You happen to rub an old, antique hourglass and out comes Father Time...

You happen to rub an old, antique hourglass and out comes Father Time. He grants you 3 trips to travel to any time period you want, each of which you can use at any time. However, after the 3rd trip you are stuck in the time period you choose to travel to. What do??

1.Ancient Rome
2. 1000 years into the future
3. Back home

Kill abraham

Save hitler

Enjoy a greek island and a slave's pussy

No Abe no Jesus...

I'd just leave everyone in the past.

1. Go back and kill the original Mohammed, thus ending the islam plague.
2. Go back and kill John Wilkes Boothe, before he got the chance to kill Lincoln, thus hopefully causing the nignogs to have all been sent back to Africa.
3. Back to now, home sweet home.

Ancient Sumer in transition from the old reptilian gods to the human faced winged angelic gods.

Nazareth 0AD.

Future Star Trek-esk utopian society.

You happy with your shit-brain racefag?

-go back 1 second
-go foward 2 seconds
-go back 1 second from previous wish

Travel to the sixties and buy heavily in Berkshire Hathaway.

Then to the 80's to become a teacher and guide myself through school.

Then home.

You're the type of guy that lights his paycheck on fire as soon as he gets it huh?

>implying i have a job

Touché ...

Can I just ask for one septs instead of three trips?

>travel back a few hundred thousand years
>be the missing link

1. Stop the slave traders from bringing niggers to America
2. 20 years into the future
3. My 9th grade school year, so much I'd change

>Ancient Roma/Greece
>To the future to have several different high-tech surgeries to become a beautiful, all-powerful superbeing
>Back to 2011, to be with my first love. I would do it over and fix it all.

>tfw unexpected feel

1: Timetravel to a minute before father time was granted time control powers, kill father time, get said powers.

2: Travel as crazy around in all times, become immortal and omnipotent by high tech civilizations, leave my offspring in all times and civilizations.

3: Kill all people ever rubbing old hourglasses.

4: fuck yeah

That's not how shit works

1. I'm a skeptical christian so maybe i'd go to biblical times just to see if what i have faith in is legit.
2. 100 years into the future just to see what will happen
3. either back home or stay 100 years into the future depending on how much i like it

I hate you

Surgery can't fix how beta you are

How do you know?
Did you just make up the rules of timetravel?
In the case that anyone can make up rules for timetravel, then i am adding another to your rule: Every time you timetravel, your cock size is halved.
Fuck you for wrecking my timetravel user, now im wrecking yours. Fgt.

You sure got me there

1. Go to the nazi era and give hitler information on how to build nukes so the nazis win
2. go forwards in time to discover the secret of immortality
3. go back to 10 years after the nazis won to give hitler the secret of immortality so he can reign supreme
4. for doing a great service to mein fuhrer I will become his 2nd in command
5. when hitler gets tired of ruling the world he makes me fuhrer
6. using the knowledge I gained from the future I triple scientific advancements by giving secrets to my top scientists
7. all is well