How does it feel to know this zoo elephant was just euthanized because it threw a rock at a person and killed her?

How does it feel to know this zoo elephant was just euthanized because it threw a rock at a person and killed her?


i mean its sad, but ok

Feels pretty good. I enjoy the death of living things. Fapping now.


Nobody likes a quick-scoper.

The idea of an elephant bricking a bitch is greatly amusing

Why would we give a shit? It's not a cat. You need to go back to GoGaia or AOL. You're in the wrong place kiddo.

What's it's name? It could be the new Harambe meme.

Who gives a fuck

Was it a Muslim Elephant? Fucking Isis!

I wish every last elephant was euthanized after being tortured for days

Fair is fair. If you kill someone your life should be forfeit.

elephants know right filthy humans

> I enjoy the death of living things.

Yeah because non-living things can't die.

She shouldn't have been standing there.

right into your fucking face BLAM

is it wrong that i immediately thought it would be a pretty funny webm for a rekt thread?

We are going to build a wall to keep elephants out and the elephants will pay for it.

Please post link to story of it being euthanized. Heard the story, can't see any reason to put it down.

I could not give less of a fuck

Fuck that elephant. He needs to know his place. If he fucks up: good night ass hole. Animals don't have rights you SJW cum dumpster. Fuck off.