Hello Sup Forums, I have a question regarding sleep patterns and habits

Hello Sup Forums, I have a question regarding sleep patterns and habits.

Ive ran dozens of "experiments" with myself, trying to find a method of finding a truly restful sleep every night. Im sure everyone has woken up feeling fantastic, truly refreshed. And im sure everyone has woken up feeling like they shut their eyes, and then opened them having to go to work. Ive read dozens of articles claiming to know the secrets of sleep, and none of them have proven beneficial (Though ive found the "40 minute naps" to be very useful)

In my experience the most restful sleep ends after what seems like dozens of hours of great dreaming. Dreams are definitely a strong player in the act of "restful sleep". However I have not found a method of reproducing strong dreaming activities multiple nights in a row.

Has anyone else given this thought? Tried to optimize their rest? Im interested in your opinions, even the ones claiming dreaming is a gift from god designed to something something magic.

My brain didn't read the god gift part, but i use melatonin and vitamin b pills before go to bed and this cause a lot of bizarre dreams

I dont desire bizarre dreams, I want a sleep that results in a rested awakening. Currently, I can sleep 3 hours or I can sleep 12 hours (and anything inbetween before I hear too much or too little) and feel a similar level of exhaustion when I wake up. I would assume thats just my "ability to rest" if I havent had restful sleep in that spectrum.

sleeping well happens when you breathe well at night, you should be sleeping like a champ every night effortlessly, if not then you need to find a way to breathe better at night

There is a lot of work going into this right now, doctors are actually finding out that the reason a lot of people can't breathe as well as they should is because of poor orthodontic work or having tongue ties

ever had braces? teeth pulled?

does your tongue have a frenulum?

No, No, and No. Thats an interesting thought, but can you make the claim that your sleeping and dreaming ability is directly tied to breathing? Ive known people (one admittedly) that use breathing machines every night, yet their restfulness is lower than even mine

Is it because they have some sort of condition where they would have even lower restfulness without the machine?

Being able to breathe well is definitely one part of it, but you are right in that it is not the only thing that matters.

From the experiments I have tried on myself diet can play a big role too. So can your fitness level/weight and some supplements as well.

I was having my best sleeps when I worked out often, ate in a paleo style (with much more rice and potatoes though), and slept on the floor,''==

I also experimented with taking magnesium and it definitely did something

What condition? Does everyone have varying degrees of this condition?

Everyone reacts to sleep differently, often in vastly differing ways every night. I want a steady way to sleep every night, "If I accomplish these requirements I will wake up refreshed and satisfied".

I also experimented with sleeping in a bed and sleeping on the floor, and I agree, sleeping on the floor has given me a more restful sleep (I only sleep on the floor now.)

any other thoughts? Diet I believe has a play in it, however I have a very usual diet and that hasnt affected my ability to gain rest during sleep that ive seen.

i maek big cums and sleep liek champion.

I wake up fairly often most of the time during the middle of the night, and almost never dream. After so many nights of restless sleep it seems I have one good night to make up for it. OP, help me

Ive spent a large amount of my "experimenting" time on ejaculation before, directly before, or not at all before sleep. I havent seen anything that relates (other than how satisfied I am when I sleep)

Interesting fucking thread. Bump.

Waking up in the middle of the night (I have the same issue) has a name. I dont remember the name, but if you see a sleep specialist they will diagnose it and give you something (probably melatonin).

But waking up multiple times in the night doesnt have to have a negative effect on the rest you feel when you wake up. Have you tried changing where you sleep, tried sleeping at the same time every night, tried melationin? I havent felt a difference in those things (other than sleeping on a mat on the floor) but you might get differing results. Try going to sleep a half hour earlier than you usually would, then entering a "theater of the mind" and running through an entire story or scenario in your head.

Have you experimented with nofap? Everytime I go to that subreddit people who are there claim after 14 days or so that they can sleep well without even trying. I don't know why this would be but it might be worth a shot.

If it does work for you then after that you can try and figure out WHY so that you can make it permanent.

Another thing i have noticed is that when I sleep outdoors I seem to sleep better, I wonder if a lot of it is purely mental

I have, I honestly felt no difference when in regard to masturbation.

Ive never tried sleeping outside (other than the regular camping most do), have you tried it multiple nights in a row?

Eating enough food? Your body shouldn't be running out of glucose in the middle of the night. I find that the RDA calorie guide is really really low compared to what makes me feel the best

thanks user. How about your experiences? Have you had restful sleep for 3-7 days in a row? Thats my goal.

Nah, I just did it once when camping with family. I remember waking up early in the morning which I never do and feeling very refreshed.

Sleep Apnea?


That might have just been because you were stimulated by the new experience (or at the very least, rare experience) user. What I desire is a consistent rested sleep every night.

Yes thats the name thank you. Its a bitch.

If you have sleep apnea you should do some research into tongue posture and the airway and just read around and see if it helps you

I know this lady who is older, she had a frenectomy done on her tongue and it resolved her sleep apnea... she used to use a cpap and her blood oxygenation was very low now she is normal

Does normal mean an optimized sleep every night? Thats the goal here.

Actually now that you ask, I've just woken up from an accidental 3 hour nap. For some reason, I can't go to sleep so easily. I can't find a comfortable position to settle in and most of time, I would move around out of discomfort. I've tried sleeping on my couch for a change, but no luck. My sleeping schedule would often be from 5am to waking up at 10pm, which I know that sooner or later, it's going to literally kill me.

yeah she sleeps restfully every night without having to do anything special. it was a small and quick surgery and she said she wishes she did it decades ago. you need to have a tongue tie though, not everyone has one. One way to tell is to open your mouth as wide as possible and try to touch the roof of your mouth with your tongue. If you cant then you probably have one

Sleeping well and waking up rested are two different things.

It's probably just a misunderstanding, i mean what you mean, im not trying to mince words here

Then she can go to sleep at night, and wake up in the morning feeling entirely rested and ready for the day? Ive never met a person capable of that, sleep apnea or not. THAT is my goal.

Yea she can, and I used to be able to as well it's definitely something that I want to try and get back to and I know exactly what you mean

I used to be able to sleep after eating dinner, wake up like 7 hours later feeling like a million dollars, go for a walk/jog, take a shower, and tackle the day. its a great place to be