems empathizing with my siblings. I was actually diagnosed after some shit in highschool, starting fights and blackmailing people mostly to get some bullies to back off my sister.

A lot of the real basket cases I've known have had a person or two they actually cared about.

Pic totally unrelated to anything.

I'm aware of this, but much like how Americans continue to use the imperial system, I still call myself a sociopath, because it's more broadly understood.
Just with most. I can empathize with my real friends, because I want to. It's a switch I can turn on and off. I'm only voluntarily empathetic.

Who do you think is the most accurate portrayal of a sociopath in movies or a tv show?

ASPD and Aspergers have common characteristics. From what you've said it honestly sounds like the latter


Thankyou for your contribution.

>I'll be having a smoke with a friend out the front of work, and they'll suddenly tell me about a problem they have. It's hard to fake empathy on the fly, and tell when a joke is or isn't appropriate

Holy shit it's almost like you're everybody in the entire world except a handful of people who actually care about each other

I think you're looking at life thinking you're different from everyone. You're really not.

>Heretics be asking questions in here?

so you are a normal human being, but less hypocrite, good to know


Would you consider exclusively voluntary empathy such as yours to be an evolutionary advantage or a disadvantage?

Are you a nihilist?

It depends on the context. Socially, it's a major disadvantage, but professionally, it's led to me doing very well. But I fake it well enough that it balances out.

>Trump. If he wins, the US dollar will inevitably plummet, resulting in cheaper games on steam.

Edgelord confirmed. Also, learn to economics.


I was diagnosed with psychopathy. It's nothing special just part of my personality since I was young. I've always looked at things objectively with a strong sense of justice. I've rationalized that fear is selfish and has no place in my life

No, actually. I realized nihilism was foolish outlook on life, and I strive to be happy.
>Not recognising a joke

Do you not realize that everyone is faking everything all the time? It's called being a man growing up in a female lead society where you're expected to act like a woman. You sound exactly like everyone else.

Ive always heard that sociopaths are great liars but are bad at recognising lies. Any truth to that?

My brother. Logic > Everything.
There's a difference between manners an empathy. Stop trying to make yourself look like a "grown up" by shitting over other people. It's as pathetic as it is obvious.

How do you feel about normal people? Do you think you are superior and hold them in contempt or do you think of them as equals with different personalities

The trick to being an effective liar is to never lie. Believe what you're saying in the moment. Imagination is a form of courage.
>Not OP

I know. I'm the best liar I know. I'm just wondering if sociopaths would have a tough time rececognising loads because they tend to be bad at empathy.

Passive aggressive type or the stereotypical sociopath

Lying doesn't involve empathy therefore no. It's also easy to spot a lie from someone with a conscience. It has a strong stench

No, you're confusing cognitive empathy with affective empathy. Sociopaths have normal cognitive empathy, thus they can still recognize others' emotions intellectually, even though they won't necessarily feel them. Austic persons can feel people's emotions, but they lack cognitive empathy, so they can't necessarily identify the emotions. They would have trouble spotting lies.

What anime character do you feel you have most in common with?

Yes and no. I can lie very well, and it's pretty much how I get through life. In terms of recognizing lies, it depends on what they're lying about. If it's something emotional, I'll generally take their word for it, if it's something they're presenting as fact, I'm pretty skeptical.
It's a mix of superiority and envy. Part of my condition is delusions of grandeur, which I try to nip in the bud, but I can't help but feel a little superior for viewing everything objectively. I do envy them for how effortlessly they can fit into society though. It can be difficult being a "freak."
Can confirm. Truth is relative; it depends on how it's presented.
Neither. I'm very high functioning. People have no idea, and actually think I'm a really nice person.

where u in jail before now ?

>There's a difference between manners an empathy

What the fuck are you babbling about you goddamned retard?

>Stop trying to make yourself look like a "grown up" by shitting over other people. It's as pathetic as it is obvious.

What a valueless analysis. If you think people telling you the reality of a situation is you being shit on, you're a godammned idiot. No wonder you felt the urge to self diagnose yourself, you're pathetic and want to feel special at how different you are.

You're simply too stupid to realize that disorder diagnoses are a name for a list of characteristics and traits that tend to run parallel, your attitude and behaviour is changeable and you just don't care enough to change, I think you even like being able to call yourself a sociopath. How sadly transparent. Make another thread about getting attention from your disorder and tell people you're not doing this for attention. Angry at the world special snowflake.

No, I suppress my urges pretty well. I do fear I'll run into trouble one day though. Not that I'll go out and hurt someone, but more than some drunk fucker will try to hurt me, and I'll over-react.

Angry at the world? OP stated he wasn't nihilistic but had a rather positive outlook. You are projecting. These foolish responses are all the same. You make yourself feel special by "piecing it together"

Ha, no. Firstly, anyone who sees a psychologist has some degree of self-diagnosis; otherwise they wouldn't see one in the first place.

Secondly, I'm not doing this for attention. If I wanted attention, I can can get all the attention I want, how would posting on an anonymous imageboard help me. Any other sociopath lurking in this thread could confirm that we see ourselves as a community. We can relate to eachother like no-one can to us, and we can't top anyone else. The ultimate goal of this thread is to educate and ease the isolation of people like me. Call me whatever names you want, Think of me what you will. I don't care. You'll never know who I really am, and I'll never know who you really are. It's insignificant.

>If he wins, the US dollar will inevitably plummet, resulting in cheaper games on steam.

This is the best argument for a candidate I've seen yet

>You'll never know who I really am

Not the user you replied to. Can you help me understand what is your difference to "normal" people? I ve read through most of your replies (and the corresponding questions) but all I got was that you just don't connect as easily to strangers which mkay to say the least.

How dose the test even works? What do they really do?


>Secondly, I'm not doing this for attention. If I wanted attention, I can can get all the attention I want, how would posting on an anonymous imageboard help me.

Well it's working now shitty boy

>You'll never know who I really am

Actually I do, it's quite apparent. What a thing to say from somebody who claims they don't want to feel special. Nobody will ever know how you feel? Really? Are you sure about that, boy behind a computer? Are you quite confident?

You're already shaken and have given me the upper hand, I can tell you're already rethinking this. You can reply and I might read it but I won't respond because I'm busy. Have fun with your life that nobody else understands. You're right, you don't want attention, how could I possibly have come to such an absurd conclusion.

Maybe your need to bring others down comes from a feeling of insignificance

Addiction and relationship problems?

Diagnosed with ASPD with narcissism and possible traits of psychopathy.

Work in the top of my field, but I've been addicted to most drugs and almost killed every woman I've had a relationship with either OD's or apparently mentally fucking her up. So I basically work, and sit alone getting fucked up. It's all good.


Why would you go to a specialist. What benefit is there to being outed as a sociopath.

>The Keyboard Warrior Rises

Try harder faggot. The world needs you.

The biggest difference is a lack of empathy. I can't put myself in another person's shoes unless I really want to, and generally speaking, I don't want to. I do whatever benefits me, not what makes people around me good.
In my case, I'm not sure how she reached the conclusion. We had what seemed like normal discussions, until after a few weeks, she laid the diagnosis on me.
I'm going to stop bothering with you now. Have a good night buddy.
I'm only addicted to nicotine, but I've had close calls with alcoholism. I pull myself back before it gets too bad though.
I knew I was fucked up. I just wanted to know specifically how I was fucked up. Having a name for it makes it easier to manage. In terms of being "outed..."

>What is patient-doctor privilege

Was there any strong negative event (that could have triggered this) in your childhood (or even later)?

Have you seen the movie Nightcrawler? If so what are your thoughts on it

There was. I was emotionally abused from a young age. Pretty much up until I was old enough to stand up for myself.
I have not. Sorry.

OP here, I'm going for a smoke. Keep this thread alive for five minutes, and I'll answer any questions when I get back.

Yeah I started with booze, then I got successful and you can't be a junkie if you make money and are great at what you do.

As I get older I do see it affecting my life a bit more, got diagnosed at 19 because I was in jail, but only started seeing a psychiatrist at 30, because I love one person in my life, and they said that they couldn't be part of my life anymore,if I was still fucking up. It's purely selfish because I need this person because they are mine, and there would be murders if he left. I'm not even gay this dude has always been there for me in my fucked up life.

a man wants his face back

What's your favourite representation of a sociopath in movies or TV?

Is it true that psychopath are more narcissistic and manipulative and sociopath are more antisocial and violent/aggressive?

What do you feel for your family? Do you have any real friends? Do the movies exaggerate sociopathic people?

you're not a sociopath otherwise you wouldn't have included the greentext or trying to assure us you are.

I dont know if the real OP is here or its someone else. But the person responding to people in this thread doesnt seem like a sociopath to me. The responses, the baiting, the defensiveness. None of this adds up as a sociopath. If you wanted to feel some sort of connection to other sociopaths you wouldnt post a AMA on Sup Forums Sup Forums.

What really gave it away that you were a sociopath? What told you (beyond the shadow of a doubt, as well as professionals) that you were different?

Sociopaths don't use greentext? Amazing conclusion Einstein

>The biggest difference is a lack of empathy. I can't put myself in another person's shoes unless I really want to, and generally speaking, I don't want to

I m pretty sure I was like this at some point (about 4 to 10 years ago) but I saw people leaving my life for other reasons so I pretty much trained myself to be more empathizing. Isn't not caring about others, since their misfortune doesn't affect you, pretty normal?!

Or am I too far off the mark on this?

Are you able to go into specifics?

Antisocial ≠ sociopath
Sociopath is not even a diagnosis.

Not OP but obviously on tv they make it look like life is easy and cool, but in reality I am angry, and maybe jealous when I see people happy or crying at things because it makes zero sense to me and I think it's just attention seeking. I know its not, but a little thing in the pit of me feels the rage.

when did you first listen to Lacuna Coil?

I'm back

Dexter, probably. It's one of the more realistic representations I've seen. It really captured the "oh... that was wrong?" vibe well.
I see it at the other way around, but pretty much yeah. I see Sociopath vs Psychopth as psychopaths wanting to hurt people, whereas sociopaths try to avoid it as much as possible. You catch more flies with honey, afterall.
My family I actually feel very little for, My friends are another story, I chose my friends, my family just are.
Like I said earlier, I'm drunk and bored. It's an interesting thing about myself that seems pretty Sup Forums. Plus I don't really get to talk about it IRL. Anonymity is amazing.
The real giveaway was when I started working in tech support. People would be crying to me down the phone, and I was just thinking "This is your own stupid fault" I thought that was normal until my colleagues started getting upset about it.
I'd really rather not. It wasn't a good time for me... obviously.
See It's different for everyone. I see empathy as a weakness, others might see the lack thereof as a weakness. But seeing as I have the choice, I prefer not to.
It's definitely not cool. Even worse, it's seen as "edgy" as per the cunt trying to "analyse" me earlier in the thread.
A couple of months ago. They're alright.

Do you find pleasure in manipulating people? Any desires to hurt or kill others?

Do you share my point of view that existence is actually really, really awful? Look at these people. Simple, living organisms, abbling on about their daily business, just like every animal in the animal kingdom?

They drag a dolphin cub to the shore and take selfies with him until he dies, but if I were to do it to one of their kids, I would be a monster to them.

And sometimes I just look at other people and feel only disgust. Pure hatred. It doesn't help that I hallucinate a lot.

Misanthropy, my sweetest friend. Psychopath here.

I completely skimmed over this comment somehow.

Yeah, I've had issues with booze to the point people have pointed it out. I've reigned myself back because I really enjoy being drunk, and I don't want it to be a problem where I have to stop completely.

In regards to that person, I understand the sentiment, but trust me, have a backup plan if they don't turn out to be who you thought. A good chunk of who I am now stems from that betrayal.

"Oh look at Flipper here drown!"

"His name was Billy!"

"No, I named him Flipper."

What made you think you were sociopathic before being diagnosed? Did you do anything that was bad but you felt nothing for?

Have you been diagnosed?

I'm definitely a misanthrope. For pretty much all the reasons you've outlined. The majority of people are stupid, soulless, dead-eyed slaves to popular culture, but there's the odd person out there who's alright. I look for those people, and consider myself lucky I'm not everyone else.
See But most things made sense after the diagnosis. I looked back on things I'd done with a sense of "Oooooh... that's why..."

>A good chunk of who I am now stems from that betrayal.
itt: bullshit Dx's and the mind of a bored child

Sociopaths are made, not born. Think before you post.

>Sociopaths are made, not born. Think before you post.
irrelevant my infant

yet OP is still a lying child

Huh, I never really thought about this before.
I can feel the whole range of emotions, it just never feels... Like the whole thing. The only two exceptions I have found is that I can feel intense emotion like love or anger, but everything else is closer to bored than anything else.

I can empathise with people, but only those I am incredibly close to, else I can turn that caring 'on and off' it seems. I don't really give a shit about it, much like most other things. The only problem it gives me is that it is really hard to motivate myself because I can't feel motivated to the fullest extent.

What are your thoughts OP? Do you get the lack of motivation too? Or a,I'm just overthinking things.