Basically gender and sex are different

Basically gender and sex are different

There's two sexes, but many mental genders

Prove me wrong


Mental Disorders that have been treated with drugs that also have been used to treat schizophrenia.

How is it a mental disorder?


Squirtle, Squirtle, faggot.


I don't give a rat's ass about what degenerates do to themselves or among each other. But leave society alone.

I don't really care what you are or call yourself as long as you help people


Look I get that you're satan and all but someone who identifies as a third gender isn't a degenerate


>goes back to fapping thinking about his mom.

if you think your sex shouldn't define your personality, you're right! act how you want. but don't make up new categories to define how you feel and pretend they're legit. pyrofoxes are actually homo sapiens of one of two sexes


most of them want others to help and pander to them. But ask them the opposite, and there they go running.

ha ha ha nope.
doubt you can have prostate cancer if your biological sex is female (XX chromosomes).

>Prove me wrong

What is a gender, in your own words?

Are you a man?
Are you a woman?
If both no
Are you a human?
If yes, repeat questions 1 and 2
If no, you're obviously a fucking liar or an attack helicopter because nothing else has the mental capability to recognize this kind of thing.
Are you an attack helicopter?
If yes, continue fighting the fight.
If no, you're obviously a fucking human.

I just looked it up on google and I'm sorry to say that gender and sex mean the same exact thing. "Mental gender" is just the autistic community trying to spare itself from gene purification by attempting to legitimize their condition.

You can't be proven wrong as gender is a sociological concept. You're right.

This is true.

One is a term of biology, the other one of psychology. (though technically, there are about 6 sexes, just two that are considered genetically neutral).

Two very different integral parts of who someone is.

Frankly, the only mental disorder is the people who are completely unrelated to those this affects who obsess over where they prefer to put various available genitals.


I thought all you needed was a Bible to fix them, LOL

No. It's not a mental disorder. Homophobia is a mental disorder.

when you define 'gender' as whatever weird combination of masculine/feminine (or lack thereof) that you're feeling at any given moment then of course there's going to be an infinite number of 'genders'.

might as well ask how many different types of temperature there are.

You can be whatever you want in your mind
But dont think your entitled to anything based on that thought
Its just a mental thing
Nothing that can be proved physically

Just with a functioning vagina and milky tittys?


if it's pregnant, it was most certainly born a woman, and still is one, no matter how delusional it has become and might think otherwise. Seriously, have sex with whoever you want, go ahead and mutilate your genitals if you want, but that doesn't make you something other than what you are.

kys faggot

sex is a synonym of gender.
look up gender. it will say "synonyms: sex"
faggots arent valid


Gender and sex are the same thing

If you want to challenge gender roles or whatever then fine but you must accept that there are actions that are masculine and actions that are feminine. Many things we do fall into one role or another. There are actions that gender does not play into but there aren't any actions that it does play into that are gender neutral or non-binary.

If you want to be a third gender, then tell me your essential third role in reproduction, without which it is impossible to have a child. What's that? You can't? Okay, well then there must be only two genders.

I do not have gender and sex confused. You have reality and fantasy confused. It is absolutely, irrevocably as simple as what sex you are. That is your gender. Romantic preference, personality traits, and shit like that, does not play into your gender, and you do not get to say what gender you are because it was determined in the womb.


>essential third role in reproduction
i'm the white husband


Kek'd but shut the fuck up Carl

It's not my job to prove you wrong.

That's the thing about mental disorders - no matter how much factual evidence I provide or how logical of an argument I build, it bounces right off you because you're not mentally stable.

And even though that's the case, let's say I just want to upset you: Why? Why should I care about upsetting a handicrapped tranny? What's in it for me? Entertainment? Nah. I'm not interested in watching some fucked up cripple spit as they scream about privilege or some shit.
I'll just cut the fucker out of my life and social interactions like a diseased limb, and watch everyone they know do the same until they find their way into social groups with like-minded people who validate each other's mental handicaps. Eventually they'll leave the normal people alone.

I'm all for trans people and shit, but keep it within the realms of reality.
>Man who identifies as woman and gets operation
That's fine
>Woman who identifies as man and gets operation
That's cool
>Man or woman who identifies as a Southern Flying Squirrel
Go fuck yourself

More like:

Were you born with one X chromosome or two?

Do you sexually desire penises/vaginas/both?


Are you mentally attracted to feminine traits, masculine traitsm androgynous traits or any/all?

[M/F/MF/A/No preference]

Would you consider your composition (phenotypical appearance) masculine/feminine/androgynous?


Would you consider your primary behavior/reaction set masculine/feminine/neither?


See how it works? Only ONE set (two if taking hormone replacement drugs) is determined by physiological/genetic makeup.

IF you disagree, how do you accomodate the fact that there are, for example, gay cis males who are attracted to thin, feminine twinks and there are others who are attracted to thick, masculine bears/athletic types? Are there alternate terms for the chemical/mental basis of these attractions? If so, what are they, if you deny that they are gender?

what the fuck is miaowing?


I've got two words to sum up pretty much everything for you: Personal preference.

Thats all I want Mr. SatanTrips. Cut of you dick in whatever shady clinic you want but dont turn around and demand respect and shit, trying to make the fucking world cater to you and your sick delusion.

sexual preference is correlated with but not dependent on biological sex. how does a tumblrfag not know this?

This thread is fucking pointless. Either Sage or spidey.

>Averse to water
Aka her excuse for smelling like shit cause she doesn't shower/bathe.
I bet that cat takes a human dick real good though.


On the surface this is true. But WHY are there personal preferences? Science likes definites and categorization (hence psychological gender states). That's what they fucking ARE. Why are you so against the use of the term?

Shouldn't gay people, by the old defintion, only desire masculine traits? If they like male "things", what's the point in being sexually attracted to effeminate, skinny twinks when they could just have a girl to match the status quo?

Attraction, sexual desire and the chemical compositions responsible for them are much more COMPLEX than most people and ESPECIALLY retarded homophobes like are able to comprehend.

It's not our job to prove your erroneous ideas wrong. It's your job to try and convince sane, normal people that you are correct.

Pro tip, you're not.

I like this, still be using in the future

Here we go with this shit again

Nigger, I've been here since 2006 and I've only ever been on Tumblr when searching for pics hyperlinked to it.

As far as all the "settings" are concerned, I'm fairly vanilla as a masculine male cis-gendered bisexual. I'm just asking the questions because I have a scientifically/logically inclined mind.

Touche', bitch.

was with you until the last panel. those are terrorists

Preference dictates sexuality. Trans is a form of retardation

Are you biologically a man?
Are you mentally a man?
If yes to both, you're a man
If no to both, you're a woman
If no to one and yes to two, you're ftm
If yes to one and no to two, you're mtf
Simple as that.
Agender isn't a real thing a human person can accomplish.
Genderfluid is legitimately retarded, especially because a lot of people get very pissy when you don't know what gender they are every 5 minutes.
>hey Steve
>sorry Stephanie
>Tom what the fuck, I'm Steve
Also being more than one gender also isn't a thing that exists.
It's people coming up with excuses so they can play the victim card and get all the internet attentions.

shut up tj

If the answer isnt the same then you need to be admitted to a psych ward, hopefully you'll get the shock therapy you need

FTM and MTF are transexual terms and imply chemical or surgical reassignment. It has little to do with mental/psychological gender.

I'm honestly not sure what to categorize the concept of gender fluidity under. I think it's just bisexuals who are having trouble coming to grips with what they are and are not attracted to (since bisexuality does actually oscillate between stronger desire for masculine and stronger desire for feminine...not sure really.)

The brain is designed to develop either male or female traits depending on the sex, anything else is a natural aberration and must be fixed to match the correct traits.

Brains are designed to translate the information gathered by the senses, If you feel something that isn't real you are most likely mentally ill like in the case of alucinations, same happens with transexuals.

Any other argument isn't backed by empirical evidence and must be discarded as the lie it is.

A mind disorder shouldn't be celebrated neither accepted, it must be treated, because it is an illnes and also a weak spot in the great chain of scientifical and cultural progress.

KEK not him but I have a lot of the same ideas about things he does.

>Being this insensitive to squirrelkin




Fuck off, nigger. Adults are talking here.


I mean I'm okay with the answers not matching, it's when the answers are
That it just gets flat out retarded
>little to do with mental/psychological gender
Motherfucker why do you think people get it done?
It has everything to do with it.

As a general rule of thumb, anything that retarded faggot Garrison says, the opposite is true. Same for A Wyatt Mann. Both are completely moronic and antithetical to logic and reason.

Easy, gender is a bullshit excuse to feel special and unique.

All genders outside of male/female are made up and a result of delusions and mental illness that people refuse to address. Libtards are trying to make up for the times where people viewed homosexuality as a mental illness, and now they view all these genders, and all trans people as "normal and well" people. Which is incorrect, and if this was any other instance of someone viewing themselves as something that wasn't classified as a gender or affiliated with sex, they would be locked up and put on heavy meds for having a dangerous and untame mind

But hey, that's the simple answer, and trannies, along with the 50+ genders will be defended as the correct frame of mind and anyone who had these warped views of who they are normal and just struggling to feel like who they think they truly are.

We need a leader who will address this mental illness issue that is becoming more rampant and urge these sick people to seek help.

>Genderfluid is legitimately retarded, especially because a lot of people get very pissy when you don't know what gender they are every 5 minutes
That is something that I've never understood. How can you come up with these entirely new categories on your own, and somehow become upset because a total stranger doesn't know them?


>Implying humans didn't advance enough in the past to redesign their own brains to create a perfect society before the jews nuked everyone and we had to start all over again.

You are so naive


it's fucking sad that i can no longer tell the difference between trolls and actual liberal logic.

>muh pronouns
>everyone gotta know muh pronouns
>otherwise they're transphobic
It's all about causing a scene and being special.


but this comic is funny

Having a different "gender identity" isone of two things. 1. a mental disease 2. Attention seeking
Of course she's a weeb. Gross.

>im right because i say im right

>remembering the names of one of the most memorable starters in pokemon is hundreds

Trolls either improved or liberals got worse.
>Pro tip: liberals got worse

Sad, yes, but entertaining as well.

This is the stupidest thing I have read this year.


i wonder if the artist of this picture realizes that there are a lot of cases where someone feels they have gender identity disorder but as they grow older it effects them less and goes away

sex is short for sexual intercourse
gender is whether you are male of female
theres nothing else



>"I wasn't born a human male"
>"I am a toaster"
>"This is a toaster's body"
>"Toasters come in all kinds of bodies"

Girl and boy defined by gender, sure.
If you are born as a sexual female, then you are born a sexual female, INDISPUTABLE. Female sex organs and XX Chromosome, no argument there.
If that retard wanted to say " I was born in a girl's body but want to be a boy", then okay. But get it right. Just because you say it, doesn't make it true.


The fuck are you on?

Can I have a translation from Retardese to Collegiate English, please?

The artist is just mad that no one cares about their made up words and not pandering to a mental illness.

They don't understand what pokemon is fun, talking to a tranny with 50 fucking rules of interaction and very complicated rules of engagement with said tranny and having to memorize these things so they don't get triggered isn't fun.

you're just as confused as sjw's as to what liberalism actually is. it's not keeping up with all the latest pretend psychology gibberish to avoid hurting people's feelings

Pfft. whatever, hitler always finds a way into your heart, sooner or latter you will wake up and see the world as it is. Hail comrade

Except this is incredibly shallow and naive and doesn't address any of the complex chemicals such as hormone levels, neurotransmitters, etc. that actually directly govern the gender/sexual attractions.


So other people don't know about their own hormones or chromosomes but some delusional kid with mental illness knows her own? Please.

Oh, but that's where you are wrong! Boys and girls can get prostate cancer. Biological sex, what is that? Sure I have XX chromosomes and was born with a vulva and vagina but I'm just not destined to have prostate cancer. I don't have cervical cancer but does that mean I'm not a woman? My girlfriend who has XY chromosomes and a penis and testicles has prostate cancer but she's a girl, silly! Your argument is invalid! xD (sarcastically).


I tend to see it as far more likely that someone who is transgendered wanting to understand more about him/herself would be more inclined to actually research what goes into it than some naive prick who just wants to claim he/she has a mental disorder with zero evidence to support it.

That's just one man's educated guess though.


>my girlfriend
>penis and testicles
Sorry to tell you champ, that's a man. You've been fucking a man.


Well, i'll see you in hell piece of shit