Found this little fuck on my bed

Found this little fuck on my bed.
I think it's the cunt that's been biting me the past nights. Bites look like small red bumps with 2 fang like punctures. They turn into welts if scratched. Itchy as fuck.
I'm assuming bed bug but shit, any of you wanna tell me what this shit is and how to get rid of them if there's more?
Bonus: how do I torture it?

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Need to use high heat to kill knits

Don't torture it. The fuck man. It's just a creature like us. It doesn't even understand what it's really doing. Be a decent human. If it had the ability so sympathize i'm sure it would spare you.

Shove it up your ass and then space program the fucker


It's a new born one of these. There will be a colony of about 20 already in your room somewhere. Probably burrowed in to your mattress.

Relax Sup Forumsro, not a bed bug. Bed bugs are the size of an apple seed and their bites burn while only having one center dot.

It's pretty common where I live, they arn't hamful.
don't know their name though.

I see what you're saying. But I have no sympathy for this leeching fuck. I've been bit so many times and this is the first time finding one of them, assuming theirs more. When little man Jeffrey here returns home with severed limbs and no head the squad well know what's up.

I would tell you to drink bleach but any bleach in your vicinity would surely drink itself first.


The only way to get rid of bedbugs without throwing the bed and bedding away would be to call an exterminator or bug specialist.

You cannot buy chemicals strong enough without having a license or with the risk of harming yourself or your property.

Home remedies don't work, call a professional or trash everything that came into contact with the bed

Seems a Triatominae to me. Get a med check up soon in case. Those fuckers can transmit diseases.

not a fucking bedbug, those are way smaller

looks more like a tick, id be careful fuckers can give ya lyme disease

Its called an aphid

Bugs cant feel pain, so its kinda hard to torture it

Take a knife and peel away the chitin, kinda like if you were whittling wood or soap

Top kek that's a weevil, he just wants your flour.

That's a Boreweevil. It eats nuts. That might be why it has been biting you, OP.

I wasn't aware that quarters could bite. Why not just spend it on something?

Carpet Beetle, google them

Give it a good stepping on. Or light a fire and slow cook that mother fucker

that thing is a niggerfaggot

very rare in north america

give it a dollar and it should go away

Pretty relevant I think
>Another pic

I feel like I want to be like this but....
Evey time I meet an Eastern European I realize that sometimes people are pure scum, worse is that sometimes they actually get rich from it.

rip it apart already asshole

Space program

Kiss him gently on the head and let him fly free in your garden.

Keep him in a jar next to your bed. Feed him shit.
Budget pet.

Pretty nice idea.
At the moment my cat is wired on catnip stepping on the bag making it flip all over the place.

It's not a bed bug. It's a weevil. Look it up, faggot.

Honestly doesn't look like a bed bug, which is great because they are the biggest nightmare you've ever dealt with. Let it bite you and see if it grows to 3x it's size with blood, check around the seam of your matress and along the walls adjacent to your bed. Check where seams occur in furniture. If you dont find bed bugs you don't have them. I dont think that's a bed bug but still murder it. good luck OP

Thanks, although I think I'll pass on the bite test. I'll have an exterminator check it out after it dies in this bag. And hopefully it didn't give me some shit, gonna also need to see a doctor for these bites.

That's a weevil. They're harmless unless you're a plant. But then again Sup Forums-tards are essentially vegetables already

Pic related

It bites and it itches like a bitch, but it's harmless?


Fuck off

Although not a bed bug i can confirm that bed bugs are cunts

First decent person i've seen today on Sup Forums, thanks.


Harmless, probably not the thing that's nipping ya. Give the bug some weevil food and send it on it's way.

Op confirmed vegetable. I'm putting my money on autism. What do you think?

OP put it in the freezer for 10 mins, get a razor blade and slice off all its legs so it can't crawl

kek 10/10 gr8b8 fell for it

OP Put it in bleach, so the bug can drink it and get supper high

They might bite defensively, but they're harmless. They drink sap from plants. Double pinprick sounds more like a spider. Is it white centre and red outside for the welt?

That's from the Weevil family and it COMPLETELY HARMLESS. They unrelated to bedbugs. These are friendly beetles and do NOT bite. Let him go outside. It would be considered a bad thing to harm such harmless creatures.

Microwave for 4:20 minutes

with 100% certainty, that's not a bed bug. i've had bed bugs twice and even fed adults are less than a quarter the size of that, nor do they even look similar. whatever the fuck that thing is, rest assured that it's not a bed bug. i'd rather find a poisonous fucking snake nestled halfway up my urethra than deal with another bed bug infestation.

That's a super common type of beetle that I'm sure it's not biting you.
The way you describe the bites it's most likely a spider or something.

>5 bites from about 2 days ago on arm
I never fucked with it, why would it come bite every night, assuming this is the thing that's been around. I've searched multiple times for bed bugs and haven't seen anything

They literally eat plants. We need plants for oxygen. It's one of the devils many ways to destroy us

hi leafy

Start slowly filling the bag with water


multiple bites are always a concern for bed bugs, but that picture (op) isn't one.

if you do have them, they're hard to find until it's a bad infestation. they're fucking ninjas at hiding and know from sciencey shit when you're asleep before they come out. look for typical signs of them instead of the bugs themselves. little blood marks on your bed from them being squished, even the slightest pressure (you moving in your sleep) will pop them when they've just fed. also, tiny black specks that smear when you drag your finger on them, aka bed bug poo. check every nook and cranny of your mattress. even the most insignificant flap, check it. they commonly make a home and lay eggs (gg) in dark places, so check the box spring thoroughly too.

Those don't look like bites. They look like minor hives. I get that on my elbow sometimes. Can happen when you get shit in your skin without noticing. Bug bites are a lot more centered on the bite. Those my be old, but they should still hold to the pattern. Hot, raised lumps centered on the bite itself. I see small pimple-like things near the edges of those marks might be ingrown hair that got irritated when you scratched, might be fibreglass from something you leaned on. Ip don't think they're bites though. Pic is what bites look like.

And these are bed bug bites. Notice how you can see the wound itself in the centre of the mark.

Fuck off


Toture it, and stop beinf retarded asses
>fucking normies
>hur dur leett ieit gooo foooor gooodseeeks
>fuck off niggers

Let creepy crawly go. he dindu nuffin

This or piss in the bag

Mind those edges mr hardcore

kek, underrated post

Yes piss in the bag. Make sure to drink and eat something nasty so it could die in agony.

that horrifying

I get them usually every or every other night for the past few weeks maybe, and it's most of the time high on my arms or ankles. If they are scratched they welt. Not really sure what's going on then.
>Another pic


Please just piss in the fucking bag its 4:20 Am and I want to sleep.
Please Im forced to scroll through traps/furries/gaysex threads every damn day and now im being repaid with this. Make it happen op

top kek

>gaysex threads

Skin irritants. Might want to take an alert test. If you wear long sleeve shirts,the elbow is where its tightest on the arm. Socks can cause the same issue. Do some research on that. If it was bites they'd be everywhere, not localized.

Allergy test. Yay autocorrect

Op is a faggot and wont do it

Sometimes it's a single one, sometimes a couple, no long sleeve shirts, rarely other locations, I'll check that out though thanks.

90% sure those are hives. Have you switched detergents lately, gone into wooded areas, etc etc

No, nothing like that

are you fucking retarded? this is a bed bug, its a huge deal if they are in your room. very hard to get rid of since they can even crawl into wallspaces and infest your whole fucking house. throw away your matress immediately and check every fucking space they could have gotten into, if youre lucky you dont need to call an exterminator.

size is different and there are several breeds you fucking filth.

that looks like a random beetle. i don't think that's what bit you

OP don't listen to this man. His intentions are pure but, in this case, misguided.

Insects don't feel pain in any recognizable sense. They react to stimuli but only on an extremely rudimentary level, and they're incapable of the emotional pain that constitutes much of what we call "suffering".

Do whatever you want to the thing.

Put it in a mug with bleach, I've done that with a spider once and it melted.

Get a lighter and some kind of metal box
Heat the fucker up from the bottom
I did this in a black widow spider like pic related, just found that one in the shitter, that's why we check the bog seat

I won't get rid of it if you want to tell me to
I'm not sticking anything I'm touching near that
Fuckers are fast

yeah in the fucking ghetto where you live