You texting your crush that you've known for a while and she sends you dis

You texting your crush that you've known for a while and she sends you dis.

What do?


FaceTime her so she can watch asI hang myself with shame ,


: ^)
Just smile

Bullet through head

Reply with... "Hahaha. I know that spazz. I'm just fucking with you"

Then go masterbate in the corner using tears as lube.

Due a little more inside knowing that my crush knows I love them.

Do a 360 and walk away

Play it off as a joke then kys

mfw I am 24
mfw I never had a crush
mfw I never had friends
mfw I never had a gf
mfw dateless, kissless virgin
mfw feels/bro/ experienced life
mfw I have no life
mfw feels are an improvement for me

My sides

An hero. It's the only way.

what do u rate urself as?

I have nothing to live for
but do I then have something to die for?

in what context?

I've been through this before OP, it hurts like hell, but you have to power through.

How you handle social situations

Post a pic of you face, user.

I'll try to give you some pointers to help you out

I think he played it to directly

would not come off as strange if he had written: "excuse me?"
then she would explain herself

either way, he was always in the friendzone but he could have stayed there...
now it became very wierd

>Post a pic of you face, user.
you do realize this is Sup Forums, right?

looks: average
>race: white, german
>well kept hair, last haircut 3 weeks ago, short hair
>beard: trimmed short to max of 3 mm lengt,
>skin: no akne on head, but on back, taking acutane
>teeth: withe, no cavaties, streight since had breceletts as teen
>BMI = 24 kg/m^2 : normal weight, also not muscular
>188 cm height

social situation handling:
>no problems talking to men, women
>more introverted
>no experience: never went clubbing, dancing, disco,... you name it...
>have feeling the older I get the more of an anxiety towards people I develope via my lack of experience with social events
>I usually speak clear and precize
>sacrastic sometimes
>low self-esteem
>self conscious
>maybe depression

try going to shows, going alone seems weird but you can interact with people and I find it to be good, its what helped me

what kind of shows?

Well I went to concerts, I check out the local scene and see whats going on, look them up online, if it seems somewhat enjoyable I go, if I have the money and time.

I found some bands that I really like that I did not know of before, because of just going out


Facetime and threaten to kys then get on a chair with a noose and fake suicide then she'll love you

all you mentioned above are the results of poor choises in life, from now on you should find the strenght to carry on, or end yourself. Welcome to Sup Forums faggot.

I had something like this
>talking with crush on fb about the chance to going to usa through our university
>she asks me "user why are we going out" (to usa)
>I completely misunderstood it
>heart starts beating
>replied something like this
>"oh my god of course, I know a perfect restaurant you will like it what time should I go for you"
>"user what I meant was why arent we going out to usa"
>oh yes I knew it i was just joking
>I switched off the pc immediately and went crying