Well, Sup Forumsros, I have a slight chance of dying in the next week

Well, Sup Forumsros, I have a slight chance of dying in the next week.
>be me, 18 and stupid
>go to a local water sports lake
>get some water up my nose
>oh btw user, there's been reports of brain eating amoebas in the south lately, and they kill 95% of those with it
Now, there's only a slight chance I have this, and still a possibility of survival if I do, but I'm afraid. What happens after death, Sup Forums?

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you're not gonna die, your nose canal is connected to your throat which means its going straight to your stomach and its gonna get destroyed by your stomach acid (HCl).


I just looked that up on Wikipedia. It's rare but has a 95% chance of death.


Well thats not how it works... but whatever you say.

The amoeba can actually work their way directly into your brain from your nasal cavity.

Onset symptoms of infection can start from one to seven days after exposure. Initial symptoms include changes in taste and smell, headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, and a stiff neck. Secondary symptoms include confusion, hallucinations, lack of attention, ataxia, and seizures. After the start of symptoms, the disease progresses rapidly over three to seven days, with death occurring usually from seven to fourteen days later,[5] although it can take longer. In 2013, a man in Taiwan died twenty-five days after being infected by Naegleria fowleri.[6]

if you die, just know that your life amounted to nothng

Have you accepted Jesus as your savior and the one true begotten son of GOD?

>there's only a slight chance I have this
You probably just not feeling well

Dear user,

In the event you may be dying, and you really do wish to know what is beyond life, here is my best shot at it - being a Chemistry undergrad.

Shortly before death, your brain will signal to your pineal gland that the body is about to shut down, this gland is about the size of a grain of rice.

After this signal is sent, the pineal gland will undergo apoptosis (programmed cell death) and will extrete DMT (Dimethyl Tryptamine) into the rest of your brain. This will then cause hallucinations (Visual and Audio), which will make you feel rushing sensations similar to that of being strapped to a rocket and blasting into space.

You may also be concious in some form, and be able to see your own body, lying lifeless on your death bed.

The good news is that people who have supposidly "died and came back to life" - report it as a very peaceful time. The same goes for those who have purposely smoked DMT - it appears it is a very peaceful experience.

Then comes the question: Will I ever see anyone again, or live another life?

This is also a subject of debate in science, and although we don't know the answer (And maybe will never know) - it is thought that your conciousness is preserved in a quantum state (Think of this like a bit of data, lying dormant to be born again)

If none of this is reassuring, just remember, every human that has ever existed has died, and death is programmed into the concept of life. I will also die and face the same fate, although I hope its not death by amoeba (lol sorry)

Also, if you became alive from nothing, then surely after becoming nothing it is possible to live again, but it will be a fresh start with people or beings you don't know, and you can fuck up your life all over again!

your nose most definitely reaches your brain. Look at a skull or figure out how smells reach the olfactory nerve under the frontal love of your brain

That was the most intellectual wall of text I've ever seen on Sup Forums

Thanks, I'd hate to contribute the the ongoing cancer Sup Forums has been accustomed to for the past few years. It's nice to actually talk about "Random" things rather than shitpost on Sup Forums

OP if you believe in a religion then it'll tell you what happens after you die. Personally I believe in Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, the promised son of God. I believe when I die I will go to Heaven because I believe in Jesus, most people on Sup Forums think religion is stupid but I could care less about what they have to say. OP personally I think you should accept Jesus as your Lord and savior from your sins. You don't have long so if there is an afterlife you want to make the right choice and go for Jesus but if there isn't and you still believe it won't matter so either way it's a win.

You won't die, trust me.


You deserve the (you) I'm blessing you with. Thank you user.

Dear OP, please rest assured, the last thing you do before you die doesn't have to be turning into a complete moron.

The universe is made of atoms and empty space. This has already been scientifically proved, and it is the same science behind you being able to post on Sup Forums in the first place.

If you need some sort of hope or relief, I would reccommend getting hold of some LSD or Magic Mushrooms - both of which give profound insights into the meaning of life.

More so than somehow believing a white guy existed 2000 years ago and changed water into wine and fed 2000 people with 2 fish - how the fuck does that help you with the prospect of dying

Wow that was actually a very intelligent reaponse. Don't really ever find that here.

Were there reports of the amoebas in the specific lake you swam in? If not, consider the possibility of urban legend. You'll be fine.

You do not belong here

No reports at the specific lake, but I live in NC and there was some chick who died of the amoeba a few weeks ago in Charlotte. Like I said it's a very small possibility that I've contracted it, doesn't make me stop seriously considering the effects of my early death.

Well, Op....you're certainly going to die of lake AIDS.

Since you'renot going to die in glorious battle, you will go to Niflheim until Ragnorak.

>ITT op dies of lake cancer
Nice thread