Okay so i havent kept up with the erection for the most part and ive checked out a few of these threads

okay so i havent kept up with the erection for the most part and ive checked out a few of these threads.
so tell me in simplified terms exactly why i shouldnt be voting for trump

Other urls found in this thread:



A trumpfag will tell you that you're a cuck and your a weak person if you don't

A hillaryfag will tell you that you're stupid and a racist if you do.

For the most part, the demfags are right about trump voters being stupid. I think the most important thing right now is to focus on the economy, and with Bill and Hilary as a dynamic duo, I think they can make the more correct economic decisions.

Also the emails shit sounds like something trump would do on a daily basis.

Pic unrelated it's bach


I predict that Trump will do much better during the 'erection' than Hillary; just a thought lol

that still doesnt explain why.
from a non biased point of view, why not trump?

He's a shit head but he's not a fucking criminal like Hillary, and he's not gonna raise taxes to pay for bullshit we don't need like Hillary, except maybe for the military but fuck those Stone age sand niggers anyways.

bump for trump

Cause he's a coward. Didn't talk with the NAACP when they invited him to speak, which would be a great opportunity to dispel racism rumors. Didn't debate Bernie before he won the primary even when $20 million dollars was going to be donated to charity. Don't vote for a weakling.

but i thought trump was pro force.
i thought he was about building walls and making things change.

latest 'launch' is that Hillary Clinton's campaign has 'revealed' that after reviewing their network, SOMEONE (probably Russians) hacked their servers

so...the FBI is now investigating

this on the heels of the DNC revealing they were hacked (probably by them horrible nasty evil Ruskie hackers again) and Trump's comment about how them awful nasty no-good down-low Russianevski's should hack Hillary Clinton and find all the 'evidence' of HER evil doing.

The Orange Beast has played his cards and now the peanut gallery is going wild again.

Meanwhile, every volley he's fired has hit home and she is steadily being perceived as weaker and weaker and he as stronger and stronger (same game he played with Cruz--he had that fucker on Cruz-Control the moment he referred to him as a 'potential VP candidate' right?)

Putin, meanwhile, added to the volleys by seeming to brand Hillary as a weak women, 'which in Russia is OK, because it's actually OK for women to be weak'.

Between the two of them, Hillary's now got to dig herself out of a pile of cow dung.

Putin and Trump still know that in a crisis, it's still a man's world and that gals like Angela Merkel and Hillary Clinton just try and sell us all out.

He's a fag.

because he gives you a sub conscious ERECTION

top kek

>He's a fag.

the one man who isn't a total pussy about illegals and muslims...right user, right....


can't take you seriously


















Look into this shit friend

ive seen alot on the news the past few days were more than a few statistics showed hillary has the majority support.
can you explain that?

He's impulsive, naive, grossly unqualified, reacts to childish prodding and machismo attacks, he's a silver-spooner who's completely out of touch with reality, he's a national security liability, his agendas and promises range from divisive to outright retarded, he's running to please the Republicans, who are far right, fact-free subhuman corporatist imbeciles and he's an extremely thin-skinned egomaniac.

It's not that Trump is singularly unfit for American office; ALL modern Republicans are. Trump is just a massive symptom of that same problem that will be the case until the GOP finishes imploding and a competent, science-respecting, fact-using party of non-xenophobes takes their place.

Trump just won the election.

Shillary had two presidents speak on her behalf.
Shillary had Bernie speak on her behalf.
Shillary has most of the media pushing for her.

And she's still behind in the polls. She simply can't win. She's even falling behind in the swing states.

Trump will be the next president. Better start getting used to it now.

Holy shit! He's just destroying her. Damn.

Oh my fuck

>hurr durr Trump win i' tellz ya hwat DERP

Just wait until the first debate. Trump will be eaten alive because he's playing the game with the wrong deck (i.e. no factual evidence). That shit flies with Republicans but not with Americans as a whole. For all her faults, Hillary listens to advisors and respects facts, education, science and reality.

who knows the guy is 70 years old

Scholarly sources ONLY, please.

You get one GBP for not posting shit from Fox, but that's barely any better.

>All those shills in this thread

.05 has been deposited to your account.

earned that dollar from the Clinton Foundation

because you aren't retarded.
so vote for.... nevermind.

Did you read the story's within the links from the Wall Street Journal, and New York Times...

>This face will kill any erection


nice retardation you have going there

One of manylinks within the links I posted here



Nope. I'm just an intelligent man who hates seeing brainless, subhuman retards on the right try to destroy this country. The GOP is guilty of treason outright for the past 7.5 years of nonservice and I'll be damned if I'm going to let the slimeballs have power ever again in that state. Their party is not just stupid, fact-free and racist; they're DANGEROUS.

I'm not paid to post this shit. I consider it a public service for the other imperiled intelligent people like me who are watching this nation become Mike Judge's Idiocracy.

So FUCK OFF with that "hurr durr shill" shit. I know for a FACT that the GOP has done the exact same shit.

Because ir doesn't matter. Crooked hillary probly rigged this election to fuck

Oh, I'm sorry, did you miss all the fun during the Republican debates? Literal prick measuring, shouting, incoherent rage and ad hominems?

If you think Trump has a chance in hell against Hillary in a one-on-one debate setting, you're more retarded than your post.

>Crooked Hillary

Fuck off Donald. This is a strict "No hot-aired orangutans" zone.

so i should vote for clinton?
but fucking why?
ive hear tidbits here and there but nobody is giving me an unbiased opinion on pros and cons of hillary or trump here.

I cant vote, im not donald, i could care leas who wins. Why?
Im canadian

You overestimate the intelligence of the population. Angry shouty one liners are now more highly regarded than well articulated arguments.
















Clearly you don't want to read, so I'm posting it again. This list of links taking you to the dtrump page contains links to article from many sources such as the New York Times. The next link below corresponds to the first link in my list. Get a cup of coffee and start reading


I recommend taking this for the answer:


I was actually pleasantly surprised to learn that beneath all the retarded posturing and mudslinging by subhuman Republicans, her view are pretty simple as far as intelligent democrats go.

I mean, even without this I'd vote for her as a vote AGAINST the disgusting rightwing trash, but it's nice to know she has several stances on issues that a I agree with.

Would she be my first choice? No, but no election candidates ever are.

nobody got time fo this shit nigga

Then why are you deliberately using Donald's retarded brandterm?

Vote red if you want an angry xenophobe in control of nuanced international relationships.
Vote blue if you want a slippery self promoting criminal in charge.

Tl;dr: USA is fucked

Make time. It is time the population gets its news from something other than a 140 character or less post

>what is lying

Hillary to Trump: "Suck my dick."

She cool.

And yet looks 55-60...

other user said the sources were less than reputable too.
i want human opinions.
not this media garbage

Not really. I agree, a good half of America is functionally drooling retards, but the intellectuals are still there too. Just look at Obama's final debate with Romney where he used the "horses and spears" argument. That really struck a chord with the smart people and pushed him to a landslide.

Put another way:

Republican strategy to energize voter base: FEAR FEAR FEAR RACISM FEAR \

Democrat strategy to energize voter base: SCIENCE, FACTS, DATA, TRUTH, PROVE RETARDICANS WRONG.

This is how I've perceived it for at least the last 15 or so years. GOP is always "Dems are DEMONS! THE SKY IS FALLING!!" Dems are always "calm down, we're doing fine. Stay the course and believe in facts and we'll get through this".

Thats not really something to brag about...

I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Canada...


some monkeys wanna have 3 bananas in the morning at 4 in the afternoon, the other monkeys wanna have 4 bananas in the morning and 3 and afternoon.

You want unbiased, I'm from NZ a country who couldn't give a twoshit flying fuck who you vote for, you can either have ww3 due to picking fucken satan herself as your pres or you can vote for a man whom while moronic at times have a VP that can fucken LEAD you niggers through the shitfires you have at home.




that last point i believe is the real one people should be focusing on, he actually gives a shit about your country, and while he may not be articulate he is the leader USA needs, compared to a lying vengeful cunt whose only agenda is to carry on that of the elite I say roll the dice and vote for the fucken retarded wild card, because you cannot unfuck yourself the way your country is going russia and china are going to eifel tower you cunts.


Hills pissed off all the crybaby sjw and even got in public spats with them and told them to go run for something. That alone is enough to vote for her. Fuck them.

Trump is a dumb motherfucker who Tweets all day and whines when his feelings get hurt. He's a little bitch.

You're full of shit, buddy

> erection
Learn to spell OP


>Democrat strategy to energize voter base: SCIENCE, FACTS, DATA, TRUTH, PROVE RETARDICANS WRONG.


Pic related you're in it

You should vote for Shillary if you enjoy your paycheck being distributed to the old, the sick, the dying, the irresponsible, the lazy, the "mentally ill" (see: lazy), the trailer trash drug addicted teenage mothers, the homeless, the negroids, and basically anyone else who isn't a white male.

Media garbage....
Even if you don't want to vote for Trump, voting for one of the most corrupt politicians to walk the face of this earth is not the way to go. A vote for Hillary is a vote for corruption and collusion. She is not for the people she is even more for herself than Trump. Vote for anyone other than her.

That is my opinion, which is backed by facts with in that media "garbage". Think for yourself. Research. Trump isn't perfect but holy shit he is miles better than Her.

Grown a fucking brain and educate yourself, you goddamned moron.

that would be past tense you faggot tier genius

•No political or public service experience whatsoever

•Offers vague or no details on policy. Has no vision for future beyond fear and a retrograde of 40 plus years of progress

•Most ill equipped, inexperienced candidate in history with a manner full of braggadocio & ego, childish ad hominems and zero capacity for humility and grace.

•Flip flops when challenged (planned parenthood, Muslim ban, teleprompters)

•Mocked a disabled reporter with MS during a rally in front of 1000's being broadcast on TV. Began the spastic display with "You've got to see this guy..." The reporter had reported on the false story of Trump seeing Muslims celebrating during 9/11, another lie he tried to sell as fact.

•Wont release tax returns, an unprecedented action in a Presidential election.

•Has a relationship with Putin, puts him over repeatedly and says he "hopes Putin likes me".

•As a candidate in the US Presidential election, urged Russian hackers to continue hacking and find emails from Clinton, which could then be "rewarded" for by American press. Endorsing a foreign country to interfere with another candidate our election.

•Says Putin called Obama the N word and then goes on to say he wants to be friends with said racist.

•Says outlandish or outright false statements (calling for more Russian email hacks, etc) and after furor/negative reaction always claims "Oh, I joking" "I was being sarcastic"

•Does typical ultra rich tax evasion schemes through off shore shelters, etc. yet tries to say he "understands" the middle class and bemoans state of infrastructure while avoiding paying his full share of taxes

•Spent the last 10 years hosting/starring in a reality show where he made such tough decisions as which team of D list celebrities made the better cupcakes.

•Loves to boast he is a "self made man" when truthfully he is a rich silverspooned elitist who was given $200 million by his father

No u

Anyone who isn't a cucked liberal that supports white genocide is automatically an uneducated baboon.

Fuck your retarded bullshut faggot. Your PhD in gender studies doesn't make you an Einstein.

this is good info.
and hillary?


Joining the other class I see, fuck just because he does some dumb shit doesn't make him any less of a leader, look at George W Bush, that guy was a corn cob, and managed to fuck like 3 countries, at least if trump gets president it'll be your country as opposed to the rest of the fucken world.


Ah yes, the Sup Forums insult du jour that doesn't even have a real fucking definition. What thread is complete without at least one drooling fuckwit dropping it in lieu of any valid argument?


As she should, shit heads out there who dont know their arm from their asshole need to be told to shut up if they just want to spray false stuff about clinton.

I recall trump's campaign actively stating that their supporters were significantly under-educated, saying it like it was a good thing.

So... kinda, yeah.

It's funny how a lot of people say people who support Trump are dumb then make a shit ton of out of context quotes, don't have a single fucking artistic bone in their body, and most likely make less than 100k a year. All the trump rallies I went to were mostly filled with very sound minded individuals who actually think for themselves rather than suck shit from news outlets ass.

There is no great reason. He has some very bad ideas. But they are so bad most will not pass, and those that do will be undone in a few short years. Hillary on the other hand with just further corruption and the status-quo. Basicly, Trump is simply a transitional president who won't do much harm. And his good ideas are pretty good (such as his stance on H1-Bs). All in all he is the lesser of two evils.

If trump is even man enough to accept the debate. He will be shitting himself before it if he does.

The entire working model of the Republican Party has been uneducated retards for 35 years.

>media bias
Do you even Internet?

Such sound minded individuals that have caused the most riotous and shitshow-esque rallies that I can recall in my lifetime. A beacon of well-intentioned fantastic citizens.

His brain will tell him "No! You're gonna be slaughtered!"

His ego will tell him "I'm gonna show 'dis broad how we does it in NU YOAK!"

He'll accept based on the latter and proceed to get raped even worse than Romney did.

This. The last few republican presidents have been total fuckups. Reagan practically destroyed any hope for a great economy.


Republicans are idiots. Fuck I hate Hillary. I've pretty much been a lib since I was born. This election however I'll be voting for Trump. Sad times.

"If Trump gets president"

You may be the dumbest fuck to EVER post on Sup Forums. Seriously. Saying Bush Jr. was a good president is like saying siracha sauce is good anal lube. The guy nearly fucked the entire economy for good! Not to mention cost the lives if thousands of young men & woman serving in the military with a bogus war based on manufactured "evidence".

Trump still won't equivocally say whether or not he'll "abdicate" the Presidency in some way as he & his staff have hinted at (him as CEO while PissBoy Pence and others do the hard work). He will not outright deny it! This is a huge ego stroke for that tangfaced imbecile. Hillary isn't perfect, by far,I preferred Bernie Sanders, but for fucks sake, choosing between Clinton & Trump is like choosing ice cream or horse manure for dessert. It's obvious...or should be even for insufferable dumbfucks like you.

>this election however I'll be voting for Trump

Congratulations! You're officially one of the selfsame idiots you just spoke of.

>2,320 people
nigger the dead in town i live in has more people than that.
gonna need to go grab some better statistics to support your baseless claims



At this point I've just decided to abstain. I just don't fucking care. I expect some bullshit to go down, but whatever 4 years from now we'll hopefully have recovered from our fucking enough to vote in an actually worthy president.

>Saying Bush Jr. was a good president is like saying siracha sauce is good anal lube. The guy nearly fucked the entire economy for good! Not to mention cost the lives if thousands of young men & woman serving in the military with a bogus war based on manufactured "evidence"

Did you even read the post dumbcunt?

You're really fucking stupid.

Hardly, as I would have to agree with most of their fears. But overall Trump has the better plans. And, somehow, he is less corrupt. Plus he is anti-PC which is a big plus. Hillary panders harder than even Trump. For example, she wants to force a 50/50 sex split cabinet, regardless of their qualifications. It's shit like that I can't abide by, and she does it all the time.

That's why I am voting for trump. Some of the shit he wants to do is insane. It will be blocked. But Hillarys bad ideas could very well pass. Not worth the risk imo.
Wow, what a great point you made. I love how you backed it up with reasoning so as to not sound like a retarded faggot.

Meme's are great, I laugh at them all the time. But they need to be added to the list of logically fallacies like ad hominem, strawman & tradition. All a fuck who has zero debating skills and no intellect needs to do is post up some fucking picture and he feels"Gotcha!" No. Far from it. You're a load that should've been swallowed cunt. Adults are speaking. Go to bed.

Trump has no plans except tax cuts for the wealthy (benefitting himself) and building a stupid wall, which congress will likely not fund. Great choice, a-hole.
