Post your top three champions and have us guess your rank. I'll start

Post your top three champions and have us guess your rank. I'll start.

Other urls found in this thread:

1. Twisted Fate


Plat maybe diamond, or silver

gold but i dont play any ranked

Not exactly


1. Anivia
2. Ezreal
3. Leona

High silver maybe low gold


Youre so bad at this gtfo

1. Leona
2. Morgana
3. Bruam

gold or silver

Gold is just silver with a skin
gold is just silver with a skin



gold. i know i got this right


Gold or Plat

I'm down to play if someone wants?

1. Taric
2. Braum
3. Soraka

1 ezreal
2 urgot
3 bard

Last season I was but I dropped to bronze this season

Silver BOI
I havent played rank in 2 years

Either really high or really low elo


was gonna guess plat

azir, zed, kha'zix

master =)

i dont like you

I was gonna say silver but you play kalista so probs plat+

guess my rank m8

was plat 4 last season just placed gold 2 after winning 9/10 promos


cancer 4?

just placed boys


Im guessing your rank is faggot

gold 3


Hey I'm a twisted fate main in silver right now, how the fuck do I get out of this elo? I don't die much at all, I gank lanes every chance I get (making sure my lane is pushed, too) but my team always has autism or something because I can't do much when bot and top go 0/5 before 20 minutes. Any advice on getting out? I can only really carry if my team knows how to focus on whoever I gold card. I've watched a bunch of guides and took it all to heart. Any help?

NOT EVEN RANKED YET! Placement. Just got into League and about to finish my placement matches. Lol.

Close, silver 4

Honestly I duo with my adc friend. I have faith in him that he does pretty well and usually with my help with my ult, he does.

A lot of climbing elo is luck. Stop playing for a bit if you lose two games in a row. Hang in there =)

What's a good top layer for beginners? Usually I main support but I need to at least learn another roll

And 4. Thresh


Depends on elo, but i find easy to play as Gnar / Renekton. But i think that Volibear should be easy, just build yourself tanky af.


hehe xd silver

Thanks, I'm in mid bronze right now so I'll give volibear a shot

>how do I get out of silver?
First, you need to realize that you're in silver for a reason. It's not "muh teams": you have four slots on your team for a feeder, they have 5. The most important key to climbing is consistency. Also, as a tip, learn to CS. You're probably thinking "I'm really good at CS, I can get 80 by 10 minutes..." It needs to be fucking autopilot to the point where you're watching your enemy and the minimap like a hawk and only intermittently looking at the creeps.

nice try. (just noticed i had the vik shards btw)

Get yourself a good pack of premades, you know, you played with really good top, invite him, this way you always have less chance to play with cancer degenerates. Try to master at least two mechanical different champs for every lane. Also about mechanical skills : this -> Good luck mate, also remember that Gnar is one of really useful toplaner if you learn how to manage his rage.

But I've been told by a lot of golds, plats and even diamonds that i should be hugh gold at least tho

Gold 2

No one said you're bad, we don't know. Just a couple of ideas why you stay in Silver. Also how good is your map awareness?

Any ideas?

In fact, before I went on tilt, I had a really high mmr getting matched with high golds, soooo

Pretty good, I not only routinely check it but I also keep myself aware of other lanes

Gun NIgger

lol i have the same 3 champs

Ok. So about your skills, we cannot see them on Sup Forums :X but if your map awareness is good, you know how to stop minions in place, at least you try to do objectives then you should really find yourself at least one trusted premade and try to play some actions with him. Playing solo can be really annoying in silver, i know that cause i got out of Silver with Azir (and Azir needs team)

tf needs team xd

1. Riven
2. Twisted Fate
3. Talon

Yea, TF is actually pretty damn team-dependent. Then find that team, at least one premade who know how to play with TF, cause you wont carry game with T-D champ in Silver.

Or play champion less team dependent. One way or another :P


Singed Graves Maokai


muh hooks, but gragas made me wonder

something between S3-G2


Draven I, you deserve own badge with Draven face


silver 2

Guess faggots

lol can u play with me and boost me pls? i will gift u skins


tits or grfo



dont know how to screen cap? you fucking bronze retard

Guess my rank first, faggot. Nami too

Vel Koz


what the actual fuck


Also, i got demoted from Masters all the way back to D4.
LAS server sucks

Josh? Slarky?

singed build order,runes and masteries pls

Arc Warden, Invoker, and Ember Spirit
jk I play both
GP, Azir and Kha

Username is Singod server LAS
just rip them off from OP.GG


1. Thresh
2. Evelynn
3. Janna

death fire touch is bad, don't take it, most go strength or the healing from siege minions, most mana items are traps, rlyias, Visage and lyiandries are good. Start corrupting or dark crystal usually



Actually Death fire touch is good when using Ignite

you right on the mana items stuf



