Recovery Thread!

Recovery Thread!

Do you have a drug problem? Are you currently in Recovery? Come talk about the struggle and get some advice from anons who have been there.

>Op is 9months clean off heroin and everything else.

This thread was created to avoid talking about recovery in other peoples drug threads.

Just relapsed after 8 months....fucking sucks but it was my first spin thru so i just gotta get thru work today then i have 4 days off to detox myself

Had 2 years clean but relapsed on heroin and roxy.

Back to NA , 30 days at the moment.

Op here

9months off everything. Was doing practically everything.

No subs No methadone. Shits lookin good and life isn't that bad.

Sorry bro.Make sure you call someone or talk about it the first couple weeks can be tricky.

Does't it suck how fast it goes from being awesome to shit again?

Good Job man People knock Na but its the only thing that really helped me.

That and 2d girls.

how do I help a family member that is an addict? she steals the medication in the house but I can't seem to open my moms eyes.

Can I even help her if she doesn't want to change?

>Can I even help her if she doesn't want to change?

I'm not op, but I can tell you that's a negative. change has to start from within. If you pressure the addict, they will alienate you before the drug, which they perceive as an integral part of themselves. Only after they make a personal internal choice, can anything happen. That's why you hear about so many relapses.


As far as i know. You can't get her to change unless she wants it. It didnt start to work for me until i decided.

If you seriously care about the person and want them to get the point.

Treat them like you would any other thief if its your medication call the fucking police.

I mean as brutal as that sounds it would work and it would at least put that issue into the light. You need to show the addict that you won't stand for this shit.

what kind of meds if you don't mind me asking?

Im guessing Either Pain meds or ADD shit.

I have 8 months and change.

Working my 4th step with a sponsor and currently staying in an SLE

The only reason i am not using is because i moved to a small town and have been able to find everything BUT heroin. I dream of doing it all the time and wake up disappointed.. Will this ever go away?

Are you really suggesting she call the police on her sister?

I think the best way to handle it is to remove all the prescription drugs from the house, or at least from anywhere she can access them. That shouldn't be hard to do.

Calling the cops sounds like a good way to completely alienate her from her family. Betrayed, as it were. Not to mention actual fucking legal problems.


I have sponsor too. He has like 20 years clean.

SLE is great im guessing its some type of sober house??? If thats the case the one thing i can suggest is you need to pull the plug on living there when u know the time is right. As far as my experience i lived in one way too long and was constantly around drama or people bringing in drugs and that lead to relapse.

No it wont go away if you actively want to do it.

Like for me now when i have dreams about heroin its more of a nightmare and to me thats a change.

Yeah I'm coming up on moving out. I'm pretty done with the 30 day wonder crowd. Wanna move out on my own, close, connected.

Removing the drugs from the house so she WONT steal is just enabling her to keep doing the shit without consequence its saying "we will change so you wont have to" She will just keep using.

and for me

my family alienating me was what made me decide i loved them more then drugs so yes to that. its hard to do but you it worked. I knew i couldn't bullshit anyone anymore.

Also shes gonna have legal problems down the line anyhow if shes already stealing at this point why drag it out.

5 years off cocaine... Now I just deliver mail and play vidya. It's been a tough climb but I like being able to function again.

I second this. The only thing I would say is warn her first that you'll call the cops. Then follow through. My parents did that to me.

Awesome! I was afraid but having your own shit and not being around that bullshit is so rewarding. Just make sure you have a support system that will check on you if you miss meetings or wahtevert or people to stop by once in awhile.

Thanks for telling us that. Being a living example of recovery helps all of us struggling!

op posted tomoko I feel obligated to bump
Also congratz op

Yeah man family and my wife have really been what keep me going. That and I'm honestly too busy and too tired from work to wanna dedicate time to getting hi anymore. All of u guys can do it. You just have to hang tough and find something worth getting shot together for

hehheheh i figured she looked the most bummed out.

Man yes, I can't get off the coke. I've never really had an addiction problem. The last year and a half I went through divorce after 16 years. Since then I've been placed on numerous antidepressants. My head is still fucked despite therapy and medication. I live in my own world with this secret addiction. It helps me just become numb to the feelings I can't let go of.

I don't have a drug problem, I love them!

Alcoholic here, haven't had a drink in three weeks but I know I will crack. Probably sooner rather than later, too, the way work has been.

Also fucking checked. Check these, faggots.

Is she your waifu or just a character u like

>Op here

That secret world. We all have lived in. So its not really such a secret. You need to get that shit out it sounds like those feelings are keeping you sick bro.

Talking about it like you just did is the first step to working on the problem just understanding that it IS a problem is major.

I know it sounds cliche and fucking dumb but look up a meeting man and just say Exactly what you said in here and you will get support and people will know exactly what your going through. When we realize we are not alone it helps us not feel so shitty about it. Keep it up man!

Give it awhile

Dude you wont crack just make it a 24 hour thing. when you lay down at the end of the night victory bro. also nice non dubs faglord.

I won't post my waifu because im trying to remain anonymous. She's just bummed out.
Why you on waifu threads bro? if so you know me.

Fuck it, chopping more lines. I'm a gd slave!

Enjoy your regret. Unless its not a problem for you.

Well, it's getting to be that way. I need to taper off.

About to be 4 weeks off suboxone feels good to not be chasing dope, for fucksakes man I would be chasing all day


People who take subs imo are only fooling themselves

I'm talking about the ppl who switch to that shit from smack. It's just as bad


but i guess if it plants that seed

check out the song leaving the past by immortal technique.. It served as some inspiration for me when I was first starting my journey.. Maybe it will help some of you.

I think subs are only good for getting off and opening your eyes long enough to get into a program.

They wanted me on them for 10 years and I told them to go to hell


I took subs for like a week while staying inpatient just to get the initial withdraw. Any longer then that is just replacing a drug.
but yes opening eyes to the problem is a good thing

You ever use kratom OP?

I work in a strip club and I see a lot of customers come in who are pretty heavy into cocaine. What's cocaine like to come off? I've never tried it, it's not so easily found in my city. I don't know much about it, would you mind explaining a little? I didn't think it was a hard drug to stop using

tried kratom and didnt feel anything what am i missing? was it fake?

I heard about it didn't know really what it was. During that time i was just doing heroin.

I order mine online. I've heard the gas station shit was whack but I wouldn't know.
Opiate like effects kinda. It's been used by people addicted to heroin and other opiates to kick the habit but it's not actually an opiate itself.

Yup, xanax, I love it cause it takes the pain of life, hate it cause I can't remember shit

Cocaine is up there with heroin as far as physical and psychological addiction goes.

It prevents dopamine from being recycled, which builds the neurotransmitter up in the brain instantly, which is perceived as the feeling of extreme joy and exuberance. It's addictive as fuck.

it was gas station/head shop shit in pills. Didnt do shit.

kill yourselves
you've rendered your already-meaningless lives null/void
your self-indulgent narcissism re: both starting/ending of your drug use is meaningless cancer


>What's cocaine like to come off?

You feel down and bad and have a short temper, basically. Essentially the opposite of drug itself.


2 yrs 5 months clean off dope and maintenance drugs..... 12 step program works for me


That's actually really interesting. I remember a customer in my club once who really wanted me to go and find him a bag of cocaine. But like I said, can't really find it where I am. He was so short tempered and angry at me because I told him that I couldn't get him any. I was just a random server in a random bar. It was strange behaviour. Now it makes sense.

Also thanks for additional insight.

How does it feel physically? In your opinion at least.


Like shit

Like overly emotional like your panicking

Sorry about late replys guys im doing like ten things at once right now.

Congrats i hope to be saying that in a 2 years.

Would go to NA meetings but dont want to be bombarded by people wanting to bum a cig. Should i worry about this?

Exactly. Kind of like u can't stop the feeling that your facing some kind of impending doom. Then other times like u just wanna end it. Then the coffee isn't hot enough so now it's time to rage at the waitress cuz it's obviously her fault. Then you just wanna cry and you feel isolated and alone like truly and utterly alone. It's a motherfucker to feel anything good outside of using. Then sleep gets difficult cuz u wanna use. Then you start to have horrible nightmares and also develop strange sexual fantasies. Basically never do it cuz cocaine is a hell of a drug.

>also develop strange sexual fantasies

What kind of fantasies, user?

I believe I have a marajuana addiction. I just got laid off and smoked the last of my ounce. I told myself I wasent going to milk unemployment and continue to smoke until I find a job, but I just bought another 160 fucking dollars worth of some dank ass shit. I think half the problem is I can't play League of Legends without being high.

Yeah i fucked myself....stopped going to meetings as much as i was used too busy with work, let my ex get into my head, and was isolating myself from everyone. I didnt even go out looking for it, i bumped into a kid i used to get high with who happened to owe me a couple hundred bucks and he pulls out a half a finger and was like "Sorry" before i could even think it thru i had that shit in my pocket and i was on the way to the convenience store for a roll of tin foil and some bic pens.
The only positive thing about this is ive been made sure not to go back to using the amounts i was before. Ill smoke a couple times a day, try and skip a few days a week so i dont think the withdrawls are gonna be terrible. Ive got a few subutex im gonna do a 2 day taper, call my sponsor and get to as many meetings as i can for a while.
Ive kept it pretty unnoticeable to the people around me that im using again. Im not out hustling money or at the pawn shop 3 times a week and im not missing anything cuz im sick and im not nodding off in front of people.

I went to an inpatient treatment center in florida from november thru january of last year, then january and february lived in a 1 step house before coming home to Massachusetts. Picked up alot of good education and tools there just gotta use them better this time

Calling the cops or having someone institutionalized against their will wont help them unless they are ready for change. It will only cause resentments and possibly make them do more desperate shit to get their fix. You have to be at your absolute bottom and want to change your life, no one can tell you what your bottom is you need to want it

Is that why rich businessmen coke-heads always have weird sexual fantasies? Because they're all fucked up from cocaine all the time? That would explain a lot.

>ITT drug addicts who's only female companionship is an anime pillow

ayy bruvs, been 12 months clean of heroin


^you're welcome

I'm 18. Never done drugs but I have friends that are trying to get me into things like shrooms and marijane.

Is it worth frying my brain to train these things?


seriously tho, don't be fags guys. Lift weights, don't cry into your pillows, get real pussy. Ex junkies have excellent body composition

>everyone asks me how I got my body fat so low
>dat heroin chic diet from the 90s really works


"Pills or powder stay away, if it grows in the ground it's probably ok"

^great words to live your life by

gettng real pussy is the absolute key to the first few months of first few months off dope when my body chemistry started to even off....wewwww lad, i was spending more money on whores than i was on my shit for a while

If you're 18 I'd say be careful with weed man. Just my opinion from my experiences.Leave it as late as possible. I did notice that it affected me a lot more negatively and long-term when I was younger than it does now.

Weed won't fry your brain. Shrooms won't either, but hallucinogens aren't for everyone.

Weed is about as psychoactive as coffee, so, go figure. You wouldn't down 20 shots of espresso all at once, so don't take like 20 hits of dank all at once. and you should be fine and have a good time.

Something you should research and decide for yourself.

How do I stop with those fucking Research Chemicals/Canaboids?
I'm high 5 hours a day since two weeks and I can't simply stop even though it feels like it's slowly killing me.

what if its hydro?

if it grows on water you probably ought-a?

ayyy my nigga

seriously after you start getting ass again because you don't look like a junkie fuck, you realize that blasting fat loads in everything with a vagina is waaaay more cash than slamming dope all day.

what about dank memes? im currently on 15-20 a day and its all I can think about

LSD mostly grows on a plant


As long as you keep enough GBP saved up for trendies, it's awwright, nigga

Go to meetings and then stop because you wont be able to stand people asking/bumming cigs and the look on their stupid face when you say you cant.

No it's not, nigger, it's a synthesized artificial chemical.

gives you that endorphin rush too.....just dont fall in love, that shit will put you right back where you started. Everyone i stayed in touch with from rehab that relapsed had one thing in common. Within 2 weeks of getting out they started dating a chick from the treatment center or one they met at a meeting. Then the dope whore does dope whorish things, their fragile heart is shattered and they're on the spike again before they know it

No. Just say no.

Who said anything about LSD
Hydro = Hydroponically grown marijuana

Yeah both heroin and cocaine come from plants so

Arright holmeslice thanks for the wisdom....check them dubs also

13 years clean and sober in cocaine anonymous. 12 steps working for me.

its a plant fool, you can take it outta the water and put in soil and it'll grow just fine, don't be a fucking retard

yeah and then it's extracted chemically and processed, at that point you could say cocaine comes from a plant, so does heroin and every other drug ever.

these guys get it

ditch the needle, ask her if she down for some Bench Press and Chill

>you bench her btw, bitches love being bench pressed

also don't ever get lost in the sauce, bitches come and go but never let a bitch push you backwards in life. Always push forward, worst case scenario you run into the bitch in 3 years and you're doing great, meanwhile Jamal knocked her up twice and then bailed

>pic related, mfw it happens every time

Hang in there bud. I mean What your describing is literally what happened to me and i was full blown within a year again. Try to stop now while your not as hooked on it.

Make recovery a priority when you feel its time,

I am very happy with this thread and will make more in the future just goes to show you guys theres recovery EVERYWHERE and people will listen.

God bless you


I would have to disagree with the Starting a relationship shit. I mean i guess i can agree with busting loads into some girl but dont get seirouse and if theirs a risk of it getting that way its not worth it.


Because you replace an addiction with a person and people will always let you down in some way and if thats the only thing keeping you sober your gonna use again when that relationship isn't Perfect.


Thanks man

I dunno m8, I would tend to disagree with you on that. I think replacing adoration, dependence and obsession with drugs with people instead is fine.

I mean, let's be fair, dude, everyone needs something. Some people have video games, or some random hobby, some have anime or manga, some have collections of random shit.

And while I am not a people person, I can see the value in loving and focusing on living creatures being better than focusing random hobbies. Even if it's not even human. They can perceive your love and love you back, while the drugs, books, and movies don't even know you since they can't think or feel anything.

Bitches do infact love being bench pressed hahahah yes

i have pretty bad anxiety and i think most people pick up on this. i say no and they keep nagging me on. how do i find meetings in my area? do i need to believe in god? do other people at the meetings expect me to believe in god?

I mean i agree with getting into a relationship at some point

But fresh into recovery is a bad idea. I srsly see it play out shitty all the time man. I mean LIKE EVERYTIME.

How you gonna form a healthy relationship when u barely can stay clean?

And replacing that is called codependency which is unhealthy as fuck. The trick is to become your own person to NOT NEED something to be.

Too much vidya Too much Sex Too much drama fuckin gambling shit even like too much meetings.

all of it are a way to escape dealing with you and that's ultimately what we were doing when we did drugs.

Right now im guilty as fuck of being selfish and sitting on my computer almost all day watching anime and playing video games. I know i need to stop this shit. But right now i think its alright.