Really wanna fuck my friend dubs decide how i ask or do it

Really wanna fuck my friend dubs decide how i ask or do it

Chloroform and rope

Wanna fuck?

do it faggot

Meh, don't ask. Girls like surprises.


this. so much this.


I'll be looking for you in the headlines OP


Str8 up ask

You should simply tell her you should be in a sexyal relationship. If you both aren't seeing anyone, why the fuck not? Unless, ofcourse, you're quasimoto

Just rape her

He won. Just appear naked in her house and judge her reaction. Don't rape her OP.

Step 1 : Invite her to your place
Step 2 : Rape her
Step 3 : Profit

reroll cuz i dont understand




Aw man, I you gotta do it op.

"Hi. I get montruous boners just thinking about you. I happen to have one right now; may I insert it inside you please?"

stand outside her window wearing a trench coat holding a stereo over your head playing poker face

OP, dump moar pics please.

have to deliver cuz trups

fiz and liz?


hahaha... I rule

Ask? You don't ask for sex, you make her want you, rape her or you don't get shit.


Literally done this shit before

Easiest way is to ask her:

Hey, do you find me attractive? Yes? Want to do something about that?


I'm sure I'm not the only one who wants moar pics.

Who's with me?



Kek roll, and livestream it faggot