You are in the club with your friends and this guy slaps your ass. What you do /b ?

you are in the club with your friends and this guy slaps your ass. What you do /b ?

He gave me a high five so what

Kick him in the nuts. Don't care how big he is, that still hurts.


Yell "Alluh Aukbar!" and grab my date running away looking at him as if he said it.

He denies it as the cops arrest him and take him away. I plead up my convincing story of how I saw him say it and how he was threatening me as a white christian american.

Many keks as homeland security takes him away.

If that guy slaps me? Probably be killed

Get instantly hard then start ramming my cock in his asshole. I enjoy gay sex

ask him how much synthol he used.

You evil son of a bitch, I like you!

Nothing, because this guy is dead.

he's a fatty shit i kick him in the balls and i stab him with my knife

His muscle mass I'd too much, therefore he'd be very slow in a fight

Will get my spear and finally avenge Ellia.


ask him to smash my boy pucci in the bathroom

Use this one.

I tell him to back the fuck up unless he wants a knuckle sandwich.

Laugh at the fact that he is so insecure he injects his arms with half the fucking oil in Iran to look like a disgusting beast.

Lick his nipples

Bigger guys are just bigger targets
Nothing extra scary about them

Rather this guy than a skinny dude with ligaments of steel punching holes through me like a knife through cardboard

Throw him out a moving car

Run, there's probably a drone and I want to be out of the blast radius.