HP UK website is currently bugged. Selling £3000 laptops for £1

HP UK website is currently bugged. Selling £3000 laptops for £1.

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whats the catch?

you dont have 1.21

you can buy a laptop for a fucking one pound and they cant do shit cause website said one pound so its one pound, no discussion. and i think you can act like a fucking cunt and sue them for charging you 3000 when it was available for 1

i`m scared to click buy, incase it takes 2 grand out of my account.

31 Pounds a month for 24 months will be ... 744 POUNDS. There is no catch, they are selling a service.

Already fixed, not working anymore

thanks op - day made

744 is still nowhere near the normal price of 2k

so this is actually a trick?

That's not how it works though

somebody confirm with a statement screenshot please.

still working for me, are you sorting it right?

too late m8 its already gone

i bought one
am i fucked? should i cancel it? or did i just get a laptop for a pound

this happened a few years ago on newegg. They didn't send out the orders, they sent a "sorry we messed up the price" email and cancelled all the orders. Nice try, though, kid.

THIS. You fucking retarded faggots can't read properly.

i`d cancel, you will probably be on the monthly subscription.

Yeah you're fucked. Cancel now faggot.

I bought 100.I'm gonna make some mad bucks.Thanks OP!

You have to call and fill out an application for the payment plan. The website is just bugged. The cached version shows usual prices.

so do i cancel or not Sup Forums? tell me

they review the order


don't cancel

Still working

phone them up, cancel that shit.

but.....are the helplines open on weekends?
warehouses sure are.
you`re fucked

"HP reserves the right to cancel any accepted order prior to delivery, at HP's discretion (whether or not payment was made), and this in case of any material errors in connection with your order, the price or other conditions published in the HP Business Store relevant for your order, or if any further verification of your credit conditions or records so warrants."

Nice. I got one. No payment plan just £2.22

why/why not? give me reasons

shopuld i buy it guys? only problem is i live in nz lol

Don`t cancel because you will get a mega cheap laptop.

Anyone who says cancel is just a jelly faggot who cant use mommy`s credit card

Dude, it`s like buying a Mobile Phone on contract.
it costs a couple of quid, but you are bound to a subscription.

they only deliver to uk i think

Go to your local grocery store and get a prepaid visa gift card with like $25, and use that

I live in the states and am getting one shipped.

Where does it say anything about monthly payments.
There's a banner that you can click that gives you info on their monthly payment service that specifically says to call them to avail of it.
It's not mentioned in the item description or at the checkout at all

I've ordered one but am not hopeful

that's what i thought
they cant just take money from my paypal whenever they want right? if its some subscription like these people say id have to put in more info
but there's no evidence of that
just a paypal reciept for about £1.

Wtf? I entered the site and it's actually 1.58. How's this even legal ?

So will this actually work? I don't want to pay £1.21 and then find out I'm going to be charged 2000 pounds...


>All orders are subject to acceptance by HP. HP will provide you with an order acceptance or rejection notice as soon as reasonably possible.

>You agree that we may use Personal information provided by you in order to conduct appropriate anti-fraud checks. Personal Information that you provide may be checked against a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information.

If they notice they fucked up, they will just reject your order. If they don't, you're in luck.

look at this pic.

I bought one order was cancelled

its legit, it would just be a mess up in there system. but even if you didnt had to pay the full amount you could just complain and get refunded anyway so its basically win- win for us

no credit agreement douchebag

Literally says in OPs image "Yours for only £31/month with Hp subscription"


Try reading the middle of the page.

Being hopeful. The 1.25 is pending to be taken out of my account.

it`s a business laptop. ALL business buys are subscription based

Are you older than 15? That's a finance scheme, the £1.21 is the outright purchase price.

They'll almost certainly reject the orders but you're not going to be locked into a monthly contract.

underrated observation

just went there the cheapest one was like 150. Is it over?

>Do not ship internationally
Well, guess that's it for me in this thread

No they aren't. I've bought PC's for my work twice now and both times they've been straight payment.

Just purchased one for £1.21. No delivery charge or subscription. Probably going to get cancelled though.

Probably shouldn't do this guys.

It's a subscription fee of £31 a month and the order status page is conveniently down so you cannot cancel any orders.

Let's just hope they don't notice the sudden rise in purchases for that laptop and let all the orders through

WoW isn`t a job m8

Just bought 10, pray to jesus for free shit

This. You guys a mongs if you think you'll get it without having to pay every month.

Can't tell if that's b8 or you're actually retarded.... There's a difference between Business laptops and business PCs

guyssssssssss, the reason it`s cheap is so Businesses can buy in BULK with subscription, without having to pay top whack.

HP can also cancel your order at any time before shipping it out. If they do this and have accepted a payment from you, you will only be refunded with store credit.

If they've taken your money, you wont get it back. It'll be added as store credit if you ever buy anything in the future.

All you guys literally giving HP a free £1.20 you'll never get back.

the cheapest one i see on the site is 150.

You guys realise the Subscription service is an alternate way of paying for the laptop instead of paying the full price right? Jesus christ, some of you are braindead.

I just ordered 2. I have an invoice for £2.50 and a PayPal recipet of £2.50.

The monthly payment thing says you can inquire and phone up about it. Everything else implies it's a straight up payment. If it gets canceled then ok but if they try to take monthly payments, I'm just gonna cancel it and refuse to pay, saying the website was not clear.

no go for us in the states : /

bought 2, just got an email confirming order, no sign of it being cancelled.

well now I'm just more confused

>I just ordered 2. I have an invoice for £2.50 and a PayPal recipet of £2.50.

Show the receipt?

same here.
its a slim chance they will actually send us the laptops but i can hope

>we will send you an email when it has been accepted
there is no credit agreement
but there is also no sale confirmation, it's an email of order status

we all good

just ordered 3, can't really lose, if it goes down the shitter then worst case scenario i'm down £5. Best case scenario i'm up £6,500.

Sorry guys, I work here and I gotta report this. Anyone who has placed an order, we can cancel it before it can even process.

It is for chinese kids grinding gold

fuck off newfag

>I work

sure you do, sure.

don't be a mong, just "forget" what you've seen and if anyone asks, you never saw it

>on this website
pick one

I don't know what wizardry is going on but I can't see a 1 pound laptop on their site. The cheapest one for me is 150.

Fuck off Sam

it's on the business section of the site,



If you thought this would actually work you're an idiot. There are clauses in the purchase agreement that state that we can cancel the order at any time. You'd actually have to have downs to believe this would work.

Sadly this is not going to happen.
In they terms and conditions:

All orders are subject to acceptance by HP. HP will provide you with an order acceptance or rejection notice as soon as reasonably possible.
You agree that we may use Personal information provided by you in order to conduct appropriate anti-fraud checks. Personal Information that you provide may be checked against a credit reference or fraud prevention agency, which may keep a record of that information

Buy this one you fools

It's hardware is actually good and it's still dirt cheap


do they ship internationally? like 'murica?

I'm on phone so I can't show hp invoice without personal info but here's part of the paypal receipt.
Best I'm gonna do.

Nah, only to the UK.
I'm in Ireland and ordered one cause there's a company in Ireland that have a depot up north that you can deliver stuff to. Then they drive down south and drop it off in a collection point for you


They ship to germany so prob yes

They patched it

just ordered 2, don't see why some people are so butthurt over the prices, if it doesn't work then it doesn't work, just fucking try it

>Tfw it's being packaged for delivery

2,42 Good Boy Points?