Scariest album covers?

scariest album covers?

Other urls found in this thread:

you don't know much about c93 do ya

Something about his mouth spooks me

Every cover from Arca


and this



another one
'outsider' as fuck

and last one
I know that this doctors thing is a common trope
but I think this one is not supposed to be scary
that's why it is


This looks cool not scary


yeah this is really off-putting

What's scary about it? The color scheme?

this is the only one in the thread that gets me

oh cool

I'll dump some weird stuff

What the hell is it with this pic that makes me feel like something horrifying is happening outside the frame.


the camera being out of focus and the fact that it's a dark room being illuminated purely by the flash

more comfy than scary desu


he knows what he is doing

It feels like you're right but there are definitely more dimensions to the horror factor with this pic.
This one isn't as striking to me.


oh shit I thought it was a painting at first glance

that's quite a beautiful shot. really pretty palette but also has a v eerie feel to it.

pic related is not necessarily "scary" but still pretty fucking vile and unsettling. a bootleg album though.



agreed, even so



Pretty much. It's a girl that's been beaten.

also: Gnaw Their Tongues stuff always hit me.
And corny as it is, Nicole 12 and the pedo covers.

along the same lines, this seemingly innocent pic is rather unsettling... but that could also be because i know what the music sounds like


thats actually such a great album, everyone should listen to it right now

never heard of nicole 12 before. anything banned by rym is worth a listen, for novelty/shock value if nothing else.
i've found sotos' work pretty gripping so i'm thinking i'll probably like these guys too.

i forgot about gnaw their tongues too. i used to like them but haven't listened to them for a year at least, i'll have to try them out again.

this would be a lot more unsettling without the guitar

hows talking cat bob by the way?
are ya winning yet?

I never understood if she's giving birth to the moog synth or has it installed in her.

agreed with this
never knew who the fuck was that guy or if he's even in the band, and those eyes creep me out

scariest album period

>i've found sotos' work pretty gripping so i'm thinking i'll probably like these guys too.
sure, if you're into that style of power electronics then check out Nicole 12, should be right up your alley. But yeah it's basically child pornography on wax.


this cover always gave me the feeling of some obscure relative's house that you probably went to once when you were really young and just barely remember aside from one really vivid dream/nightmare you had while staying there that always stuck with you.

Tonetta's are very off putting


I find this one particularly disturbing


Seriously, who/what the fuck is this

I'm sorry to tell you but that's not where the womb is, user





The album art fits the music so well. I listened to I Have a Special Plan for This World in pitch blackness a few days ago, and it fucked with me so hard. Excellent piece


can we change this thread to scariest music

sure, why not?




Honestly one of my favorite albums covers of all time. It definitely does have an extreme uncanny vibe.

I never quite understood
that is a john wayne gacy painting, right? He painted it over the photo?

Whitehouse - Mummy and Daddy


this is really interesting


I've always felt like those covers are some sort of demonic gay fiends ready to subdue my ass and force me to play sick degenerate domnatrix games in a dungeon or some shit

this is the right choice though.

Possibly the most disturbing song I've ever heard.
Couldn't find youtube link.

Baruch hashem Adonai

Pale light is dawning from the throne
Crap flows along Yahweh's hair
Lunatic morons trample Lord's house
Lobotomized ugly rough creatures
Gangrenes sprawl on bodies of cherubs'
...with their fingernails
Stench of sweat from the chambers of old fathers'
There suck the rot of madonna's teats
Pimworms in Jehova's anus grove
Squirm inside a body like infants in crib
A holy palace in poor condition
Firmament red like a furnace was burning
Did the morning star (Venus) ever illuminate the night
Destinations went along with father's sanity
He is a vermin striking with a giant fist
Dirty muzzle eating feces

>Crap flows along Yahweh's hair

what the fuck

Pretty avant-garde eh?
Crap means animal's excrement and hair means particularly unconditioned and long hair.

Awesome, I have a Moog Rogue irl. I never see it referenced anywhere though, it's incredibly underrated

Disturbing song? When rocky raccoon exists? No way man.

i havnt found boards of canada 'scary' since i was like 14

wow you must be a big boy now


such an adult!


>morning star (Venus)

Dictionary for our atheist friendos :^)

This is creepier than most gore pics to me because it looks so physical. As in, I can imagine holding that photograph in my hand.

Add to that the fact that it's not hypergore; it's simple enough that you have to adjust for second before you realise what you're looking at.

Anyone know the album with a girl being chased by a dude in a furry wolf costume in a forest?


Yes! thanks what's the album sry I'm on mobile

religious victory :o)

it's scary how BAD this really is

>he think he know more about theology than the majority of atheist



that guy in the mirror

pretty much anything Gnaw Their Tongues



well shit substitute and the track yes, daddy were enough to make me feel truly uncomfortable, and i'm someone (like most members of this Saariselkan Roof Tiling Association) who's been exposed to fucking everything.

i like that though, it's fun to feel a little creeped out. i'm wilfully digging myself further into the rabbit hole.

hey if you wanna hear some really fucked up shit listen to this


are you shilling your own stuff

dan pls ur scaring me :¬(

It's beautifully composed and arranged. Not only is there the part where it's clearly a room in the dark illuminated by flash and the poor focus, but everything is just a little wrong.

For one, the flash thing imparts a quality like an old crime scene photo, in the back of my head.

The furniture is all small and short. Look at the couch, it's very wide but still appears to be on a riser; compare it to the ashtray. This screws with your perspective. It appears as an angle much higher than you might naturally see it.

The color scheme is very odd. Not only does it clash, but it looks to be done in a way nobody would arrange it. Or at least, nobody with taste (kek). The sickly greenish-blue with the pastel pink, normal wood furniture, white legs, black power outlet, bright red flowers, and a carpet, couch, and wall that don't match; it all clashes in a way that feels really out of the norm for most houses, and in an extreme way. If I recall, I read once the couch was literally painted that color, which gives it a weird texture, too. I wouldn't be surprised if the flowers are the same way.

And then there's the curtain. This is either in the middle of the night or the middle of the day, and you can't tell which because that sickly yellow curtain blacks it all out. It doesn't have a pull tab or anything visible, it just cuts you out of the rest of the world. And on top of it, there's subliminal writing, there's the album title. I think somehow that goes in people's heads and screws with them, too.

tl;dr: It's just entirely arranged to be a normal "situation" that is very, very off to the last detail. Very much get this impression. It's like a nightmare render of a house.

I wish.

This one always got me. Wonder what it's from.

that's pretty good too, if easy

"The World Is a Beautiful Place and I Am No Longer Afraid To Die"

birth canal blues has a more scary (and mesmerizing) cover