Other urls found in this thread:


PTSD in women


Gluten Sensitivity
Meat Allergies

Down syndrome

It's a life style choice



I feel like it's an excuse for socially awkward people to not be responsible for their words or actions

Nervous Breakdowns





It's either a choice or a birth defect, and until hard evidence can prove the latter...


lead poisoning

Depression is the only one that doesn't exist there..and possibly dismorphia
Downs is obvious in appearance, trollface
trollolol, diabetes is real, you fucker
hemorrhoids are real you cunt

i beg to differ. my hemorrhoids are screaming at me right now


Your mum

Don't feed the troll

i do hope youre taking none of these people seriously. if not youre retarded. trust me, that one exists.



you missed my (not funny) sarcasm

>Gluten Sensitivity
>Meat Allergies
He hid non-existent ones like depression in there was a clever move.

Autism is a medical term for, "you're weird." It is not an illness.

Short of an actual, might-kill-you allergy, gluten sensitivity is entirely psychosomatic.

Meat excluding shellfish, of course.

Depression - just fucking get on with your life you pussy
ADHD/Autism - Discipline your kids, talk to them when they're young, teach them things. Your kid is just fucking stupid and this reflects on the parent.
Aspergers - You're introverted and intelligent. Nothing else to it.
Fibromyalgia - A classic one for the work shy.
Body Dysmorphia - Attention seeking
Literally any condition that feminists claim to have. bad...maybe if you used the (not funny) sarcasm smile next time :/

>social anxiety disorder
>general anxiety disorder
Just a make believe disorder for cowards to stay at home and laze around.


Still haven't found a cure for my Chronic Cold Asshole Syndrome (CCAS)

>Forever suffering

adhd is real and is caused by certain defective receptors in the brain cells

>Sup Forums the place where everyone talks about shit they dont know

gluten allergy

stop it already you faggots

>ITT people who voluntarily ignore 60 years of psychological/Neurological research

You're on the same level of anti vaxxers, I hope you guys know that

>HURR my opinion on the matter trumps years of accumulative data and countless peer reviewed studies and irrefutable proof based on neurological evidence based research.

Its like you're asking to be called retards.

Agree with your definition of depression, aspergers, fibro, dismorphia, and all the feminist ones...I think adhd might be real though: from playing video games and getting instant gratification an all senses stimulated to not being able to concentrate in class due to boring teacher droning on...might be medically treatable, I've heard of adhd drugs...

my uncle had avoidant personality disorder. No friends, no gf pretty much all his life. He couldn't even go to the store, he would get panic attacks. He killed himself at 35

But I guess he was just a lazy coward so good riddance

pretty much, yes

Adhd, bipolar, and depression.

All of these are people not trying to be normal and making no effort to change, ADHD is literally you not taking the time to, or not accepting that you need to sit still and be respectful sometimes, definitely not something you need to get medicated for. Fuck bipolar people, they're just whiny dumb asses that think they're special snowflakes. And depression is the worst offender to me, because it's just people being whiny depressed ass holes to other people for no reason, they don't know why they're "depressed" because there's no reason to be, the real "cure" (if you can call it that) is that all they need to do is be not depressed, it's a self enforced emotional state.

Autism: agree with you I think, I don't understand it really, maybe a missing piece of the brain..I can't believe it's totally the parents fault..
I've seen gluten allergy though, people sneezing and congested and not understanding what it was, then wiping bread from their diets and it clears up fully..not anecdotal evidence, huge studies on this. Allergies can be tested by checking blood reaction to the allergens ie medically.

Any excuse for obesity

Agreed. Fucking get up off your ass & learn to talk to people. not you but them, the cunts.

ADHD is the diagnosis they give when they don't know what the fuck is wrong with you

Oh, I forgot to mention anxiety, it's so fucking annoying when your friend will go for a walk with you, but refuse to go into a store with you because he claims to have anxiety.
Fuck off, were people too, nobody likes meeting strangers, it's awkward and difficult. Just don't fucking talk to them.

Literally retarded. Please don't breed, or wait until you're 18 before you come to this site. Or at least fucking lurk moar before posting you dumbshits.

Prove homosexuality is a medical condition and NOT a personal choice, then.

Told us?

Be more specific you cunt, you can't claim 60 years of research and not provide citations..some of thee "diseases" are clearly fake, like depression or social anxiety. People are inherently lazy so you label their shit and all of a sudden that laziness is justified. Some faggot just made up these labels anyway,, that 60 years research is just justification so some cunt can get his doctorate by writing a fat book on a non-existent "medical condition"

The burden of proof lies with the accuser.


You only think ADHD is real because it's relevant to you and a decent explanation for why your failing most of your classes

Hur dur, I play too much vidya games, dey gave me da ADHD, but really I'm just a lazy fuck who can't sit still and be respectful in school



But I'm not
anyone of anything. You insist it's not a choice, so prove to me that it isn't.
>I was born this way, honest.
>You should try it, it's completely natural!
>If you don't try it, that means you're just repressing your homosexual tendencies.
>Sygman Rheeeee

Partially true, I failed a lot of my exams in school many years ago but have since passed, getting a very good degree and am "successful" now by most people's standards. So I agree with you apart from your use of "hur dur" which is truly cringy.


Except depression can be a medical condition, neurotransmitters not getting enough serotonin

Cicada 3301 has come back

All I see from this post is

>im a redneck I know what im talking about hurr durr I dont have a job cause im a fucking retard hurr durr I deny evidence of smartypants cause im a victim of circumstance hurr de durr.

Fuck off you piece of human garbage. Theres a reason you're on Sup Forums, and its probably one of those conditions you think aren't real.

>protip; its several of them

Nice b8


>this thread
Jesus fuck, when did this site get infested with preening sissy faggot SJW's?

You lot of microaggression safe-space liberal pussies make me fucking sick. Grow a pair and man the fuck up.

There is no such thing as introversion either though.

Not necessarily, I always did well in school, college was where things got fucky. Learning wasn't the same as before, ADHD medication helped, but I probably need a stronger dose. Only got to experience it once and it was awesome, needed the energy the medication provided.


Why are you so jealous of ADHD people? It sucks man, my dream is to have an unlimited supply of slow release d-meth, this would make life seem better. ADHD is 100% case of medication, and meds solve 100% of the shit if applied in the right dose and medication - dam fucking tolerance
Its time to stop with homophobia. Homophobia is a jew-cuchristian-gostfucker vallue, really, the white man and the asians naver gave a single fuck about it, only the inferior inbreeds of middle east bitched about this. Its time to stop
1. i think depression is more than this, i guess its like get high on bad shit for a lot of time, and i bet you never had an amphetamine crash
2. my dad is fucked up with discipline, and tried to regulate every single step of my life with violence, i was from a nun school. nothing could make me study and me disciplinated, i am add as fuck, and work only with stimulants, they make me calm and productive, its multiverse crazy wichcraft shit; but i gotta say in many cases its what you say, people that dont have add/adhd and just claim to have, or that got a shitty diagnose
3. pretty much, but not really. its all about not being a normie, i only knew about sperg in the doctor, i never knew about this shit, but all the time i realize that he was right, that i am really, really slow in social situations... i dont know man, dont know what is wrong with people, why dont they tell their shit str8 the fuck up, damn, always full of shit
4. cant say much about it
5. maybe it exists, but its just waaaay too overdiagnosed

psychology isnt a real science so it doesnt matter that theres research. reconsider how fucking stupid you are.


As someone who suffered with 'depression'... I can confirm it's bollocks. I thought I was 'depressed' but you have absolute control of all the factors that make you 'depressed'. I just got a new job, split with the ex and got a new car. Problem solved

It's the diagnosis they give to kids whose parents didn't discipline them.

You're pleased by material possessions and worldly goods, you're content with that garbage, you're not depressed.

Tbh I don't fully understand ADHD and you might be right but I think I'm more right, ADHD is just lack of concentration, I think it's more important to understand why kids can't concentrate in class. Developing more engaging learning material and different teaching styles definitely works. Like I said it may be medically treatable using medication..but then again so is depression which is definitely not real. Bottom line: people will use these things as excuses so it ruins it for people who really are suffering..I like your friendly approach of trying to help people though :/

It's called high school is easy

most people go to college with shitty study habits, think in their first year they can breeze through tests and have fun and party, then testing comes and they get absolutely wrecked, happens alot

I'd probably be diagnosed with the following:

> Autism
> Bipolar
> Depression (I get sad sometimes, but whatever, it doesn't bother me, just makes me irritable)
> DID (I can make "tulpas" so I would technically have this disorder according to the DSM)
> Sensitivity to Caffeine
> Social anxiety (I can talk to people, I like starting conversations and then going quiet, I just enjoy hearing others talk)
> Sociopath (Low empathy for others)

However; I am a fully functioning member of society with a high earning job, with a girlfriend of two years, and soon to be wife.

So... As someone who would be classified as having them, I think they are used to classify people with weak mental constitutions to get them the help infrastructure they need.

TL;DR anyone who is being treated for these should not be amused with their ideas as they are of weak mental constitution.

Except most people recover shortly after.

Look it up in the DSM-5. It says that almost literally if they don't know what else it is, it's ADHD.

>ADHD IS a lack of concentration...

You do realise that ADHD stands for ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER right? The hyperactivity component is important. Otherwise it's just ADD

Possibly true, our basic understanding of emotion is increasing & identification of brain chemicals like serotonin and the other feelgood ones is helping people but I would argue that chemical balance can be achieved without medication, thus making it aa non-medical meet the person's real problems by giving him/her a supportive pretty wife/handsome husband, laughter, joy with family, companionhip, etc and I don't think she would be (as) depressed any more.

I disagree. If you take Adderall without ADHD, it gives you a ton of energy. However, if you take Adderall with ADHD, it calms you down, helps you relax and lets you focus. There's no way ADHD doesn't exist when taking speed gives people with adhd the exact opposite reaction.

Psychology is total scam, even the more scientific methods are pure bullshit.

Define most, cause last I checked dropout rates are pretty high

Just proves that it's actually just placebo.
You're paying $50 for sugar pills.

Actually they're interchangeable. It used to be that way but it's changed recently, according to my psych.

Adderall is an amphetamine. It's not sugar. Please educate yourself.

Life. Life is the condition/reason that I'm on /b. I don't have a television set so this/you + youtube are my entertainment. Insulting me and the way you keep saying "hur dur" several times is funny to me in a "laughing at you" not "laughing with you" kind of way. You try to be mean to strangers because you think it empowers you.
>Theres a reason you're on Sup Forums, and its probably one of those conditions you think aren't real.
That sounds like you are projecting
>Fuck off you piece of human garbage
You mad bro, haha, chill the fuck out, it's just a game.

Tell that to a school psychologist

Sorry DSM doesn't say they are interchangeable, you know nothing about psychology, please stop spreading misinformation.


of course it does not say "placebo" on the package...
but I'm sure you're a chemist and actually know well about what exactly is in adderall and how it affects the brain

>educate yourself
nice tumblr argumentation you're using here

ITT: Idiots who think they know better than psychologists



its just the niggerpigment that is too strong

I actually am a chemist, it would be illegal to do this.

So, a technology needs fixing = depression is an excuse to be lazy?

>Worldly goods
We live in the world and only have 5 senses (and many emotions) to stimulate. A new job companionship, a new car ect meet core values and needs: connection, security, variety, contributing, growth...these are real things that will cure "depression".

choose to become gay now
choose to feel attracted to the same sex

can confirm this
my doctor told me the same shit about depression and that I needed therapy, but instead I just changed my lifestyle, got some friends, sports, a purpose and now I'm fine

fucking weak ass whiny bitches everywhere
everyone needs help because they are fat/depressed/want to quit smoking
only one who can help you is yourself and only thing that leads you forward is discipline


Psychology is actually a psuedo-science. I took Psychology for four years, it is trial and error, with theoretical mathematics and flawed algorithms to skew data in the favor of the Psychologist in many cases.

Many Psychologists are urged to sell drugs on large pressuring from pharmaceutical companies.

The funny (or sad) thing in threads like this is that people who argue against mental disorder, actually have one (or more) of these :) and they are so mad about their condition that they hate themself

sure kiddo, youngest chemist in ohio, I bet
and also a free-climber, a rock star and the pope
it's the internet, so you can be anyone you ever wanted to be

>And get free handouts from a society designed to cater to your every whim and emotional dysfunction.
Yeah, go for it.

It just means that technology that yields results worse than a coin flip was "good enough" for psychologists, and nobody noticed anything wrong for the last 15 years. Everything psychologists say is a scam and doesn't exist.