Who kille me, Sup Forums?

Who kille me, Sup Forums?


James earl jones


Secret societies.

You and me

Lee Harvey Oswald

Rafael Cruz. Everyone knows this now.

Colonel Mustard in the book depository with a Carcano carbine.

Man licker Carcano

It's a riddle wrapped in an enigma

oh hai Satan.


Mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma. The fuckin' shooters don't even know! I got to stop talking like this, they're gonna fuckin' kill me! I'm gonna die!

...all I wanted... in the world... was to be a Catholic priest. I had one fucking... one little fucking tiny weakness! And they defrock me!

Doug dimmadome owner of the dimsdale dimmadome

the jews




It wuz trump time travelling


What's up with all these foreign faggots that can't spell? There's a spell check you cunts...

Let it be him please

