Guys what kind of food or other things could i shove inside a pussy to make it smell good and sweet?

Guys what kind of food or other things could i shove inside a pussy to make it smell good and sweet?

If it doesn't already smell "good and sweet" the bitch has problems and bad hygiene. Good luck.

antifreeze smells sweet

that will cause many problems for the woman especially involving yeast

If you shove any kind of food into a pussy, you're going to give that girl a yeast infection. Which is about as far away from "good and sweet" smelling as you can get. Man up and learn to like the smell of a healthy pussy. Or go buy the oral sex candy they sell at sex shops.

putting sweet things in your vagina irritates and inflames it


Quints of truth

quints tell truth

Nice get

oh my bad guys well what would happened if i put cum in my asshole would it smell good?


I came all the way from another thread to witness this get



I love this place




This. Cheetos work very well.
