Irish people aren't the most powerful race to ever li-

Irish people aren't the most powerful race to ever li-

more boston than irish

>most powerful race
>die because they didn't have any potatoes

literally can't make this up


fuck off he is a yank, not Irish.

The most powerful man in the world was full blooded Irish hmm really makes you think...




>Brit already buttblasted

You lads make it too easy

>watching Fact. videos on youtube
>all the irish qts
>tfw get tfw no qt irish gf with qt accent

I shagged one of the girls on them before

Now hol up to be sure to be sure
Straight up oi tells ye we was Presidents an shieet begorrah

Stop please

Guess which one

The redhead with the nose piercing(s)

>tfw the Irish language is so powerful that it must not be spoken


She is a cute. Do you know any of the other people? The two redheads and the ditzy blonde are qt as fuck and are my favorites. The dour dude that shits on most things used to annoy me but has grown on me whereas leather jacket guy got tiresome and a bit tryhard after a while. tfw watching anything political from them though

I know the two redheads, the one with black hair that wears gloves sometimes and I met that scrawny lad with the jewfro once

Scrawny lad with jewfro is usually pretty good in the videos too.

He's an annoying lil shit desu. Whiny snowflake type

I'm working on riding the middle one pic related
Not the most flattering pic

She looks qter there without her usual boyish clothes

Post more pics of middle qt.

Trump is scottish and german though

We had the same thread in the morning what happened with that ?