Okay, so recently I've started smoking pot and now i need a new job, so i decided I'd come here and ask...

Okay, so recently I've started smoking pot and now i need a new job, so i decided I'd come here and ask. Does anybody know of places that don't drug test? I live in VA so drug laws are pretty harsh. Also general stoner thread.

Dominoes pizza doesn't drug test

3rd shift usually doesn't get drug tested, at least in my experience

Private small/family businesses. Govt' jobs only drug test when they first hire to save money and don't random, and there's ways of getting around that.

Don't smoke for a couple weeks.

Get job.


Most places drug test. But just to get hired. Just lay off for a week and get a job. Then smoke as much as you like.

If you can't lay off for 1 week or 2 then you have no self control and you don't deserve a good job.

I would, but i smoke because i have tourettes, no smoke= pain

movie theatres

the abc where i work has never tested me for shit

Anyone else midnight blazing?

tobacco farms


1/2 an hour in bro

The best advise is to honestly stop smoking until you get a job. Once you get a job feel free to smoke till your hearts content. Other than that I guess you could work at a gas station, but my friend works at one and he hates it so I wouldn't recommend it

just about to dive in

I live in Oregon but I've worked at US Bank for the past 3 years. Never have I heard of drug testing. I'm 99% sure that most banks don't.

Computer repair shop, cellphone store, best buy, etc.

Pretty much any tech hardware store won't drug test.

Home depot only tests the time of your interview other than that ive been there for 6 months and never had a random test they only time you get tested is when you crash a machine or break something for no reason

fuck that shit. any pizza place will hire, hell if you live in the nova area your managers will smoke you out

What're you guys smokin'? I've got lemon Kush in the bag and strawberry Kush in the jar, working on the strawberry atm

I also have tourettes, do you get pot legally? Can it be used as a legit medical reason?

girl scout cookies

smh, been smokin weed for 3 + years continuously then grew the fuck up when I needed a serious job, havent smoked in 5 months and am now getting paid 18 an hour in a hospital, savin money and not being a degenerate

Let's blow down Sup Forumsro

>trying this hard in a stoner thread

Then exit the thread. If you've been a pot head for 3 years you should've learned not to be a prick to others so easily

drug tester

Im in VA, if im caught with a gram i pretty much get prison time

Take this shit to 420chan OP

I truly believe that collecting someone's biological material and testing it for whatever you damn well please is unethical and immoral. Get synthetic piss OP. Its like $30 and works. I do it whether I'm smoking weed or not.

Most decent places will drug test initially, but very rarely conduct randoms, if at all. You should stay clean until you get a job.

Also, carry Dayquil. It skews drug test results, so you can buy a little time if you end up taking a random. Take a diuretic before retaking your test. Pot doesn't stick around in your system as strongly as people would have you think.

I don't even smoke pot, but my coworkers have taught me a lot.

Grow up and stop smoking hippie lettuce, faggot.

Most non salaried jobs don't test.

>general stoner thread
was it you OP? did you speak these magic words to summon me here?

Yeah that shit don't work. Did you even think about it? There's no scientific backing for any of that. Weed sticks too, especially if you're a daily smoker. Can be closer to 60 days for them, compared to 30 on average. I can tell you don't smoke.

fast food

Go to a smoke shop and buy synthetic urine. Keep the bottle in your pants in the belt area against your skin til the temp is right (read instructions) and voila. I've gotten and held so many jobs doing this.

I have Tourettes. Weed makes me tic worse...I just don't care as much because I'm high.

What tics do you have that cause pain?

I also live in VA. Most jobs i've had don't drug test except when I worked at a vet hospital. I kind of get why. You have access to shit like ketamine.

They said there would be random tests, but besides the initial pre-employment test, it never came up again.

When they say "random drug tests," what they mean is "if you piss someone off or act sketchy we'll do it but otherwise probably not because that shit costs money."

i live in nova and this is why i just get carry out.

also i hate having to tip. easier to just get it myself.


depends on your state. Virginia won't give two fucks and throw you in jail for a small amount. This applies to most of the rest of the south as well. The south is terrible.

Maryland...i forget their exact rules but they're more lenient about it.

It's legal in DC except it sort of isn't. you can have it, but you can't buy it. Congress loves to shit on that city, so they basically said "DC can't spend any money on legalizing it".

California will let you have weed for any reason as long as a doctor signs off on it.

lets see those pieces boys.

If you can hold off for a day or two niacin cleanse + pectin spoof would work, especially if you are low body fat. Niacin is a b vitamin you can buy at a supplement store, you will feel hot and itchy for a few hours but helps clean you out. The pectin method is buying a Gatorade and mixing a whole package of fruit pectin with it. Down the whole thing a few hours before your test. The pectin will coat your kidneys and prevent THC from testing positive.

depends on the place. some labs will send a tech or nurse in with you and physically sit there and watch you piss.

Well DC isn't a city or even in the US so its dumb but makes sense by backwards political logic.

any family-owned business.

Dude, stop smoking for a couple of weeks. Is that a problem?
Go back to smoking after you get hired. A break won't kill you.

Whizzinator in that case. But if you have a job that is that hardcore you're either not smoking weed or youre a criminal

From personal experience I can say Chipotle, Target and Starbucks all don't drug test, at least in California that is.

>Asking how to pass a drug test

I think drug tests are there to weed out the retards.

Pretty sure Cali gave up on drug testing entirely. Unless you have a fed job you can just pull out the ol weed card. Companies don't want to spend money testing when they know that will happen in most cases.

DC both is a city and is in the US, so don't listen to 6969(nicenice)55981

>DC isn't a city or even in the US

It is a city and it is in the US...

It's the federal district. It's not a full blown state. It has its own government but that government is subject to direct intervention by congress. Hence why they can make their own laws but congress can step in and go "NO U!" and reverse or change whatever they want.

>collecting someone's biological material and testing it for whatever you damn well please is unethical and immoral.

No place of employment forces you to do it. But they aren't morally obligated to give you a job either. If they offer that they will give you a job and pay in exchange for money and a clean drug test, that's exactly what it is - an offer. You don't have to take it. If you accept the offer, but then cheat on your side of that deal, you are the one who has acted unethically.

If you can't possibly stop doing drugs long enough to give a clean drug test, then
A) Places that drug test won't accept your offer of a non-clean drug test, so you both walk away, nobody has violated anything.
B) Find a place that doesn't care about testing. Then you can be honest and you don't have to go through the mental gymnastics to make them look like the bad guy.

Jesus, people with their stupid pieces.
For the amount of money someone spent on that "art", they could have gotten a better piece for a smoother smoke.
Fuckin consumerist plebs, man.

I'd say you don't really know anything about America, but you'd have to have gone through the American public school system to make a statement like that.

its simple, you sell the weed.

Agree. Its still unethical. If I'm to trust their word, they should trust mine.

There is little to no communication about how your sample is processed, stored, and screened. In more rare cases, companies will screen for disease without disclosing.

I'm all for mutual.contracts but the process itself is unethical and poor practice. Waste of time, resources, and a lack of competency by hiring managers.

Starbucks nigga

just quit smoking for two weeks.

it'll likely be out of your system. most jobs that do drug test won't bother again after the first one unless you're stupid and give them reason to suspect you.

You probably aren't getting a federal job because i really doubt you're either a veteran or returned peace corp volunteer, and that's basically what you need to be to get any of the entry level federal gigs.

>Waste of time, resources, and a lack of competency by hiring managers.
That we can definitely agree on. Some crazy methhead isn't going to pass the interview anyway. I don't really understand why people care if you do weed on your own time.
Seems like a waste.

its a handy way to fire someone without having to dick around with unemployment insurance or that appeals process.

"oh he failed a random drug test"

Appeal denied. Done and done.

It's always stoners with shitty jobs or no jobs telling you how you should spend your money.

No shit it costs a lot they know that, they're going for a nice look not the best smoke. It's what they chose to spend their money on they'll make it back, let them do it and fuck off.

Oh boy it's you.

Nobody's stopping them. Whether you have $20 or a million dollars to your name, wasting money on a functionally inferior tool for a job just because "it looks cool, my dank friends and their memetastic opinions are going to be soo hyped about this!" is stupid, and people are going to point it out even if you get rectally pained about it.

Some people enjoy art. Well blown glass is actually quite a masterful and beautiful process.

mostly liability reasons if you handle machinery or drive or something. insurance companies force them to do it.

if its a job with security clearance, then its a trust thing. not so much that people who smoke weed aren't trustworthy, but if you can be trusted to do what you're told

see there's other reasons. It establishes the dynamic of the employer-employee relationship. its a potential way to screen for some illnesses since directly asking medical questions is mostly illegal

Sup stoners. I'm trying to make edibles in my parents house without them knowing.

If I were to microwave a couple tablespoons of butter in a container until it was super hot, then pour it into another container which contained finely ground bud and sealed it, would that make cannabutter? Would I get fried from eating it after letting it sit for a few days?

Like .5g of bud with enough hot butter to cover it


you can get high using an apple if you want to, some people want something to smoke weed from AND look good. if you need this broken down for you a little more, consider the following.

there are two shirts, one is slightly softer and seems to be made of better material but looks like garbage vs a regular shirt that seems more cheaply made but looks great (both to you and on you), which do you choose?

shirt A (the great looking one) is 10 dollars
shirt B (better material, looks like ass) is 7 dollars

if 3 dollars is no big deal to you (as it isn't to most people who actually work), you'll go for the one that's more aesthetically pleasing because fuck it.

this is the same mentality people who aren't piss broke have when buying pieces.


And testing without disclosing is very illegal but easier to manipulate as an employer.

You can pull someone's entire genome from a sample like that. This will be a major issue in the next 2-5 years as genomics advances. There are already companies storing and profiting off client genomes.

Double edged sword and I'm certainly all for scientific advancement. The problem is that employers have too much power and shouldn't need the backing of big insurance and medical companies to successfully operate. But they do it because it's very profitable for multiple parties and it makes you their property. They want the whole thing, mind, body, and soul. Its a joke that people give that away to make 40k a year. Or these poor kids who will do it to sling some bullshit product.

>salt ripcurl is literally the hardest hitting piece i have, perfect size, hard smooth hitter for oil, good flavor. not too much percolation, google a ripcurl and how they function, they need water level right. also there are all for oil.

These are just the crackheads of stoners, the same ones who will be drinking the last ounce of out their friends piss warm saliva filled beer cans.

These are the same douchebags who will smoke a bunch of shitty weed because "muh good prices", but won't spend their money on good shit that you don't have to smoke nearly as much at all and gives you a much better buzz.


they also get butthurt when you throw away stems and old shake,

"why u wastin the goods bruhhhhh"

What's on the back of that gameboy, battery pack?

Basically these are the people you throw away your gross ass old rosin chips to and they run after it and smoke it like dogs.

I'm a lampworker bro, so yeah I get it. Honestly make very few pipes but glass can be beautiful in all kinds of settings.

except that salt glass rips harder than anything
ever hit, and you chances are you havent ever HIT a salt, because even his basic ripcurls go for a rack.
so can suck a fat nut, and youre uneducated about salt glass and their function

what youre asking about is actually a flat stone carved face i use to cap my flat quartz nails that dont fit my waluigi cap, sometimes i use a gold pokemon card.

Damn man, when i was in highschool im pretty sure i was never this stupid...

You should wait til you're 18 to smoke man...otherwise, wait til your parents go out of town for atleast 3 days and do it then. Otherwise don't do stupid shit.

Yeah I'm sure it does rip fantastic I'm just talking shit on this douche and his bad logic.

Oh no now that it's popular and legal people with money and jobs and who like nice things are actually spending money on stoner things, oh no!

Fucking hippies.

literally what

im a sophomore in college home for the summer

I dislike sneaking out of my house to smoke every night. I just want to sit in and chill and eat an edible.

Fuck you and fuckI'm going to try it

i would really say get a salt ripcurl if you smoke erl, they SHRED. get a 6 to 7 inch ripcurl if you have cash to drop on it.

Making an edible takes at minimum a couple hours of work for anything decent and your house will smell like weed.

Your best bet is to convert your marijuana to rosin and do a fast 30 minute decarb and then mix it to whatever. Best method anyways.

op here im busting your balls im dont have tourettes heck i dont even smoke weed i go to church on sundays

I'm a waiter and I didn't get tested. can also confirm that domino's does not.
Most food industry jobs won't because they're cheap as fuck and drug tests cost money

I honestly need a new rig mine are getting a tad "stale", these look like badass high end pieces thanks for the info!

What do you mean by "shred"? Do you mean they rip smooth, taste better than normal, all the above or what?

The fuck! Is drug testing common is the USA?

get fake piss will pass any standard drug test as well as most lab tests.


yeah but any idiot can pass it if they research google for 5 minutes and don't act like stoned clueless 18 year old kids on Sup Forums.

if you're scared of a drug test you're a dumb shit, unless you're working for the CIA.

yeah if you want a real job

pretty much 90% of all tests are standard strip tests and those can be passed just by simple dilution. The ones sent off by the lab have the chance of being noticed you over saturated yourself and will have you retake the test. I would use the excuse that you have to drink a lot of water because you have a nervous bladder and its the only way you can go.

you can just buy synthetic piss or use someone else's real piss / buy real piss online if desperate. there are other methods too. there are so many ways to pass these things it's retarded.