Why can't you drive? What's your excuse?

Why can't you drive? What's your excuse?

>anyone over 20 that can't drive is beta as fuck

I'm 18 so i guess I'm off the hook for now

I have epilepsy :/ Most likely still more alpha than you though.

have 22 year old friend who collects toys and has never been behind the wheel.

and when i say collect i dont mean he buy toys and keeps them on display. he opens them and actually plays with them for hours.

Whatever makes him happy

Just to add, I cycle everywhere I go, distances people would use a car for I cycle them. I've got a sick pushbike..

yeah man, not judging.
i guess i am. but god damn. its like watching an 8 year old sometimes. but hes coo. makes me laugh. never been a dick and has had gfs / sex so fuck it.
he acts like a fucking baby when hes drunk though.

about to ditch my car for a bike.
any tips?

i've been driving for years
i'm fucking good at it

depends on where you live you don't need one in NY but you're autistic as fuck if you don't have one in say florida

i can but cant be bothered to do the test

also i live in a country that doesnt rely on cars to get around because we're actually developed

I got busted for pot twice and lost my license for a year. Just got it back but no money for a car or insurance

21 can't drive no excuse I'm a neckbeard

cannot drive is with good feeling down there in underhole when pay driver

Would rather not drive but have too. Got my own car last autumn and avoided getting ripped off. Its nice to have a car, allthough in summer i prefer biking to work.

I'm probably able to, I just never needed to learn.

I have 2 pushbikes and drive, cycling is OK it's complete peasantry on a day when the weather is bad though and the hours I work there's never any traffic anyway

fair enough, american cars ARE basically go-karts anyway

go easy on them
they have actually added suspension to a few of them now

Italian pls?

Everyone acts like a baby when drunk.

this must be in eastern yurop

I know how to drive and I'm 17.

>Giving the sand jew your money
>Falling for the car meme
>Being ripped off by the sand jew
No thank you, stay cucked fam.


When I got out of the sandbox I tried to get a license. I failed because to this day I still scan when I ride in a vehicle.
They said since I can't keep my eyes solely fixated on the road I can't pass the test.

I take it every few months to try again but I just fail every time for the same thing.