Would Captain America support Donald Trump for President?

Would Captain America support Donald Trump for President?

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Absolutely not.

No way. I don't even give a shit about "hurr durr he said mean things about muslims and illegals", but Trump is an authoritarian leader and Captain America is as anti-authoritarianism as you can possibly get.

lol no he's definitely liberal


Superpowers=people's right to defend themselves=guns

I mean he supports freedom so yeah

Quite literally no chance. Captain America is all about freedom, Donald Trump is a free-speech-hating, probably-racist, narcissistic fuckwad. Trump is far too authoritarian for Cap.

Cap wouldn't vote for Hilary to block Trump, but he would never vote for Trump. He'd go for some third-party.

check mate obama, check mate phony stark

He loves America, but since he was at war with people of other nations he would never support a dumbass with no diplomacy skill.

>implying leftists don't hate freedom of speech


cap confirmed for one of us


Civil War implies he's libertarian - he cares about individual rights and negative freedoms
Also, after Winter Soldier, he seems anti-large government and bureaucracy


Trump has said that if he's president he's going to go after the people who said mean things about him in the press

I find a candidate who isn't willing to kowtow to the hurt feelings PC police of the modern left refreshing, but at the same time Trump is their equal and opposite. He only advocates for free speech when it agrees with him.

Cap is old Republican like Eisenhower

he would have supported our boy

Leftists hate freedom of speech if they're of the crazy SJW variety.



I don't know if he'd necessarily be for Paul. I like Paul as a person, but his monetary policy is pretty bad. But I don't really know much about what Captain America would feel.

Nice argument bro.

cap would probably vote for FREE SHIT

No, he doesn't like bullies or fascists, and Trump is both.

>Trump supports putting people on lists for being the wrong religion, barring them from the country for being the wrong religion, torture, collateral damage and limiting freedom of speech with harsh libel laws

he would only support a Libertarian candidate tbqh

that kind of thinking is why America is doomed, Cap

>Leftists hate freedom of speech if they're of the crazy SJW variety.
You're talking about the same lefties who got people fired from their jobs because they weren't politically correct enough right? There's not some other left that I don't now about?

>what is slander
>what is libel

The media has been doing this since day 1 of Trump's announcement.

Slander and libel are civil suits, user. Trump wants to make insulting him an actual crime lmao

Trump's definition of "Slander" is "people saying mean things about me."

Read the linked articles.

There's more moderate lefties who don't do that shit. I don't personally identify with being a lefty at all (I'm more classically liberal than anything) but it's unfair to lump them all in that group, just as its unfair to lump all conservatives in with the KKK.

Mexicans tend to be hardworking and entrepreneurial—immigrants in general are hardworking and entrepreneurial, really. They're not really the problem unless they're violent criminals. Depot those guys, make it easier for the non-crook ones to get in. Easy.

>tfw we'll never see Cap give this speech to Nuke from Jessica Jones in the MCU because they'll never include characters from the TV shows in the movies

He would, Trump is an anti globalist nationalist, shills get scared and call him fascist racist etc but he really isnt, just media demonization.

>Mexicans tend to be hardworking and entrepreneurial
why is the opposite a stereotype then?

>immigrants in general are hardworking and entrepreneurial
lmao no. look at the sandniggers invading Europe. they're lazy as shit

>Implying that the people insulting Trump aren't guilty of slander AND libel


Mind you that this is only one particularly blatant example.


who are you voting for? FREE SHIT?

>implying stereotypes are factual
>implying islamic culture is the same as hispanic culture

>who needs business school when I can get a degree in women's studies and learn everything I need to learn about politics watching John Oliver?

Is reddit raiding us again?

>we all want the same thing

Fuck no, Sanders has some of the worst economic, foreign, and trade policy I've ever seen. I'd be more likely to go Trump than Sanders.

Europeans coddle the shit out of their migrants. America doesn't, and we have much better success rates than Europe as a result.


As for Mexicans, that's the stereotype for no real reason, as far as I can tell.



Good argument bro.

>implying sterotypes aren't based on reality
>implying I implyed hispanics are the same as sand niggers

cap wouldn't like cynical faggots like john oliver either

Is Tony Stark a Republican?

He would probably emmigrate and become Captain Canada if he would see the state the US political system is in.

I can just imagine Cap attending some event Trump is at, then stopping some assassination attempt on Trump. Then Trump and Cap have to go on some adventure finding out who's trying to kill him and the whole time Cap is in the 'Trump is like literally Hitler' mindset. Then eventually Cap finds out something about the refugees or something in a speech and realizes that Trump is right. Then in the end Cap still doesn't vote for Trump because 'he's mean!' even though he's right and goes on to vote for Bernie.

well he's definitely a capitalist

>Trump's definition of "Slander" is "people saying mean things about me."
Trump specifically said what he wants to do is make it illegal for the media to be intentionally dishonest about people and events in the news. For example if a dindu gets killed and the police send CNN an email telling them that the dindu had stolen a PS4 and was shooting at police when he got killed and then CNN reported that the dindu was a good boy that dindu nuffin, they would get in trouble with the law because they were intentionally dishonest about what had happened to spread their pro BLM agenda.


Well he's just RDJ but less short, with a super-suit that lets him fight crime and still with the same insecurities and shitty sense of humour to cover them up
So yes

Nah, Captain America would save Trump and than hold a speech about how democracy is about free speech and how just because you disagree with someone this doesn't justify violence. Then when somebody asks who he's going to vote he will say, I vote for freedom!

Captain America told the UN to fuck off because he doesn't like globalism.

Trump doesn't want us to surrender to the false song of globalism.

>make it illegal for the media to be intentionally dishonest about people and events in the news

Fox News must be shitting themselves

So he's going to outlaw Fox News? About time. I mean I enjoy the exolodingvan.gif as much as the next guy but I would never take steroids.

>implying sterotypes aren't based on reality

so all men are rapists then? or is it only the stereotypes you use that are accurate?

Unless it's to keep sucking up to Israel then it's fine.

this isn't a stereotype, this SJW bullshit that only exists in america and west europe

>all men are rapists
>a stereotype
>not just a delusion that exists exclusively on tumblr

>so all men are rapists then?
Kind of. We think about sex constantly and we're stronger than women so I think it's safe to say that you shouldn't let your 16 year old daughter go into a bar full of men by herself.

Stereotypes are only true if they don't hurt Sup Forums's precious little feelings.
For example the stereotype that they are all kissless, hugless virgins who fail at life because they lack intelligence is wrong, despite the fact that it's very close to the truth.

Stop bullying guys!
Sup Forums is very easily triggered and they're going through a rough patch at the moment as it is (if Trump wins, it means all their propaganda about the jews/illuminati/crab-people controlling the world is wrong)

>Mexicans tend to be hardworking and entrepreneurial


>Sup Forums is very easily triggered


lmao I love asspained SJW projection in the morning

>Sup Forums debating about the political leanings of a make-believe person, and generally caring more about the character than Chris Evans ever will

Do your girlfriends know that you do this :/ ?


>it's the same asspained /r/SRS tumblrtard posting the exact same angry anti-Sup Forums images over and over episode

Like 99% of this board agrees with James.
Is 99% of this board a Sup Forums boogeyman?

The most hilarious thing is your dumb poorly planned shilling is just making everyone more right wing.

I'm not a sjw
Not that you can understand someone who isn't a SJW disagreeing with you because in your head there are only 2 possible opinions right?

>The most hilarious thing is your dumb poorly planned shilling is just making everyone more right wing.
>If I say it enough, it will make it true!

This exactly. He'd have been a huge ron paul guy.

>I'm not a sjw
Yes you are.
You spend every waking moment of your life posting anti-Sup Forums images on Sup Forums whenever anyone strides away from left wing opinions.

Basically NOBODY gives a shit here and NOBODY agrees with you.
You're annoying as fuck and spam the board constantly.
Seek help.

Just read my previous post again, actually read and understand something for once in your pathetic cultist life.

so is george soros
it doesn't mean he want others to be as well

>muh safe space

Dude this place is a fucking klan meeting compared to what it was 2-3 years ago.

Oh god you're so fucking assdamaged lmao


>projecting this hard
I can hear your mouth-breathing from here

>cap asks redskull why he doesn't eat meat

Replace JIDF/Jew/etc with Marvelfag/DCuck/etc., and that picture applies to Sup Forums

>no argument
>quips and one liners that mean nothing
damn you can almost taste the projection from here

This is almost sad. Almost.

Of course. America first.

>You spend every waking moment of your life posting anti-Sup Forums images on Sup Forums whenever anyone strides away from left wing opinions.
I'm not actually left-wing
I'm centralist
Again, not that you'd understand that there can be more than 2 positions on a matter

>I'm not projecting
>you are

>I'm not triggered
>you are

>I'm not a SJW
>you are

>I'm not a raging manbaby
>you are



>that part where someone DEFINITELY accused a Sup Forumscuck of being a SJW
Yeah, that sure was funny when it definitely happened

No, "centralist" would be this extremely angry and devoted to converting Sup Forums to left wing ideals.

Please see:
and actually read for once in you're life,
really it's not that hard

What else do I have in my folder to trigger our Sup Forumscuck visitors?

You sound triggered, m8

You do that every time you shill on this board lmao
oh god my sides son

>During the Bush years, Sup Forums was largely apolitical albeit with the usual nigger watermelon jokes
>During the Obama years, threads are guaranteed an instant derail with nigger crime stats, cultural Marxism theories, and 50000-word long essays about Jews if they're even tangentially related to the subject (I.e. a black guy being cast in a movie)
>mfw Sup Forums (and the rest of the Internet) has forgotten the rule of "Internet is srs business"

>Sup Forums
>where calling someone out for having an extremist-right-wing opinion counts as trying to convert everyone to leftism
>and they wonder why everyone hates them


>In a similar sense, Civil War exploits recent political trends such as Black Lives Matter. Black actress Alfre Woodard (whose portrayal of a comically psychotic wench was the only convincing characterization in 12 Years a Slave) appears as a grieving mother who blames Stark — standing in for the Military Industrial Complex — for the death of her child, a promising youth with a 3.6 grade-point average. Woodard’s “Who’s going to avenge my son?” shamelessly taps the illusion of Michael Brown, Freddie Gray, and Tamir Rice as Boy Scouts and potential Rhodes scholars. That’s way out of bounds.

thread isn't even about that anymore you cuck


Posting the SAME embarrassing images he's spent years crafting in an attempt to get everyone to hate Sup Forums.
Even when nobody was talking about Sup Forums.

I can't believe how easily triggered this cuck is.

You'd think Armond would have liked Civil War just to be contrarian to the people who expected him to hate it.

>that image

If you hate what 99% of Sup Forums believes, why do you continue to post here?

Do you sincerely hate yourself?

It will be the opposite when Trump wins
These teenagers think they're being smart and enlightened, they're actually doing what Sup Forums has always done: be edgy

When Bush was president, atheism and liberalism/ibertarianism was counter-culture and edgy
Now Obama's president and the media is pro progressivism, so racism and christianity is edgy and counter-culture

When Trump becomes president, pro-immigration and anti-patriotism will be the new edgy

nigger doesn't even make sense most of the time


>Donald Trump is a free-speech-hating, probably-racist, narcissistic fuckwad.
Sorry, but you're thinking of Hillary.


Open a book sometimes if you're that illiterate

>the vast majority of this board holds right wing views
>these evil racist nazis are the "visitors"
>I'm "triggering" them

I don't quite follow your logic.

he contradics himself most of the time. his only constant is his hate for edgy hipsters like you, nigger