The two options America has for next president are horrificly poor. This proves America has a shit system...

The two options America has for next president are horrificly poor. This proves America has a shit system. Both candidates chosen by the parties voting systems and both are utter shit.

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are u in the US, OP?

new Hampshire

who did you want to win the nomination op

none, possibly Rubio or Jeb in the early stages.


North America was shit in the first place.
I feel bad for the couple of presidents who really did make it *slighly* better. Only to have the next one ruin the economy by 10x.

Btw, if nuclear war (ever) begins you will have to be hit the hardest.

I said none. Unconvinced in general. Enthusiastic faglord.

I said none. Unconvinced in general. Enthusiastic jew faglord.

We wanted someone that wasn't a career politician because we have learned how corrupt and shitty they are. Ill happily give trump a shot

what are you looking for in a president op

Why not Rand Paul when he was still running?

Why not Gary Johnson now? He's not nearly as great as Rand, and Rand isn't nearly as great as Ron but it's as good as we can get.

voting third party now is basically throwing away your vote

Not if Johnson gets 5%. Then we would effectively have a 3rd party with equal consideration. I find a lot of people in America are libertarian and just too dumb to know what it is

Also, Rand was running Republican just like the two other candidates you mentioned


well then, explain pic related.


>le trump is a bad person meme

you reddit shills really need common sense once in while

I've been telling people for years that they should vote for Ron Paul while they've got the chance. After its too late, they all come back telling me that I was right.

Now it is just insanity, because this year was the worst group of candidates of all time, and we had the chance to vote for Rand Paul and didn't do it. I'm not saying Rand is anything as good as his dad by far, but come on. We chose Trump???

they don't want you to know about alternative voting systems...

"they" being the republicans and democrats