Roll 666 and I'll cook this little bellend I swear to fuck

Roll 666 and I'll cook this little bellend I swear to fuck

What a cutie patooty

Time stamp this shit

leave that little fucker alone he dindu nuffin

S8en plz

Kek is warning you, OP...

i have becer not rolled 666

Nice roll

Why do you fucks never google image search pica before white knight crusading and asking for timestamps. OP is a faggot but retards posting are bigger faggots


Good job user.
Off by one.

yes you did.

yes you did

rolling for interest



release the kitten

Roll because OP won't deliver, like the nigger faggot he is.

Op is a huge fucking disguisting piece of shit.


human ! stahp !


stop you

I'm Chinese


Record it, motherfucker.



Does this count?

Each day we stray further from god's light


You won't you fucking faggot

Release him into the wild.
Or couch if closer.

he got the pic from google
obviously he wont if he doesnt even own this cat

Roll 666 for army




Bing bong detected.

Cook it as if it was chicken or better yet beef teriyaki. I swear that shit can taste good.

cook that nigger

I'm here to save the cat

Lol. I'm a veteran, still in great shape. You are an overweight internet warrior who thinks of doing something, but have no guts. I highly doubt you have even hit anybody in your life. I have over 5 years of various martial arts behind me , as well as some moderate success in mma fights. Your experience doesn't mean shit as you have zero.


Rolling the joint

Sweet Trips are made of this

...can you count?
